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Indian PM Modi on Pakistan Day

If Imran Khan ever cordially replies to these diplomatic overtures by Modi after all the rants of Fascist Nazi Modi, the replies below his tweet would be :pop:
It was requested by Mussi bhai to Nawaz Sahab to go US and request for help from US president so that we can pull out our people from kargil.

Even there is a story from US side, US president was not ready to meet and asked only one thing " pull back your people"

Otherwise they were about to dead because pakistan was saying to the world that " No, these are not our peope". Pakistan was unable to support them and only watching with helpless position.

Sharif became increasingly desperate as he saw how isolated Pakistan was in the world. He urgently requested American intervention to stop the Indian counterattack. Washington was clear the solution required a Pakistani withdrawal behind the LoC, nothing else would do.”

According to Mr Riedel, by end of June 1999, Mr Sharif began to ask to see President Clinton directly to plead his case. “The president also consulted with (the then) Indian Prime Minister (Atal Bihari) Vajpayee on the phone. The Indians were adamant: withdrawal to the LOC was essential. (Mr) Vajpayee would not negotiate under the threat of aggression.” President Clinton “sought to reassure Mr Vajpayee that we would not countenance Pakistani aggression, not reward them for violating the LoC and that we stood by our commitment to the Lahore process, i.e. direct talks between India and Pakistan were the only solution to Kashmir, not third party intervention.”

A victor in a war does not greet a conquered enemy.

A victor in a war does not greet a conquered enemy.

Read the story after 1971 in pakistan. We will get the answer. Also, if Shimla agreement was possible is normal conditions from pakistan. Shimla agreement was dead stamp for UN resolution...
I count Kargil war a biggest blunder of Musshi BHai and Pak army (Recent past Years). It changed the world opinion against to Pakistan because of Stabbing in the back.

If I remember correctly then Even your closest friend "china", did not support to Pakistan and asked to pullout of forces to the pre-conflict positions. At the Time, Pakistani government was saying that those are not from Pakistan army and we have don't have control i. e Two Pakistani soldiers received the Nishan-e-Haider.

Then after 9/11, Everting got changed.
i dont remeber any such thing by china in kargil can you show me any such statement ? they said both sides should talk and having stop the conflict . do not make your rss history bhai
Tea is fantastic

Strategic game khel raha hai after getting *** whopped by Saudia Arabia
Claims environment of Terrorism should not exist ? Excuse me ?? What ????

#1 We really did not ask for any Letter from Indian PM
#2 Punjabi Sikh have demanded Statehood
#3 Kashmiri people demanded their right to join Pakistan since 1947

Saudia -> Gave India a slap
Qatar -> Gave India a slap
Kuwait -> Gave India a slap
Turkey -> Has already slapped India once, one of first ones to do so

Pakistan has not sought a petty letter Modi should focus on his own local Terrorist (BJP / local psychopaths)
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Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I am afraid it will be Pakistani establishment who will be ashamed in the end. Just wait for the next election in India. they have found an easy way of winning. A false flag...

As per the word on street that all this posturing is because of Biden's pressure. Question is, this is not 90s and Pakistan is almost out of America's influence so why in God's name we are letting them twist our arm.
Read the story after 1971 in pakistan. We will get the answer. Also, if Shimla agreement was possible is normal conditions from pakistan. Shimla agreement was dead stamp for UN resolution...

Who cares for the UN ? We use that as a diplomatic ploy to keep you off balance . Sure the Shimla Agreement got us Chambh Jhaurian
and we exchanged 617 Indian POWs for 45,000 armed forces personnel and 48,000 civilians. We got a breather being rid of the burden of defending our eastern wing to concentrate on rearming this time with nuclear tipped missiles. Our Chinese allies forged a military alliance with us and built transportation infrastructure over territory both of us captured from you. After Shimla Agreement you got no peace and are faced with a double nuclear threat right on your border with terrorism festering in two sensitive border states.
Not a bad long term bargain for 1000 year victory. What do you think?
1971 neither nation had nukes.

Kargil was war.

Under a nuclear overhang.

The first instance the world witnessed of such happening.

Studied in military academies around the world ever since.

Make no mistake, your nuclear bluff was called good and proper.

Cheers, Doc


Vietnam was fought under the nuclear umbrella
Afghanistan was fought under the nuclear umbrella

Korea was fought under the nuclear umbrella..... what ya on about......

if it’s such a. Bluff why is modi shiting in in his pants and writing lover letter to Imran?

I know Imran like me is a Pathan, but we have minimum standards

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Imran Khan should send a gift to Modi which Modi will definitely will cherish :-


Vietnam was fought under the nuclear umbrella
Afghanistan was fought under the nuclear umbrella

Korea was fought under the nuclear umbrella..... what ya on about......

Those wars were fought mainly through proxies, US and Soviet troops did not come face to face with each other in open conflict

Vietnam was fought under the nuclear umbrella
Afghanistan was fought under the nuclear umbrella

Korea was fought under the nuclear umbrella..... what ya on about......

Those wars were fought mainly through proxies, US and Soviet troops did not come face to face with each other in open conflict
Please watch this analysis from Moeed Pirzada. As we suspected it's all because of Biden administration's pressure. They are doing a cosmetic surgery of Modi to make him look pretty as democrats only deal with pretty people.

My beef is, why the f**k we are suddenly so accommodating to US that we are helping them position India against China who apparently is our "Iron Brother". What the hell our establishment is thinking....Are they high on something.

Please watch this analysis from Moeed Pirzada. As we suspected it's all because of Biden administration's pressure. They are doing a cosmetic surgery of Modi to make him look pretty as democrats only deal with pretty people.

My beef is, why the f**k we are suddenly so accommodating to US that we are helping them position India against China who apparently is our "Iron Brother". What the hell our establishment is thinking....Are they high on something.

Every word he has hit the nail on the head. Bang on. The west doesn't gives a rats *** about Pakistan.

1. After Pulwama everybody was pressurizing Pakistan not to retaliate. Nobody even once condemned India for violating international norms of respecting sovereignty.

2. Pakistan is already in FATF grey list despite the fact that most strict action plan was given and 90% is already fulfilled.

Since last one year Imran Khan is parroting the same one sentence that Pakistan's future lies with China. What happened now? Why suddenly we are back in 90s taking f*cking US dictation. It seams when it comes to America, our establishment is psychologically damaged and has a defeatist mentality. Whatever happens, no matter how much humiliation and loss we suffer at the hands of Americans, we can't say no to them.

So much for the hope of getting out of America's influence and having an independent foreign policy...
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