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Indian Origin Material Used in IEDs Found In South Waziristan

It is a thermoplastic, it can change forms by simple heat. Thermoplastics have long been used in IEDs. The supply of pure form Thermoplastic polymers to suspicious sources by Reliance Industries should come under scrutiny. In packed form the thermoplastics don't undergo degradation through oxidization, they should strictly be limited to industrial sectors.

A reputable source like Dawn has reported this news. It carries some heavy weight.
Polyrpopylene broken down to Propylene aka Propene is a far more reactive substance, further break down to propane results in an even more combustible gas.

Most hydrocarbons will be flammable.

He he he!! That's preposterous!!!

Which smarty in the world would try to produce propane or propylene or propene from Poly-propylene.... Its usually the other way round, i.e. polymerize propane to make PP.

P.S. If someone is looking for such flammable gases for any use, a ordinary domestic cooking gas will do the trick. LPG is usually a mixture of propane and butane (and their unsaturated brothers and sisters in small quantities).
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He he he!! That's preposterous!!!

Which smarty in the world would try to produce propane or propylene or propene from Poly-propylene.... Its usually the other way round, i.e. polymerize propane to make PP.

P.S. If someone is looking for such flammable gases for any use, a ordinary domestic cooking gas will do the trick. LPG is usually a mixture of propane and butane (and their unsaturated brothers and sisters in small quantities).
I'm no bomb expert but I've heard the terminologies used over and over with reference to explosives...

A little googling reveals:

Bomb and bomb liner - US Patent 4615272 Description

This invention relates broadly to thermoplastic formulations, particularly formulations having a low glass transition point. In one aspect this invention relates to a liner for high explosive devices. In another aspect, this invention relatesto thermoplastic formulations.

General Purpose (GP) aerial bombs are lined with a thermoplastic material prior to filling with an explosive in order to provide a barrier between the explosive and the bomb case. The practice of lining GP bombs began in the late 1950's in orderto provide an impact cushion for the weapons, particularly in areas of possible pinch points such as the nose and tail fusewells and flange assembly threads. As ammonium nitrate (AN) based explosives came into general use, the liner assumed importanceas a mechanical barrier to prevent chemical interaction between the explosive and the case.
@ Asim Aquil:

I am no bomb expert either. But I am an chemical engineer and know a bit about prpane. propene/ proly-propylene and stuffs like that.

Also what I could conceive from your google result is that thermo-plastic itself is not an explosive but merely a lining material for General Purpose Aerial Bombs to protect the actual explosive from the impact when dropped.

It is like blaming the fabric that houses the explosive material in the suicide vests.

Also, I am not aware of any terrorist using General Purpose Aerial Bombs inside Pakistan.
However, the suggestion of finding the actual intended recipient from the batch number is good. It might reveal some actual enemies of Pakistan then the usual ghost hunting.
I'm reluctant to do much googling on IEDs, but I'm pretty sure the Pakistani government hasn't brought something to the media on a weak link.
Yes, so you replied to me first, not any other member like you claim.
You have your posts mixed up.. The post in question till now is a post that I responded to jagjitnatt to which you responded.

It's not about the number of consulates but what they are doing. There's also information centers which RAW uses.
There is inside information in CIA and RAW that pakistan uses its consulates in Afg to fund and help afghan taliban

What are you trying to say here? Word your post better. I understand the TTP part, but Afghan Taliban part..

I will write simpler english from now on. I was saying that therer is no doubt that certain elements of pakistani state/country support Afghan Taliban which is evident from the presence of these people all over your country including interiors like Karachi..
We caught the highest ranking Taliban caught till this day, every Body who was saying that Pak is not serious, must atleast take a look around

Its a quid pro quo against US convincing india to come to the negotiation table..But reason aside, I think its a good move for the betterment of the whole region...
For the 100th time, we did not create them. They created themselves. They were popular in Afghanistan. We simply supported them.

They were a manifestation of what you tried in Kashmir in 1965. There it didnt work but unfortunately it worked in Afg. All including pakistan is paying the price of that success
Polypropalene may be an ingredient for bomb-making material. I don't know. It seems very, very odd with the common availability of the product through a variety of manufacturers globally that the Indian-supported terrorists would be supplied by Indian agents with Indian products and do so on the western side of Pakistan.

Too false-flaggy for me. Then again, nobody here has ever explained how forty plus nations, NGOs not affiliated with governments, the world's media hungry for sensational stories, the people and government of Afghanistan eager to avoid rationales for Pakistani terror and nobody has seen these actions.

Not a peep.

Then there's the gains versus risks. How would Afghanistan and others react were they to know that India chose to use Afghanistan as a base from which to attack Pakistan?

Upset? PUT IT MILDLY. Doing so endangers all for a beef that's internecine and can be nicely conducted along it's own huge border.

Risks? Tossed out of Afghanistan for endangering the lives of all others.

The Indian Foreign Minister would be JUMPING on top of P.M. Singh's desk screaming at the top of his lungs to rope those RAW azzholes in.

Then there's the TTP-Nek Mohammad fought with the taliban against the Americans and N.A. Faizullah? Same. Sufi Mohammad? Same. Baitullah Mehsud? Same.

What day did those guys fall in love with India?

Half the NGOs in Afghanistan hate America and Karzai and owe neither a thing yet none have seen a thing. Half the Euros in Afghanistan are the same. No newspaper guy in his right mind would walk from that story and no newspaper in the west wouldn't print it. Then there's all those pashtuns in the area that AREN'T TTP and hate the Indians.

None of it adds up. There are sooo many holes in these accusations that are completely unanswered.

A reputable source like Dawn has reported this news. It carries some heavy weight.

So this reputable source should also carry "heavy weight" when it reports the actual state of Azad Kashmir?

BTW, Dawn only reported what the security forces claimed they have found, not like the news agency has "seen" what those evidences are.
It needs to have a stronger EULA and should either provide Pakistan about whom that polypropylene was sold to and get a full trace of how it got into the wrong hands.

You are kidding..right?? EULA for raw material used in making plastic chairs..??:azn:
ISLAMABAD: Security forces claim to have recovered Indian-made improvised explosive devices (IED) from South Waziristan on Friday.

The IEDs were recovered from a suspected militant base near the Razmak area of South Waziristan, where military forces are currently carrying out an offensive against militants.

Security officials recovered five sacks, each containing 20 kilograms of polypropylene with the text “Reliance Industries Ltd, Jamnagar, Gujrat, India” printed on them, DawnNews reported.

Officials said they plan on raising the issue with Indian diplomats in the upcoming talks between the two nations. —DawnNews

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Indian-made IEDs recovered in South Waziristan

:pakistan::sniper: indians = :devil:

Firstly, Polypropelene is just a petroleum byproduct and a commercial Item. Jamnagar being one of the the largest refinary in the world, RIL exports petrochemical products to almost all countries. It is no surprise that pakistanis too buy these stuff from RIL.

RIL is not concerned what the end user does with it. Its business as usual and nothing else.
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