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Indian officers killed in Occupied Kashmir

A terrorist is one who fights for the purpose of inflicting damage and sorrow on one community without actually caring for his own community. As such he doesnt care if people from his community are hurt in the process.

A freedom fighter, on the other hand, is one who fights a community so that his own community benefits. he cares deeply for his community and will prevent it getting hurt.

No argument over the general idea of "fighting a community so his own community benefits", though the "benefit of the community" can become subject to relativistic distortions. The Taliban probably believe that their way of life is the "perfect way" and one that would provide the maximum "benefits" to their community.

Many groups fighting in palestine fight from in between civillian areas. this shows that they dont care for their people, but are fighting just to hurt the israelis. that would definitely fall under the category of terrorism.

you call it indian occupation. but in 1948, kashmir acceded to Indian rule and thus joined the indian union. so in reality indian troops are not occupying any land that doesnt belong to india.

The groups fighting the IDF from within the PT have no choice really. Going back to Bhagat Singh, if you were to cast the Israelis into British shoes, the damage inflicted on the civilian population in India would have been comparable. Bhagat Singh's fight, as Asim pointed out, was not that different from today's Palestinians or Kashmiris, the weaponry has changed though, resulting in much higher collateral damage.

The "accession" to India was not done by the "community of Kahmir" but by one individual. it could be argued that since the "community" was never consulted, the freedom movement is a manifestation of that communities desire to have its voice heard and its "benefits" taken into account.

No. Mushraff himself has linked the Mumbai blasts to th kashmir issue. So your argumen of Bhagat Singh = kashmiri Terrorists is wrong. Bhagat singh nor any Indian freedom fighter had taken civilian lives intentionally.

what about LeT blowing up bombs in indian cities?

and about bhagat singh, he never got civillians hurt on his account. the kashmiri terrorists always fight from civilian areas, resulting in civilians getting hurt in the crossfire.

If the LeT is setting off bombs in civilian areas, then they are terrorists. But LeT is not the entire Kashmir Freedom Movement. There are many others who do not participate in the deliberate killing of civilians.

Musharaf has linked the blasts to the Kashmir issue, as have the Arabs the suicide bombs to Palestinian oppression. These groups use the occupation to validate their violence, and if that "excuse" is taken away that violence might cease. That is all that Musharaf meant - not that the majority of the freedom movement is killing civilians, which it isn't.

Groups like the LeT are liability to the Kashmir cause.
If the LeT is setting off bombs in civilian areas, then they are terrorists. But LeT is not the entire Kashmir Freedom Movement. There are many others who do not participate in the deliberate killing of civilians.

Musharaf has linked the blasts to the Kashmir issue, as have the Arabs the suicide bombs to Palestinian oppression. These groups use the occupation to validate their violence, and if that "excuse" is taken away that violence might cease. That is all that Musharaf meant - not that the majority of the freedom movement is killing civilians, which it isn't.

Groups like the LeT are liability to the Kashmir cause.

I appreciate this part of your post. i didnt read the other part.
No. Mushraff himself has linked the Mumbai blasts to th kashmir issue. So your argumen of Bhagat Singh = kashmiri Terrorists is wrong.
Bhagat singh nor any Indian freedom fighter had taken civilian lives intentionally.

You mean when Bhagat Singh threw hand grenads he did not mean to kill people ???
may be that hand grenades were made of wool :undecided:

Can you tell me whome the Bhagat Singh killed ?

And what abt the universities list, guess that list would have shut you up.

Mumbai blasts were even not proved by India regarding involvment of our people.

lolz Bull the question ealier shut you up rather stund thanks to the other dude who had saved you from ---;)

but anyway what is the use of univeristy when there are not much schools so how can the Kashmiri Muslims reach these Universities.
so what about militants in balochistan? if u call kashmiris freedom fighters, then you should definitely call the balochitan militants freedom fighters.
so what about militants in balochistan? if u call kashmiris freedom fighters, then you should definitely call the balochitan militants freedom fighters.

There is big difference Between BLA Terrorists and Kashmiri Freedom fighters.

1. BLA is used by India in her proxy war against Pakistan.
2. BLA has handful of miscreants who want to control the resources and not fighting for the
3. BLA has headquarter in Isreal.
4. There is no mass support to BLA from the ordianary Balochs in Balochistan.
5. There is no UN resolution which demands separation of Balochistan from Pakistan. So by virtu of this BLA people are Terrorist creating trouble in Pakistan.

On the other hand

1. There is UN resoultion on Kashmir asking India to give Kashmiri People Right of Self-dertermination. So by virtu of this internation Resolution by International Body Kashmiris are fredom fighters.

Indian leaders themselves carried the issue to UN now its another matter you guys are backing off as always.

2. Kashmiri Freedom struggle has the support of All Kashmiris go and check the level of protest by common Kashmiris in this regard.
3. Kashmiris are fighting for liberating Kashmiri people and not to dominate the resources.
I appreciate this part of your post. i didnt read the other part.

Funny, what meets your fancy gets your approval, whereas the rest of Agnostic's post, which is just as valid as the point you appreciated, does not get read...gotta love it:disagree:
so what about militants in balochistan? if u call kashmiris freedom fighters, then you should definitely call the balochitan militants freedom fighters.

To a member of BLA, he is a "freedom fighter" however the two situations are different. Has there been an underlying issue with the Balochis being part of Pakistan? Never! What the Baloch ask for, rightly so too, is their right to more resources while staying within the Pakistani federation...the vast majority of Kashmiris on the other hand want nothing to do with the Indian federation.

It is a fruitless discussion as fruitless as who does Kashmir belong to since the lines are very clear and hardened.
Funny, what meets your fancy gets your approval, whereas the rest of Agnostic's post, which is just as valid as the point you appreciated, does not get read...gotta love it:disagree:

Why dont you leave that to me and get on with it.
When fighting for the freedom of the civilians, one should ensure that civilians dont get hurt. Their blatant disregard for civilians are proof that they are terrorists. A freedom fighter who fights for the freedom of the people wont hurt the civilian population..

By same formula when fighting against "rebels" as india called them one should ensure that civilians are not kidnapped, tortured, killed in fake encounters.

IA is holding no one hostage. India has a claim over Kashmir, not over the people. They r free to leave India if they dont like it.

Oh you mean India only wants Resources of Kashmir and disowns the Kashmiris ?? Than stop bickering by saying Kashmiris are 'indian citizens' if you do not own them.

BTW india has no claim over Kashnir rather India is occupting Kashmir.
Oh blain why are you boiling Bull to the point where his tolerence comes to this level of abuses

Though i dont agree with this lady most of the time, this time i do.
Though i dont agree with this lady most of the time, this time i do.

Thank you Bull its great on your part that you accept that you dont have higher level of tolerence :D

hope to get appreciation for this comment also :enjoy:
I would be a little wuss if I dished out and was unable to take some back...just don't tell people to get on (which is essentially telling them to mind their own business) on a public forum....as far as your expletives are concerned, unlike you I am not going to report it so no need to preempt other mods with the justifications.

Justifications for ?
Time for this thread to take a little break :;-):

Can everyone calm down please.....thanks
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