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Indian Navy's P-8I recce aircraft key factor in India's new maritime strategy

I hope it gets shot down over Indian ocean
u mean something similar

I posted this excerpt: #36

The Boeing P-8A Poseidon will carry lightweight Raytheon Mk.54 anti-submarine torpedoes. It may also carry other torpedoes, missiles, free-fall bombs, depth charges, mines, or sonbuoys in its rotary integral weapon bay, located beneath the forward section of the fuselage. Air-to-surface and air-to air missiles, such as Harpoon anti-ship missiles, SLAM or AGM-65 Maverick land attack missiles, and AIM-9 Sidewinders or AIM-120 AMRAAMs will be carried on the underwing hardpoints.

Which clearly says P-8I can carry torpedoes, missiles, free-fall bombs, depth charges, mines, or sonbuoys in its rotary integral weapon bay.

Thats killing submarines.

You bringing in Harpoon out of nowhere, not related to my line of thinking, as I never said harpoon will be used for destroying a submarine. This is absurd dialogue and a red herring. Harpoon destroying a submerged submarine..Lol

Where in the hell you found my wording that I said harpoon is a submarine killer?

If you have nothing better shut your mouth.
I saw your helplessness when you tagged someone for assistance to redo your half baked cake.
can we use Brahmos with PI-8.
since there was a plan (now shelved ) to arm TU maritime planes with 6 Brahmos.

Why add 3 tons and compromise on its load, when you already have Harpoon to destroy & demolish ships?
Why add 3 tons and compromise on its load, when you already have Harpoon to destroy & demolish ships?
Why can't we convert tu142 in to a dedicated long range bomber by striping down all its maritime rec sensors?after all 142 is just a converted model from highly successful TU95 bomber.
but Brahmos is better than Harpoon. isnt it?

Four times the weight penalty = Harpoon 700 Kg vs Brahmos 3000 Kg

Price = Harpoon 1.2 million USD vs 2.75 million

Why can't we convert tu142 in to a dedicated long range bomber by striping down all its maritime rec sensors?after all 142 is just a converted model from highly successful TU95 bomber.

But future course of action for them is not known after they are replaced by P-8I
Admiral knoweth best.

Triton lacks sub-hunting equipment, and the Indian P-8I lags behind its US counterpart (there's a reason the US P-8 doesn't have a MAD... they don't need them:oops:), but that's not even the Triton's role anyway. Triton is a maritime surveillance platform that can help IN P-8, Jaguar, MiG-29 or whatever else find and locate enemy ships at ultra-long ranges - they can even act as a vector for long-ranged munitions and provide course corrections during a munitions mid-course flight phase.


There is an error in that part underlined.
The P-8A Poseidon lacks the MAD "stinger", simply because the USN considers it unnecessary, and it has no part of its ASW doctrines and techniques. The P-8I has the MAD as part of its outfit, because the IN considers it a necessary eqpt in its ASW doctrines and techniques. The differences in ASW are predicated on the fact that the ASW doctrines and techniques are based on the difference in the Submarine threats that each are like to have to deal with as well as the different Oceanographic conditions prevailing in either case . Give that a thought.

Then also remember problems associated with sub-hunting are different in temperate and tropical conditions; typically sonar performance diminishes dramatically in tropical waters. Many European/Western Origin Sonars have worked erratically in Tropical conditions as both PN and IN have found out over the years. That is precisely the reason that IN was forced to seriously research in to Sonars early on. And has achieved success in that area, esp with the HUMSA and USHUS eqpt. Incidentally that work was led by an uniformed IN Officer who later was a Professor Emeritus at Stanford Univ. His last bit of work has been leading the research that led to 4G, and now he is in the Hall of Fame in IIEE.

Mark my words; the P-8A will perform differently in the tropics in hunting the kind of subs that the resident Navies operate there.
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