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Indian Navy P-8I tracks Pak Navy's PNS Yarmook corvette

First 100 days are more then enough for AIP submarines in any conflict between India and Pakistan, also you don't know the real depth diving capacity of current and upcoming submarines.

Underestimating Pakistan cost you high on 27 February 2019 doing it again will give you similar results, so please keep underestimating Pakistan military its in our favor.

Did you mean first 100 hours?

This is IN bragging they are unchallenged in this region. Did the Pak navy knew its assets are being tracked?

Surely you are not underestimating IN P8s? Image of US P8 below showboating it’s detecting prowess

Okay so as per you Pakistan was a pure saint who had come to study nature in siachen? I suggest you to study about your country's own operation code name operation Ababeel which was purely planned to capture siachen.... in fact your this operation forced India to pre-empt with operation Meghdoot....

What's ur background btw...it seems like it is not science. My background is in science...and among one of the things taught to us is to gauge the credibility of the research papers...to see if there might be flaws in the research method, to see if there is any bias, etc.

Using that...on this link u have provided me...
1) It is a Wikipedia link...as in I don't know the credentials of the author(s) and editor(s). That's the first thing that makes u question the credibility...but then when u dig deeper...to look at the references cited to support the article...there are even more flaws.
2) There is one mention of "operation Ababeel"...and it has two citations next to it. Both of which lead to Indian sources.

I'll list it in more detail below...
"Operation Ababeel was the code-name for the military operation planned by Pakistani Armed Forces to capture the Siachen Glacier in the disputed Kashmir region, precipitating the Siachen Conflict.[1] On 13 April 1984, India launched Operation Meghdoot to pre-empt Operation Ababeel,[2][3] which resulted in Indian troops successfully gaining control of the entire Siachen Glacier.[4]"

U see that [2] and [3] above...next to "Operation Ababeel"...
[2] leads to this Times of India link below
[3] leads to this link below...which at first doesn't seem like an Indian source...except perhaps the name of the author at the top...which sounds Indian. However when u reach all the way at the end of the article...u see the author's credentials. He is an ex RAW Chief

So u provide me "evidence" that is clearly biased...if u r gonna argue with me u will have to do better than that. Provide me with neutral sources that clearly show something like battle plans drawn up or some Pakistani leaked or declassified document from Pak Army that shows Pakistan's plans to capture it. If u can't...then don't waste my time.
Well I guess tracking unarmed patrol vessels has to be the highlight of a navy who leaves the hatches open of $3bn subs

Our F16s track your SU 30s and Mig29s before forcing them to flee deep inside. Whats your point?
I think the term is "painted them"

You see, if "Land Mass" really mattered, Isreal would have been gone in 1947!
The same applies for feb 26/27.

India had an upper hand on 26, Pakistan had an upper hand on 27. regardless of the Lamd mass its the Tactics and Weapons which really matter.

Pakistan has a brilliant Air Force, we all Acknowledge that credit must be given where its due.
We had a great planing in 71.

We had a pathetic planning in 1999 ( and heavy casualties ) and a brilliant plan by PA in 1999. But extremely poor execution, which lead or NLI being regarded as "Mujahdeen" and India winning.

To sum up, Its all abt Planning and Execution rather Landmasses.
Pakistani victory over USSR is another example which supports the SAME idea.

It was the brilliant planning and fearless action that resulted in your division in 1971. You had US on your side which OPENLY threatened India. never forget that.
Selective amnesia?

India suffered 1,874 casualties without fighting a war

what nonsense a surface ship can easily detected by the aircraft what special in it. :o:o_O
It was running on bio fuel = Gau Mutar :D

Would a localized smaller scale version of SOSUN like network spreading at least our EEZ be technical and financially feasible?
You mean Sound Surveillance Network?
I wasn't familiary with the term SOSUN. With regards to your question, I really can't say. Don't know much about that technology.
I think the term is SOSUS

I attribute this attempt to Indian Navy Information Fusion Centre – Indian Ocean Region (IFC-IOR official link) than P-8i, if we read this attempt with previous action of seizing the Chinese ship in Indian port then Indian Navy is exhibiting their newly acquired capability, it is actually a way of Indian Navy to show information superiority in IOR region ....
What was the Chinese reaction to this?
Did you mean first 100 hours?

This is IN bragging they are unchallenged in this region. Did the Pak navy knew its assets are being tracked?

Surely you are not underestimating IN P8s? Image of US P8 below showboating it’s detecting prowess

View attachment 617673

What you just didn't mentioned that mighty P-8 of USN was unable to detect a Russian AIP submarine.

There is a reason that modern AIP sub's are very capable foe, many now have air defense capacity which will also put P-8s run for their money.

It will always be cat and mouse game.

@Rashid Mahmood your input on subject matter is required.
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