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Indian Origin Material Used in IEDs Found In South Waziristan



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Dec 8, 2009
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ISLAMABAD: Security forces claim to have recovered Indian-made improvised explosive devices (IED) from South Waziristan on Friday.

The IEDs were recovered from a suspected militant base near the Razmak area of South Waziristan, where military forces are currently carrying out an offensive against militants.

Security officials recovered five sacks, each containing 20 kilograms of polypropylene with the text “Reliance Industries Ltd, Jamnagar, Gujrat, India” printed on them, DawnNews reported.

Officials said they plan on raising the issue with Indian diplomats in the upcoming talks between the two nations. —DawnNews

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Indian-made IEDs recovered in South Waziristan

:pakistan::sniper: indians = :devil:
Militants might be using polypropelene to make some plastic chairs dude.

Polypropylene - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Polypropylene or polypropene (PP) is a thermoplastic polymer, made by the chemical industry and used in a wide variety of applications, including packaging, textiles (e.g. ropes, thermal underwear and carpets), stationery, plastic parts and reusable containers of various types, laboratory equipment, loudspeakers, automotive components, and polymer banknotes.
Here's the problem. ISI/Army/GoP only talks to other states such as US, India and Afghanistan about indian sponsering of terrorism. They provide proof to these states only and have been doing so for a long time. All these states have interests so they do nothing about it. They need to get out of this mindset and release proof in public and then take it to UN. I know these guys have ample proof to prove indian involvement - the just need to do the right thing and take india to cleaners once and for all.
Here's the problem. ISI/Army/GoP only talks to other states such as US, India and Afghanistan about indian sponsering of terrorism. They provide proof to these states only and have been doing so for a long time. All these states have interests so they do nothing about it. They need to get out of this mindset and release proof in public and then take it to UN. I know these guys have ample proof to prove indian involvement - the just need to do the right thing and take india to cleaners once and for all.

The UN would be no better, since states such as the US/UK/Russia would exercise their veto to prevent India from even being castigated for its sponsoring of terrorism on Pakistan soil, let alone allow the application of sanctions on India for being a State sponsor of terrorism.

The cover provided to the crimes committed by Israel, in the UN, by its benefactor the US is an obvious template of what would happen to any attempt to have India penalized for supporting terrorism in Pakistan - the US and other Veto wielding nations have a lot in the line in terms of economic, military and nuclear sales to India lined up to jeopardize that cash cow.

As with many other things, the 'outrage' of the West against terrorism is applied selectively so as to not hurt its own strategic and economic interests.
Well we're not left with many options then but to deal fire with fire. We need to target RAW terror centers in Afghanistan and take out their undercover terrorist agents posing as jihadis as well as their terror centers.
The UN would be no better, since states such as the US/UK/Russia would exercise their veto to prevent India from even being castigated for its sponsoring of terrorism on Pakistan soil, let alone allow the application of sanctions on India for being a State sponsor of terrorism.

The cover provided to the crimes committed by Israel, in the UN, by its benefactor the US is an obvious template of what would happen to any attempt to have India penalized for supporting terrorism in Pakistan - the US and other Veto wielding nations have a lot in the line in terms of economic, military and nuclear sales to India lined up to jeopardize that cash cow

As with many other things, the 'outrage' of the West against terrorism is applied selectively so as to not hurt its own strategic and economic interests.

doesn't hurt trying. At least speak up your mind, bring the issue to the table and let the world know what's been cooking on the Indian side, if any thing.
Its common sense, India will never leave a chance for proxy strike though man or material inside Pakistan. India use influence on West.
Many cottage industries in my locality make polythene bags for which PP is used. I see bags of pp all the time. I wonder if anyone can make bombs out of it.
ISLAMABAD: Security forces claim to have recovered Indian-made improvised explosive devices (IED) from South Waziristan on Friday.

The IEDs were recovered from a suspected militant base near the Razmak area of South Waziristan, where military forces are currently carrying out an offensive against militants.

Security officials recovered five sacks, each containing 20 kilograms of polypropylene with the text “Reliance Industries Ltd, Jamnagar, Gujrat, India” printed on them, DawnNews reported.

Officials said they plan on raising the issue with Indian diplomats in the upcoming talks between the two nations. —DawnNews

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Indian-made IEDs recovered in South Waziristan

:pakistan::sniper: indians = :devil:

Improvised Explosive devices are bombs made with available material. Bombs made by countries are not called IED's. Polypropylene, Polyethelene are derivatives of crude oil fracking that has plenty of industrial applications. Exploding is not one of them!!! Finding five bags of Polypropylene tells me it was imported by some Pakistani company for one of its many final end use products. I am sure it was exported by Reliance to some Pakistani importer. If Pakistan does not want Indian industrial supplies, import them from Dubai (who will get it from India and charge a 50% markup, and put "made in Dubai" on the packaging). Either way you will get what you want and India will sell what it has.

