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Indian Navy to induct a nuclear submarine by 2009

LCA was old project?

correct your english, LCA is a old project

till now LCA is in testing state only

Correct sentense, till now LCA is in testing stage only

,can you tell me when LCA project can complete?

Correct English preposition, Can you tell me when LCA project would complete?

arjun's enjine was brought form german,

Spelling mistakes, Arjun's Engine was brought from german

the gun brought form russia,and some parts brought form france and another country.

Have you any specification of that guns and parts?

the stste ,like above, was very much,so i cann't say all to you

Pls forgive me, write it in plain english?

India brought very much technic and parts form german,USA,france,russia and so on,but ,I didn't see a completly project which develop by themself was successful

I think you are now failed in English Exam.

Just go and learn how to write in english instead of judging such a ambitious project.
Thank you for your teaching,my english is bad, so I came to this forums for learn english
because of my bad english,what I said was not very clearly
but,what we discussing was not my english,pls talk about the correct topic
I think you are a arrogancy man ,like your country
so I want not to talk with you,thanks
Thanks you for your teaching,my english is bad, so I came to this forums for learn english

If you want to learn english, then also learn to have intellect before naming others project

because of my bad english,what I said was not very clearly or correctlly,forgive me

Why I should forgive you? I don't have that privliage.

but,what we discussing was not my english,

correct! but do take care to read before what you have writing about.

pls tell about the correct topic

If you can read in english then move yourself 180 degree vertically then read the title of the tread.

I think you are a arrogancy man ,like your country

Arrogancy in terms of what, is that all about engaging with someone like you what don't have anything to contribute rather then trolling.

By the way, which country are you belonging from? is that existed on this planet?

so I want not to talk with you,thanks

Thank you so much for forgiving me from your thrash.

Please don't patronize members on their language skills. If you want to make correction then do it by personal e-mail, but ask their permission if they want to be corrected.
If you want to learn english, then also learn to have intellect before naming others project

Why I should forgive you? I don't have that privliage.

correct! but do take care to read before what you have writing about.

If you can read in english then move yourself 180 degree vertically then read the title of the tread.

Arrogancy in terms of what, is that all about engaging with someone like you what don't have anything to contribute rather then trolling.

By the way, which country are you belonging from? is that existed on this planet?

Thank you so much for forgiving me from your thrash.


Keep your posts to the point. Leave the corrections and instructions to the mods. I am sure, like myself, you are no where close to attaining perfection in English. I am sure the angraiz (don't get this word then let me know and I will gladly translate) will cut us some slack, so why are you all riled up about the written angraizi of another poster?

Your post is actually fairly demeaning. Lets keep it above that please.
I think you are now failed in English Exam.
I think you failed your English exam.

Just go and learn how to write in english instead of judging such a ambitious project.
Although that is an insult, it was a poorly written one in terms of basic logic. An aerospace project's importance is not linked to English language skills...if that was the case, then JF-17 should be better than LCA because Musharraf said Pakistanis speak better English.
I think you failed your English exam.

Although that is an insult, it was a poorly written one in terms of basic logic. An aerospace project's importance is not linked to English language skills...if that was the case, then JF-17 should be better than LCA because Musharraf said Pakistanis speak better English.

LOL "Musharraf said"

I am 100% sure you are not an english teacher. Most of places you are not able to use "a" and "an" properly.

SU 27....

Lets be constructive man, pulling leg of any country on forums is very easy, lets do friendship.
India does not need nuclear submarine or aircraft carriers. India's defence procurements are, to a great extent, influenced by its ego. It has been dreaming for quite sometime to be like the US or Russia. It always had the backing of the UK and Russia and now it has the backing of the US. I will not be surprised if tomorrow we hear that India is developing starwar capabilities. India believes, just like the US does and the Nazis did in the past, that somehow the greatness of a nation depends on a mighty war machine that allows its politicians to intimidate her smaller neighbours. Instead of being lured by the US, Israel and the UK, India should tread the path of peace. India has more than enough to defend itself, now it should focus on feeding her hungry people.
India does not need nuclear submarine or aircraft carriers.

India has the ambition of emerging as world power and hence from military point of view, armeing itself nucler submarine and aircraft carriers has become imperative.

India's defence procurements are, to a great extent, influenced by its ego.

What makes you think that? just because of delays, I think you stand to unfair notion, instead India always looks out for best value for its money which is clearly being shown from several collabration of foriegn defence companies with their Indian counterparts.

It has been dreaming for quite sometime to be like the US or Russia.

Truly said, but only difference is that we don't dream for like becoming US or russia for each and every second. We have followed the path of economic progress and peaceful harmony and hence several countries worldwide are viewing India as potential power.

It always had the backing of the UK and Russia and now it has the backing of the US.

Since they know that India is one among very few nation in the world which behave quite peacefully and India has got the privliage of backing of several affluent nations.

I will not be surprised if tomorrow we hear that India is developing starwar capabilities.

I wish to be hear something like that from India is developing starwar capabilites.

India believes, just like the US does and the Nazis did in the past, that somehow the greatness of a nation depends on a mighty war machine that allows its politicians to intimidate her smaller neighbours.

Now this is one of the absured pieace of notion, India never intimidate its neighbours.

Instead of being lured by the US, Israel and the UK, India should tread the path of peace.

Since the inception of India, many countries came and try to lure but India never get entagnled with their intentions, Morever regarding the path of peace, India is known as a paradize of peace loving countries in the world.

India has more than enough to defend itself,

Pls explain this technically.

now it should focus on feeding her hungry people.

