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Indian Navy's P-8I recce aircraft key factor in India's new maritime strategy

USN was the sole operator of p8 when India bought it!!

GH is (densely packed) electronic cheese cake.
Costs more than P-8I (fly away cost 175 million)
GH 225 millions
Its ultimate in reconnaissance.
The US-2 should be given to the ICG as SAR is throughly part of their remit, the IN should operate a few US-2 for supporting the ANC but that is about it.

Dude, why not convert some of the US-2 into ASW?? it has a good endurance +weapon load. why not waste all the costly machine on patrols simply
GH is (densely packed) electronic cheese cake.
Costs more than P-8I (fly away cost 175 million)
GH 225 millions
Its ultimate in reconnaissance.
The MQ-4C can stay aloft for over 24 hours at 55,000 ft (17,000 m) at speeds of up to 330 kn (380 mph; 610 km/h). Its surveillance sensor is the AN/ZPY-3 Multi-Function Active Sensor (MFAS) X-band AESA radar with a 360-degree field-of-regard, capable of surveying 2,700,000 sq mi (7,000,000 km2) of sea (as well as shoreline or land), or 2,000 sq mi (5,200 km2) in a single sweep. Using the radar in inverse synthetic aperture mode, the MFAS can identify a target in any weather condition and take high definition radar pictures.
The MQ-4C can stay aloft for over 24 hours at 55,000 ft (17,000 m) at speeds of up to 330 kn (380 mph; 610 km/h). Its surveillance sensor is the AN/ZPY-3 Multi-Function Active Sensor (MFAS) X-band AESA radar with a 360-degree field-of-regard, capable of surveying 2,700,000 sq mi (7,000,000 km2) of sea (as well as shoreline or land), or 2,000 sq mi (5,200 km2) in a single sweep. Using the radar in inverse synthetic aperture mode, the MFAS can identify a target in any weather condition and take high definition radar pictures.

Does it hunt the submarine against which P-8I was acquired?
no but it can give, guide target locations to p-8

Target location of a what?

India bought Boeing P-8I specially for submarine hunting & killing role.

Now that part has been paying of handsomely as realized during naval exercise with our friendly navies as and when.
That is the reason India wants to increase the fleet size of the same.

Versus this. GH practically can not do anything. It can not locate & destroy the submarine.
So if India is rich enough, keep on adding gadgets after gadgets as an enhancement.

This is the best anti submarine warfare aerial platform that exists.

Read this:

The Boeing P-8A Poseidon will carry lightweight Raytheon Mk.54 anti-submarine torpedoes. It may also carry other torpedoes, missiles, free-fall bombs, depth charges, mines, or sonbuoys in its rotary integral weapon bay, located beneath the forward section of the fuselage. Air-to-surface and air-to air missiles, such as Harpoon anti-ship missiles, SLAM or AGM-65 Maverick land attack missiles, and AIM-9 Sidewinders or AIM-120 AMRAAMs will be carried on the underwing hardpoints.
Target location of a what?

India bought Boeing P-8I specially for submarine hunting & killing role.

Now that part has been paying of handsomely as realized during naval exercise with our friendly navies as and when.
That is the reason India wants to increase the fleet size of the same.

Versus this. GH practically can not do anything. It can not locate & destroy the submarine.
So if India is rich enough, keep on adding gadgets after gadgets as an enhancement.

This is the best anti submarine warfare aerial platform that exists.

Read this:

The Boeing P-8A Poseidon will carry lightweight Raytheon Mk.54 anti-submarine torpedoes. It may also carry other torpedoes, missiles, free-fall bombs, depth charges, mines, or sonbuoys in its rotary integral weapon bay, located beneath the forward section of the fuselage. Air-to-surface and air-to air missiles, such as Harpoon anti-ship missiles, SLAM or AGM-65 Maverick land attack missiles, and AIM-9 Sidewinders or AIM-120 AMRAAMs will be carried on the underwing hardpoints.

First its a Maritime Surveillance UAV. its used mostly for Maritime Intelligence,port surveillance and communication relay. it can also help anti-surface targets.may be can provide target details to ships, mig-29 or even to p-8 (P-8 also capable of Anti-surface warfare, it carries Harpoons.)
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There are couple of things the Triton does along with the Neptune, which makes it interesting
1. The area under surveillance goes up. While the Neptune concentrates on Subsurface warfare, Triton provides surveillance to the operators beyond the range of the Neptune's sensors. This gives better awareness to the theatre commander.

2. The on-station time provides the IN with the currently absent capability to provide 24/7 surveillance of an area of interest. Thereby, it can provide targeting data to ships nearby.

3. It can act as a mini-satellite. It can work as a repeater for information sharing. Making more bandwidth available to the theatre commander again. It can also be deployed much ahead of a CBG to monitor electronic emissions.

