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Indian PM Modi on Pakistan Day

Something in February and March happened, behind the scenes. Wonder what kind of deal actually happened.

every time you send migs we kick you and our nuke bluff ? send your damn somethign real and try it . sach to ye hai tumhary pichwary main dum nhi hai . we are done with you . and we can not take it anymore . 1971 mig 21 1998 mig 21 2019 mig21 aby tum ne apni izzat ke sath hamari izzat ka falooda bana diya hai zalimo

I count Kargil war a biggest blunder of Musshi BHai and Pak army (Recent past Years). It changed the world opinion against to Pakistan because of Stabbing in the back.

If I remember correctly then Even your closest friend "china", did not support to Pakistan and asked to pullout of forces to the pre-conflict positions. At the Time, Pakistani government was saying that those are not from Pakistan army and we have don't have control i. e Two Pakistani soldiers received the Nishan-e-Haider.

Then after 9/11, Everting got changed.
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You know what 1.4 billion Indians laugh at?

That the last time your army went to war with us was more than 20 years ago.

And even that was not in the open.

Cheers, Doc

You Indians have a weird sense of humour, A localised surgical strike on India sorry arse, on Indian controlled territory and you take pleasure out of that!
You would have to translate that in Hindi since they don't understand Urdu over there:

Lagta hai aap ke Pradhanmantri ka mansik santulan bigad gaya hai ...


An Indian Parsi got it.

Wasn't it you who claimed Parsis could not speak any Indian language properly?

Though to be fair I'm an outlier.

Father from Kanpur. Boyhood in Bihar.

Cheers, Doc
History is being written currently; the title of the chapter would be either a great betrayal or a great diplomacy

Looking at the history of Pakistani policy makers, I am putting my money on former.
1971 neither nation had nukes.

Kargil was war.

Under a nuclear overhang.

The first instance the world witnessed of such happening.

Studied in military academies around the world ever since.

Make no mistake, your nuclear bluff was called good and proper.

Cheers, Doc

Your capability shows when you call Kargil a war, where IAF ruled the skies?
in their own land LMAO
do you even know where Kargil is?
India defeated Pakistan and got Kargil?
like India defeated China to get 10 miles (that too as a buffer zone) our of 36000 miles...hence Indian won

May Allah and your Ram grant you more such victories.
Make no mistake, your nuclear bluff was called good and proper
Our nuclear bluff? We only use nukes if our army has been wiped out and we have no option left other than surrendering. In 1999 NLI, without any official support, outnumbered 3:1 or something ridiculous like that, took on the Indian Army and Airforce combined, inflicting far larger casualties on India and even managing to bring a plane down.

Pakistan only pulled out from Kargil by its own choice under US diplomatic pressure. India could not get Pakistanis out of Kargil using its military. If anything it shows how pathetic the Indian military performance is. Imagine if in an all out war India cannot get a few lone Pakistani soldiers out of Amritsar.
US offer green cards and Ivy league tuition fee education to Pakistan/Indian Political and Military leadership.
Our nuclear bluff? We only use nukes if our army has been wiped out and we have no option left other than surrendering. In 1999 NLI, without any official support, outnumbered 3:1 or something ridiculous like that, took on the Indian Army and Airforce combined, inflicting far larger casualties on India and even managing to bring a plane down.

Pakistan only pulled out from Kargil by its own choice under US diplomatic pressure. India could not get Pakistanis out of Kargil using its military. If anything it shows how pathetic the Indian military performance is. Imagine if in an all out war India cannot get a few lone Pakistani soldiers out of Amritsar.

It was requested by Mussi bhai to Nawaz Sahab to go US and request for help from US president so that we can pull out our people from kargil.

Even there is a story from US side, US president was not ready to meet and asked only one thing " pull back your people"

Otherwise they were about to dead because pakistan was saying to the world that " No, these are not our peope". Pakistan was unable to support them and only watching with helpless position.

Sharif became increasingly desperate as he saw how isolated Pakistan was in the world. He urgently requested American intervention to stop the Indian counterattack. Washington was clear the solution required a Pakistani withdrawal behind the LoC, nothing else would do.”

According to Mr Riedel, by end of June 1999, Mr Sharif began to ask to see President Clinton directly to plead his case. “The president also consulted with (the then) Indian Prime Minister (Atal Bihari) Vajpayee on the phone. The Indians were adamant: withdrawal to the LOC was essential. (Mr) Vajpayee would not negotiate under the threat of aggression.” President Clinton “sought to reassure Mr Vajpayee that we would not countenance Pakistani aggression, not reward them for violating the LoC and that we stood by our commitment to the Lahore process, i.e. direct talks between India and Pakistan were the only solution to Kashmir, not third party intervention.”

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