By the way Polyethelene was used by Iran in the arms ship that Israel stopped heading for Hezbollah to hide weapons from the X-ray machines.
Report: U.S. stopped Israel from attacking 'Hezbollah arms ship' - Haaretz - Israel News

"Little knowledge is dangerous". I am not an expert but i am not stupid either.
Here's the problem. ISI/Army/GoP only talks to other states such as US, India and Afghanistan about indian sponsering of terrorism. They provide proof to these states only and have been doing so for a long time. All these states have interests so they do nothing about it. They need to get out of this mindset and release proof in public and then take it to UN. I know these guys have ample proof to prove indian involvement - the just need to do the right thing and take india to cleaners once and for all.

What is the use of providing evidence to states that do nothing about it?

Did Dubai provide any evidence to anyone on the recent (so called ) assassins? All I saw was a bunch of people walking in and out of hotels and talking to each other. They may have had fake passports then charge them for traveling with those fake passports, not for murder. Did any of you see them kill Mahmoud al-Mabhouh ?
You as a nation saw Ajmal Kasab carrying an automatic weapon during the Mumbai massacre and still took months to admit he was one of your own. It was a long time after his parents admitted that he was their son, that the GOP faced with no other choice, admitted that he was a Pakistani citizen.

Why isn't Pakistan having a news conference to show the "Proof of Indian involvement " in the bombs or creating or funding the TTP or anything else you want to do".

The bottom line is GOP has nothing !!!

"Little knowledge is dangerous". I am not an expert but i am not stupid either.
The UN would be no better, since states such as the US/UK/Russia would exercise their veto to prevent India from even being castigated for its sponsoring of terrorism on Pakistan soil, let alone allow the application of sanctions on India for being a State sponsor of terrorism.

The cover provided to the crimes committed by Israel, in the UN, by its benefactor the US is an obvious template of what would happen to any attempt to have India penalized for supporting terrorism in Pakistan - the US and other Veto wielding nations have a lot in the line in terms of economic, military and nuclear sales to India lined up to jeopardize that cash cow.

As with many other things, the 'outrage' of the West against terrorism is applied selectively so as to not hurt its own strategic and economic interests.

Show what evidence you have to the people. It will be stronger than the UN. Dubai showed a bunch of people walking around, how many people believed that Israel was not involved?

By the way i believe that Mahmoud al-Mabhouh got what he deserved.

"Little knowledge is dangerous". I am not an expert but i am not stupid either.
Well we're not left with many options then but to deal fire with fire. We need to target RAW terror centers in Afghanistan and take out their undercover terrorist agents posing as jihadis as well as their terror centers.

If polypropylene is the only proof of indian involvement then no wonder west doesnt listen to Pakistan on this. Its a off the shelf product and is also formally exported to Pakistan.

From an indian perspective, if India is really involved in NWFP (which i dont believe is the case) Its India who has started fighting fire with fire i.e. in response to Pakistan's continued export of terrorists to India
Of whatever murders happen in US, does someone see all of them happening to know that it was a murder? The Dubai case is so obvious that anyone neutral will agree those people were the killers. Do you need proof for grass being green or sky being blue? They all first came to another hotel, then got tipped off that he was at another hotel so they all went there. Then after killing they left like 30 seconds after each other. And the very insignificant part of getting the room right across the guy they wanted to kill. It's so ******* obvious that only someone trying to defend Israel will deny it. You can say whatever you saw in those videos, but only someone either not born with a brain, someone intentionally being ignorant, or someone trying to defend Israel will not talk about the pattern in which these people were moving and talking.

Oh yeah, you work on inside GoP to know they have nothing. You're oversimplifying things here - i.e. a straw man argument. For you everything is black and white. The fact that US is denying any indian involvement and letting indians continue terrorism means they are actively trying to stop Pakistan from making the world know indians are doing terrorism. Moreover, using not presenting proof to public as a proof is circumstancial disproving. You don't know what's going on in the government. All signals from inside army and ISI suggest they know well of indian involvement.
Pakistani made explosives, guns and what not are recovered like every half a month from militants in India. Does India even considers them substantial enough to be proof? Pakistan will raise the issue? Just to fool their citizens.

What proof does Pakistan has that militants from their soil have not taken these items back for some use over there as well?

And in India when they recover such things, they display it to the media.
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If polypropylene is the only proof of indian involvement then no wonder west doesnt listen to Pakistan on this. Its a off the shelf product and is also formally exported to Pakistan.
This is just one of the many evidences. Do you know all the evidence they have? Do you know what happens inside there (in ISI)?

From an indian perspective, if India is really involved in NWFP (which i dont believe is the case) Its India who has started fighting fire with fire i.e. in response to Pakistan's continued export of terrorists to India

Common indian fallacy. It was india who first started exporting terorrism in 1971. Yes you will use some justification for that but the same justification can be used for sending freedom fighters to Kashmir.
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