Programme worth of Ultra billion is being undertaken by India to feeds its hungry people.
India has the ambition of emerging as world power and hence from military point of view, armeing itself nucler submarine and aircraft carriers has become imperative.
India doesn't want to be a world power, it is already a world power; it wants to be a super power. .

What makes you think that? just because of delays, I think you stand to unfair notion, instead India always looks out for best value for its money which is clearly being shown from several collabration of foriegn defence companies with their Indian counterparts.

Truly said, but only difference is that we don't dream for like becoming US or russia for each and every second. We have followed the path of economic progress and peaceful harmony and hence several countries worldwide are viewing India as potential power.

Since they know that India is one among very few nation in the world which behave quite peacefully and India has got the privliage of backing of several affluent nations.
Everyday the BSF kills innocent people on the other side(Bangladesh) of the border, so we first hand just how peaceful India really is.

I wish to be hear something like that from India is developing starwar capabilites.

Now this is one of the absured pieace of notion, India never intimidate its neighbours.

Since the inception of India, many countries came and try to lure but India never get entagnled with their intentions, Morever regarding the path of peace, India is known as a paradize of peace loving countries in the world.

Pls explain this technically.

Programme worth of Ultra billion is being undertaken by India to feeds its hungry people.
India has the ambition of emerging as world power and hence from military point of view, armeing itself nucler submarine and aircraft carriers has become imperative.

What makes you think that? just because of delays, I think you stand to unfair notion, instead India always looks out for best value for its money which is clearly being shown from several collabration of foriegn defence companies with their Indian counterparts.

Truly said, but only difference is that we don't dream for like becoming US or russia for each and every second. We have followed the path of economic progress and peaceful harmony and hence several countries worldwide are viewing India as potential power.

Since they know that India is one among very few nation in the world which behave quite peacefully and India has got the privliage of backing of several affluent nations.

I wish to be hear something like that from India is developing starwar capabilites.

Now this is one of the absured pieace of notion, India never intimidate its neighbours.

Since the inception of India, many countries came and try to lure but India never get entagnled with their intentions, Morever regarding the path of peace, India is known as a paradize of peace loving countries in the world.

Pls explain this technically.

Programme worth of Ultra billion is being undertaken by India to feeds its hungry people.

There is a difference between world power and super power. Now you can go on with your sly arguments for eternity that India has earned that but its hungry people and its neighbours do not see it that way.

Look up the meaning of 'ego' in the dictionary.

Hitler also followed the path of economic progress initially.

Everyday the BSF kills innocent people on the other side(Bangladesh) of the border, so we first hand just how peaceful India really is.

As I said India and Indians like you are driven by a big fat ego.

54 Indian dams on 54 international rivers that flow into Bangladesh, is not absurd it is real. Perhaps you should stick up your head from the hole in the ground.

I wouldn't say Israel has not managed to lure India.

Just see the inventory of the Indian weapons, you do not need technical detail.

If so, how come there are still millions of hungry people in India?:cheesy:
There is a difference between world power and super power.

Then tell me what is the difference between world power and super power?

Now you can go on with your sly arguments for eternity that India has earned

Truly said, till I have the wisdom of Imagination and knowldge of India's defence Prepaidness and economic success.

that but its hungry people

How do you know about our hungry people? How can you read their mind? Are you have been in India?

and its neighbours do not see it that way.

If our neighbours do not see it in this way then who care. We don't go on trumptating about economic success to be acknowledge by our neigabours.

Look up the meaning of 'ego' in the dictionary.

Now what does the current discussion has anything to do with Word "ego"?

Hitler also followed the path of economic progress initially.

So leaders of India and German rulers sounds you one and similar?

Everyday the BSF kills innocent people on the other side(Bangladesh) of the border,

Innocent people, who are this innocent people? Morever even if our BSF is killing on other side of the border then what security personnel of that nation have been doing in? Why aren't they making any noise? Why don't Bangaldeshi ledership knock the doors of UN for killing of innocent people by BSF?

And what about massive influx of Bangladeshi Peoples being tresspassing Indian Borders? already more then 10 Million Bangladeshi people have been in India living illegally.

Let me tell you the truth, recently Bangaldeshi Armed forces Cheif visited India as a Goodwill Visit in order to streghten ties between the two nation. He even meet with his Indian counter part. He urge to Indian leaders in his meet that they should extend their help in correcting Law and Order situation being prevailing in Bangaldesh. So it only goes on to show that your claim of killing of innocent people by BSF is nothing but absurd claim.

so we first hand just how peaceful India really is.

Which is quite evident from the fact that there has been an resumption of Railway service between India and Bangladesh.

As I said India and Indians like you are driven by a big fat ego.

Oh my goodness, you are completley going off the topic. By the way what did you found so wrong with our ego?

54 Indian dams on 54 international rivers that flow into Bangladesh, is not absurd it is real.

Now what does this rivers and dams has anything to do with current topic?

Perhaps you should stick up your head from the hole in the ground.

Courtesy for so called suggestion.

I wouldn't say Israel has not managed to lure India.

Since it seen an peaceful nation in the form of India.

Just see the inventory of the Indian weapons, you do not need technical detail.

Still that inventory is less then enough to protect the each and every citizens over our country.

If so, how come there are still millions of hungry people in India?:cheesy:

Aren't you aware about India is the only country in the world which has promised of providing an employement to each and every citizens of its country? Under this programme, People of both Urban and Rural parts of the country can manage not only fulfill their basic necessaties but also acquire an durable assets for having an bright future prospect.

I guess this is more then enough for you to answer your questionability of feeding hungry people in India.
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