The MQ-4C is not a sub hunter. Its a complement to the Neptune.
Dude, why not convert some of the US-2 into ASW?? it has a good endurance +weapon load. why not waste all the costly machine on patrols simply
A) it is unclear is Japan would allow this
B) Most of the utility of a amphibian is in long range SAR and providing logistical support to remote islands

Both of these roles are blind spots as far as the Indian military is concerned, they have long range ASW assets. 15-20 US-2s with most going to the ICG for long range SAR and 4-5 for the IN to support the ANC and other Indian remote island chains would be ideal and the best use of resources.
A) it is unclear is Japan would allow this
B) Most of the utility of a amphibian is in long range SAR and providing logistical support to remote islands

Both of these roles are blind spots as far as the Indian military is concerned, they have long range ASW assets. 15-20 US-2s with most going to the ICG for long range SAR and 4-5 for the IN to support the ANC and other Indian remote island chains would be ideal and the best use of resources.

they have lifted the self imposed sanctions of exporting weapons, so if we ask they wouldn't mind.
India bought Boeing P-8I specially for submarine hunting & killing role.

Sub-hunting with a Harpoon? That's an IN P-8I, unless you think the US is flying MiGs.


It's an MPA. That means anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare, also interdiction duties if India chooses to use its P-8I for that role.


Versus this. GH practically can not do anything. It can not locate & destroy the submarine.

Do kindly stop with the Global Hawk talk, that's not what we're talking about here. While based on the same airframe, the MQ-4C is a different package all together internally and operationally:

Triton lacks sub-hunting equipment, and the Indian P-8I lags behind its US counterpart (there's a reason the US P-8 doesn't have a MAD... they don't need them:oops:), but that's not even the Triton's role anyway. Triton is a maritime surveillance platform that can help IN P-8, Jaguar, MiG-29 or whatever else find and locate enemy ships at ultra-long ranges - they can even act as a vector for long-ranged munitions and provide course corrections during a munitions mid-course flight phase.



The MQ-4C was built from the ground up as a compliment for the P-8. It carries sensors that the P-8 doesn't or can't, it locates enemies or interests at ranges the P-8 doesn't have to, allowing it to remain at standoff distances.

Talk that it can't sub-hunt... or maybe it can, it can house a great deal of specialized equipment, shows an ignorance on your part about both the P-8 and MQ-4Q.

@SvenSvensonov do chime and help this poor soul rectify the errors in his thinking
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that's for surfaced targets not for subs.

No shit. The individual I was quoting said the IN would use its P-8I as a sub-hunter only:

India bought Boeing P-8I specially for submarine hunting & killing role.

Source: Indian Navy's P-8I recce aircraft key factor in India's new maritime strategy | Page 3

And here's another quote from the same individual:

Does it hunt the submarine against which P-8I was acquired?

Source: Indian Navy's P-8I recce aircraft key factor in India's new maritime strategy | Page 3

If that was the case then what's an IN P-8I doing with a Harpoon?
No shit. The individual I was quoting said the IN would use its P-8I as a sub-hunter only:

India bought Boeing P-8I specially for submarine hunting & killing role.

Source: Indian Navy's P-8I recce aircraft key factor in India's new maritime strategy | Page 3

And here's another quote from the same individual:

Does it hunt the submarine against which P-8I was acquired?

Source: Indian Navy's P-8I recce aircraft key factor in India's new maritime strategy | Page 3

If that was the case then what's an IN P-8I doing with a Harpoon?

IN will use the P-8i for both ASW and anti surface ops. Anti-surface is only for a defensive purposes if it ever come in contact with any ships
No shit. The individual I was quoting said the IN would use its P-8I as a sub-hunter only:

India bought Boeing P-8I specially for submarine hunting & killing role.

Source: Indian Navy's P-8I recce aircraft key factor in India's new maritime strategy | Page 3

And here's another quote from the same individual:

Does it hunt the submarine against which P-8I was acquired?

Source: Indian Navy's P-8I recce aircraft key factor in India's new maritime strategy | Page 3

If that was the case then what's an IN P-8I doing with a Harpoon?

I posted this excerpt: #36

The Boeing P-8A Poseidon will carry lightweight Raytheon Mk.54 anti-submarine torpedoes. It may also carry other torpedoes, missiles, free-fall bombs, depth charges, mines, or sonbuoys in its rotary integral weapon bay, located beneath the forward section of the fuselage. Air-to-surface and air-to air missiles, such as Harpoon anti-ship missiles, SLAM or AGM-65 Maverick land attack missiles, and AIM-9 Sidewinders or AIM-120 AMRAAMs will be carried on the underwing hardpoints.

Which clearly says P-8I can carry torpedoes, missiles, free-fall bombs, depth charges, mines, or sonbuoys in its rotary integral weapon bay.

Thats killing submarines.

You bringing in Harpoon out of nowhere, not related to my line of thinking, as I never said harpoon will be used for destroying a submarine. This is absurd dialogue and a red herring. Harpoon destroying a submerged submarine..Lol

Where in the hell you found my wording that I said harpoon is a submarine killer?

If you have nothing better shut your mouth.
I saw your helplessness when you tagged someone for assistance to redo your half baked cake.
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