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Indian Navy P-8I tracks Pak Navy's PNS Yarmook corvette

According to national security planners and Pakistan watchers, this was the second consecutive test failure of the Babur II sub-sonic missile after the previous test failed on April 10, 2018.


wth indians are smoking ?
did we ? or its a fake news ?

@Bilal Khan (Quwa) Is this the Indian Navy posturing? One thing is a coincidence. Two things is a pattern. The Indian media doesn't just get up one day and do stories like these. These stories are fed to them by the military. If I had to guess they are trying to tell our strategic planners that they can see low-level operations (CMs) on our coast and all over our EEZ. Not sure if this warrants any response messaging from our side, nor is there any precedent to us responding to every such ungli.
@Bilal Khan (Quwa) Is this the Indian Navy posturing? One thing is a coincidence. Two things is a pattern. The Indian media doesn't just get up one day and do stories like these. These stories are fed to them by the military. If I had to guess they are trying to tell our strategic planners that they can see low-level operations (CMs) on our coast and all over our EEZ. Not sure if this warrants any response messaging from our side, nor is there any precedent to us responding to every such ungli.
It's weird they're keeping an eye on the Yarmouk though. It's unarmed, and I'm not sure if it even has its ESM/ELINT suite installed yet either. But yeah, the IN will want to keep an eye on our smaller ships too, as even the FAC(M) can launch LACMs now.
@Bilal Khan (Quwa) Is this the Indian Navy posturing? One thing is a coincidence. Two things is a pattern. The Indian media doesn't just get up one day and do stories like these. These stories are fed to them by the military. If I had to guess they are trying to tell our strategic planners that they can see low-level operations (CMs) on our coast and all over our EEZ. Not sure if this warrants any response messaging from our side, nor is there any precedent to us responding to every such ungli.

It is a bit troubling if they are able to
maintain such minute level surveillance and tracking from our coast to the high seas.
what nonsense a surface ship can easily detected by the aircraft what special in it. :o:o_O
special is ship is totally unarmed its delivery mission it was launched in Romania last week then stopped in turkey and whole world was aware that ship will travel from Romanian shipyard to pakistan . can anyone else detect such ship ?
I remember how Pakistan and Pakistanis were always Jubilinat they defeated India in Kargil...Once Musharraf was Gone.. Truth was Wide Open!

But Pakistan still holds several peaks in Kargil that it took from India. Not too long ago, multiple Indian sources were complaining about this. No doubt, Indians took most of the peaks back but some of the most strategic peaks are still occupied by Pakistan. I wouldn't exactly call this a victory, but its not a defeat either.
But Pakistan still holds several peaks in Kargil that it took from India. Not too long ago, multiple Indian sources were complaining about this. No doubt, Indians took most of the peaks back but some of the most strategic peaks are still occupied by Pakistan. I wouldn't exactly call this a victory, but its not a defeat either.

We have discussed this round n round millions of times again n again. Need to start once more?
It's un armed at the moment so indians decided to come close
It's un armed at the moment so indians decided to come close

I think Karachi, 71 begs to differ.

It's weird they're keeping an eye on the Yarmouk though. It's unarmed, and I'm not sure if it even has its ESM/ELINT suite installed yet either. But yeah, the IN will want to keep an eye on our smaller ships too, as even the FAC(M) can launch LACMs now.
I don't think it's weird. They're not doing it do learn something about the Yarmouk, but to send a message to us that we can see you. Let me rephrase that. I believe that they are sending a message to us BECAUSE they said they can track the Yarmouk as there is nothing to learn from tracking it.

It is a bit troubling if they are able to
maintain such minute level surveillance and tracking from our coast to the high seas.
Troubling, maybe. Surprising, not really. I am sure we can do the same to them (of course not their entire coast). Remember we have the jet MPA tender as well among other ways the PN is expanding. A never ending ladder.
I think Karachi, 71 begs to differ.


Yeah get over it

It seems every indian was born or conceived in 1971

For 1000 years before that there were just amoebas living in subcontinent

The most enslaved and foreign ruled nation in history of humanity has much to celebrate about 1971 I guess

Its 2020 bro another century its beginning of next 1000 years
Still stuck in 70s.

The Point is, We dont care if the ship was armed or not. Even if it was Armed Pakistani navy is Just Equal to the Indian Coast Guard. yes. Its True.

Yeah get over it

It seems every indian was born or conceived in 1971

For 1000 years before that their were just amoebas living in subcontinent

The most enslaved and foreign ruled nation in history of humanity has much to celebrate about 1971 I guess

Its 2020 bro another century its beginning of next 1000 years

If are really serious for your words... n if u want me to take you seriously.. show some courage and Post the SAME REPLY here :


Thread Opened by your fellow Pakistani, Today.
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