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Indian Origin Material Used in IEDs Found In South Waziristan

Pakistan's support for "terrorism" (it's freedom fighting but let's take it for your word) became known when the western world started to have something to have some interests in it. Before that it was only india accusing and no one listening. And UN is ran by western countries so again not much to it, as AM showed in his post on first page.

Why India can't do the same?? Like 1971 you think???

Till then don't:blah::blah::blah:
This is what I am trying to say.. if you consider it freedom fighting in 1971 we do the same in Kashmir. You cannot make the same argument with supporting TTP because they are not fighting for any freedom and are killing innocent people in markets, hospitals, schools, mosques, etc.
Well we're not left with many options then but to deal fire with fire. We need to target RAW terror centers in Afghanistan and take out their undercover terrorist agents posing as jihadis as well as their terror centers.

What "RAW terror centers in Afghanistan" are you writing about? If it is the consulates of India in a sovereign nation, it would be wise to provide some kind of poof before you target them. However this would also give India the same rights to target any terror centers in Pakistan. Two attempts have been made to destroy the Indian embassy in Kabul, who was behind this?

MC;681551]Of whatever murders happen in US, does someone see all of them happening to know that it was a murder? The Dubai case is so obvious that anyone neutral will agree those people were the killers. Do you need proof for grass being green or sky being blue? They all first came to another hotel, then got tipped off that he was at another hotel so they all went there. Then after killing they left like 30 seconds after each other. And the very insignificant part of getting the room right across the guy they wanted to kill. It's so ******* obvious that only someone trying to defend Israel will deny it. You can say whatever you saw in those videos, but only someone either not born with a brain, someone intentionally being ignorant, or someone trying to defend Israel will not talk about the pattern in which these people were moving and talking.

Let me get this straight "the pattern in which these people were moving and talking is enough for you to convict Israel". I am not trying to defend Israel, I am trying to learn. What part of their moving and talking can I use as proof of their guilt? Please explain.

Oh yeah, you work on inside GoP to know they have nothing. You're oversimplifying things here - i.e. a straw man argument. For you everything is black and white. The fact that US is denying any indian involvement and letting indians continue terrorism means they are actively trying to stop Pakistan from making the world know indians are doing terrorism. Moreover, using not presenting proof to public as a proof is circumstancial disproving. You don't know what's going on in the government. All signals from inside army and ISI suggest they know well of indian involvement.
You have been repeating this bunch of shiite for a long time. Nobody including the US is denying or stopping GOP from anything. US jurisprudence requires the accuser (Pakistan) to provide proof against the accused (India) so far you have provided shiite except you have some inside knowledge which also means shiite.

I have a simple rule I follow "Don't mushroom me". If you did not get it "they grow mushrooms by keeping it in the dark and feeding it a bunch of BS".
What "RAW terror centers in Afghanistan" are you writing about? If it is the consulates of India in a sovereign nation, it would be wise to provide some kind of poof before you target them. However this would also give India the same rights to target any terror centers in Pakistan. Two attempts have been made to destroy the Indian embassy in Kabul, who was behind this?
Yes, their consulates. And the proof has been provided to your government. Indian embassy and consulates must be targetted because they are the ones funding these terrorists.

Let me get this straight "the pattern in which these people were moving and talking is enough for you to convict Israel". I am not trying to defend Israel, I am trying to learn. What part of their moving and talking can I use as proof of their guilt? Please explain.

Try not to move from the glaring obvious. Who else would have killed him? Who else does this sort of assassinations? You can only answer Fatah, but would they have had access to forged passports? Clearly a state is involved, and the only can be is Israel. To be wanting proof here is like asking proof for grass is green or sky is blue or mars is red. It's so freaking obvious. I can understand wanting proof for indian terrorism, but seriously, this?

You have been repeating this bunch of shiite for a long time. Nobody including the US is denying or stopping GOP from anything. US jurisprudence requires the accuser (Pakistan) to provide proof against the accused (India) so far you have provided shiite except you have some inside knowledge which also means shiite.

