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Indian Origin Material Used in IEDs Found In South Waziristan

BTW I didn't quite get what is the American interest here?

If indian involvement becomes known, the whole dynamics of WoT change. Pakistan will have far more pressure and leverage over US and india. They will lose theirs. India certainly all of it, US nearly all of it. Pakistan will have reason to pull out of WoT. There will be outrage in both US and India for supporting/sheltering terrorists. That's just the start.
Again a case of not knowing what you're talking about. I have repeatedly stated I don't care if you or any other denies the indian involvemment. I said this to you before as well. Don't reply to my posts if you don't believe me, I couldn't care less. Now you might ask why am I arguing with you? That's because I am showing why Ibelieve india is involved and any circumstancial/oversimplified/strawman attempt to disprove it. Go back to the first page. I was responding to the article/a post by AM and that's when you indians jumped in.

Okay, then why did you responded to my first post? Likewise, we do not think it is important to discuss what you believe, so please stop acting as if your beliefs can be taken as axioms. And so I was correct, it is a meaningless discussion.
It's you who is bringing in irrelevent stuff, such as Pakistan lost the war, etc. I was totally being relevent.
Just because you raise a point, it does not become relevent. You made a point about India sponsoring terrorism from1971 and I coutered with pakistani failed attempt in 1965. You cant raise a point and then call anyone else using it as irrelevent. If you throw it, learn to catch it when its thrown back at you. Else dont play..

Again a case of not knowing what you're talking about. I have repeatedly stated I don't care if you or any other denies the indian involvemment. I said this to you before as well. Don't reply to my posts if you don't believe me, I couldn't care less. Now you might ask why am I arguing with you? That's because I am showing why Ibelieve india is involved and any circumstancial/oversimplified/strawman attempt to disprove it. Go back to the first page. I was responding to the article/a post by AM and that's when you indians jumped in.

Fari enough. However in this case my reply was not to you and I was showing another member why I believe that your claims are bogus..
@jagjitnatt - we have been over this before a 100 times. All states have interests. Quit bringing in a very naive oversimplified argument.

It is oversimplifying that the whole world has its interests in India while none have in Pakistan. Isn't that strange?

Sometimes, its not just interests. Someone in the whole world would be fair enough to give Pakistan a chance. Now you can believe what you believe in. But please keep it to yourself unless you show us some proof.

The day Pak proves it, I'll be more than happy to admit it. Till then, its better to keep quiet.
If indian involvement becomes known, the whole dynamics of WoT change. Pakistan will have far more pressure and leverage over US and india. They will lose theirs. India certainly all of it, US nearly all of it. Pakistan will have reason to pull out of WoT. There will be outrage in both US and India for supporting/sheltering terrorists. That's just the start.

What outrage has happened in Pakistan when India and US both say that Pakistan must not use terrorism as state policy?
going on for too long and has become meaningless.. See you in some other thread
Just because you raise a point, it does not become relevent. You made a point about India sponsoring terrorism from1971 and I coutered with pakistani failed attempt in 1965. You cant raise a point and then call anyone else using it as irrelevent. If you throw it, learn to catch it when its thrown back at you. Else dont play..
What you brought in was completely irrelevent. Don't try to spin it here.

Fari enough. However in this case my reply was not to you and I was showing another member why I believe that your claims are bogus..

Ok then. However I doubt your reply was not to me. Who was that other member?
What outrage has happened in Pakistan when India and US both say that Pakistan must not use terrorism as state policy?

Pakistanis don't believe their state is sponsering terrorism. And yes you can say the same about indians/americans. However I made it clear that if indian involvement becomes known then that will happen.
The UN would be no better, since states such as the US/UK/Russia would exercise their veto to prevent India from even being castigated for its sponsoring of terrorism on Pakistan soil, let alone allow the application of sanctions on India for being a State sponsor of terrorism.

The cover provided to the crimes committed by Israel, in the UN, by its benefactor the US is an obvious template of what would happen to any attempt to have India penalized for supporting terrorism in Pakistan - the US and other Veto wielding nations have a lot in the line in terms of economic, military and nuclear sales to India lined up to jeopardize that cash cow.

As with many other things, the 'outrage' of the West against terrorism is applied selectively so as to not hurt its own strategic and economic interests.

Where is the proof, The IED found does not prove anything it won't even stand even in any court of law.
It does not even compare remotely to non-state actor caught commiting the act red handed and his host country compelled to accept him as its own citizen.
If indian involvement becomes known, the whole dynamics of WoT change. Pakistan will have far more pressure and leverage over US and india. They will lose theirs. India certainly all of it, US nearly all of it. Pakistan will have reason to pull out of WoT. There will be outrage in both US and India for supporting/sheltering terrorists. That's just the start.

don't worry. things don't work like that. Pakistan's support to terrorism has been proved multiple times. The US knows it. Nothing so dramatic happened till date, although US is Pakistan's ally. If indian involvement is proved, the issue would be raised in the UN, talks would take place. It will take years to observe if Indian have stopped their support or not. If still India doesn't stop supporting the Baloch, sanctions would be put in place.

That is the end of it, unless a terrorist from India bombs New York, which is unlikely to happen.
Improvised Explosive devices are bombs made with available material. Bombs made by countries are not called IED's. Polypropylene, Polyethelene are derivatives of crude oil fracking that has plenty of industrial applications. Exploding is not one of them!!! Finding five bags of Polypropylene tells me it was imported by some Pakistani company for one of its many final end use products. I am sure it was exported by Reliance to some Pakistani importer. If Pakistan does not want Indian industrial supplies, import them from Dubai (who will get it from India and charge a 50% markup, and put "made in Dubai" on the packaging). Either way you will get what you want and India will sell what it has.

By the way Polyethelene was used by Iran in the arms ship that Israel stopped heading for Hezbollah to hide weapons from the X-ray machines.
Report: U.S. stopped Israel from attacking 'Hezbollah arms ship' - Haaretz - Israel News

"Little knowledge is dangerous". I am not an expert but i am not stupid either.
OR much simply it was smuggled from across the border by the Indian consulates as we've been claiming all along.
It is oversimplifying that the whole world has its interests in India while none have in Pakistan. Isn't that strange?
The states involved have much to lose from the world knowing that india is involved in supporting terrorists.

Sometimes, its not just interests. Someone in the whole world would be fair enough to give Pakistan a chance. Now you can believe what you believe in. But please keep it to yourself unless you show us some proof.

The day Pak proves it, I'll be more than happy to admit it. Till then, its better to keep quiet.

All states have interests. None are neutral. That's one basic fact of politics. As far as keeping quiet about until its shown to the world, not so simple again.
don't worry. things don't work like that. Pakistan's support to terrorism has been proved multiple times. The US knows it. Nothing so dramatic happened till date, although US is Pakistan's ally. If indian involvement is proved, the issue would be raised in the UN, talks would take place. It will take years to observe if Indian have stopped their support or not. If still India doesn't stop supporting the Baloch, sanctions would be put in place.

That is the end of it, unless a terrorist from India bombs New York, which is unlikely to happen.

Pakistan's support for "terrorism" (it's freedom fighting but let's take it for your word) became known when the western world started to have something to have some interests in it. Before that it was only india accusing and no one listening. And UN is ran by western countries so again not much to it, as AM showed in his post on first page.
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