Like I said, we have provided evidence to your government and you done shite to stop indians and let them continue their terrorism. All what I mentioned is more than plausible because indian involvement coming out clean would totally change the dynamics of WoT. It becomes even more plausible considering the fact that US has threatened Pakistan in the past of doing/not doing something it does not want/wants it to do, respectively.

I have a simple rule I follow "Don't mushroom me". If you did not get it "they grow mushrooms by keeping it in the dark and feeding it a bunch of BS".

Again, if you don't believe me, don't reply to my posts. I don't care about your opinion. I have made this crystal clear several times. Simple as that. Just don't reply. I was replying to a Pakistani member/OP and you jumped in. You're free to live in your well informed and utopian world where every single thing is released to public and the governments never lie and have no interests and everything is black and white.
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You can also claim the martians are donig it. Do you have any proof?

Them being there is not enough proof? Again, they would have to work really hard to get this stuff from india (if they're not being supported by india) when it (as indians claim) is readily available on the market. We've provided more than enough proof to your government, it's time to take other measures to stop this menace.
Then take your so called other measures. We won't stop you. :lol:

we will just retaliate.. wont we?? I read somewhere that there are as many pakistani consulates in Afghanistan as there are Indian ones.. Are they there to fund dear Afghan taliban??
This is what I am trying to say.. if you consider it freedom fighting in 1971 we do the same in Kashmir. You cannot make the same argument with supporting TTP because they are not fighting for any freedom and are killing innocent people in markets, hospitals, schools, mosques, etc.

Hold on a bit.. no one is taking any arguement about supporting TTP. Because in everyone's (excluding pakistan) opinion, India is not.. Not something you can say about Afghan taliban since they are being regularly targeted and killed on your territory. And now even in interiors like karachi.. Looks more like Pot calling milk (not kettle ) black....
we will just retaliate.. wont we?? I read somewhere that there are as many pakistani consulates in Afghanistan as there are Indian ones.. Are they there to fund dear Afghan taliban??

There are some people who just won't admit the truth no matter how much the whole world tells them about it. But their attitude is now creating a problem for their own country and now they would blame us. I still see people all over this forum that call mumbai incident 'Mumbai drama'

I am just shocked to see how people can keep denying when facts and proof are being hit on their face.
yes it is.. the point is??

Yes, so you replied to me first, not any other member like you claim.

we will just retaliate.. wont we?? I read somewhere that there are as many pakistani consulates in Afghanistan as there are Indian ones.. Are they there to fund dear Afghan taliban??

It's not about the number of consulates but what they are doing. There's also information centers which RAW uses.

Hold on a bit.. no one is taking any arguement about supporting TTP. Because in everyone's (excluding pakistan) opinion, India is not.. Not something you can say about Afghan taliban since they are being regularly targeted and killed on your territory. And now even in interiors like karachi.. Looks more like Pot calling milk (not kettle ) black....

What are you trying to say here? Word your post better. I understand the TTP part, but Afghan Taliban part..
we will just retaliate.. wont we?? I read somewhere that there are as many pakistani consulates in Afghanistan as there are Indian ones.. Are they there to fund dear Afghan taliban??

We caught the highest ranking Taliban caught till this day, every Body who was saying that Pak is not serious, must atleast take a look around
There are some people who just won't admit the truth no matter how much the whole world tells them about it. But their attitude is now creating a problem for their own country and now they would blame us. I still see people all over this forum that call mumbai incident 'Mumbai drama'

I am just shocked to see how people can keep denying when facts and proof are being hit on their face.

Ah yes, the good old "the truth". You know "the truth", you know exactly what is happening in this world, what you know must be "the truth". You think whatever happens in this world is made public, that states have no interests, and that everything is so black and white. Any body thinking different must be an idiot.

It's not "the truth", it's your truth. Your version of truth. What you think is the truth. Keep your childish and naive arguments to yourself. Your "facts" and "proof" have been rebutted again and again that you must resort to this kind of self-fulfilling rhetoric.
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