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One, thing I want to ask about procurement of LPH. A country which capable of designing and building a larger Aircraft Carrier, cant be able to design a more simple and lower tonnage LPH.

First of all, there is no LPH tender, but an LPD one, which makes clear that the aim is not necessarily on carrying a lot of helicopters or using it as an aircraft carrier.
Secondly, the main difference is the amphibious capability with the well deck, that can be lowered to operate amphibious vehicles and the Indian ship yards seems not be able to develop that capability on their own so far, which is why the tender including ToT to produce them in India was send out.
First of all, there is no LPH tender, but an LPD one,

hi Sancho
May i ask how u can say if its only for LPDs?????
Aren't they calling it the Multi Role Support Vessel (MRSV)???? with all Mistral class and Juan Carlos and Dokdo class answering the RFI not to mentions the Italy with their Multifunction Ships and none of them is an LPD????
so has IN given any sign that it will be a LPD only?????

thanx in advance for answering

story ended
So Sad

India's first aircraft carrier INS Vikrant(R11), which was built for the British Royal Navy as HMS Hercules in 1943 and which saw action during the India-Pakistan war in 1971, is being finally broken up
On 14 August 2014, the Supreme Court rejected the PIL and cleared the way for the warship to be scrapped. As of September 2014, Vikrant was beached off Darukhana in Mumbai Port, awaiting the final clearances of the Mumbai Port Trust. Scrapping was scheduled to begin on 6 September and is intended to be completed by mid-2015.

I was away from PDF for months.... i returned to see what i had missed but this is big news and it makes me very sad that such a nice story comes to a sorry end......... this decision makes keeping this carrier for so long a waste..... wouldnt it have been better to just scrap it when it was retired so it had some dignity they had to let it rust in Mumbai for years before they did the same thing??????

sorry for quote-ing u from so far behind friend :(
hi Sancho
May i ask how u can say if its only for LPDs?????
Aren't they calling it the Multi Role Support Vessel (MRSV)????

Because the RFI that was sent out by the navy said:

Indian Navy Information Resource and Facilitation Centre - Content


The problem is, that IN once again sent out requests with such general requirements, that the vendors don't actually know what the navy really wants. The gave basic specs and requirements, which could be fulfillied by Mistral or Dodko, or a shortened Juan Carlos class LHD as well, but doesn't show any specific requirement that would point to an LHD directly, like a flight deck with 5 or 6 landing spots and a hangar that can accomodate 10 or more helicopters. So now it's basically up to the vendor what they offer in the competition and not based on the request of the navy.
So now it's basically up to the vendor what they offer in the competition and not based on the request of the navy.

so does that mean if an offer for LHD is better than others we might end up purchasing LHDs??? i dont think there can be trials of such huge and expensive ships????? how will the navy decide which is better and which vendors to invite for bidding????? also 3 years since RFI launched is there any news of RFP or credible scource on who has actually offered what???? i've read about the said vendors and what they offer but most of them seem very speculative....
so does that mean if an offer for LHD is better than others we might end up purchasing LHDs??? i dont think there can be trials of such huge and expensive ships????? how will the navy decide which is better and which vendors to invite for bidding????? also 3 years since RFI launched is there any news of RFP or credible scource on who has actually offered what???? i've read about the said vendors and what they offer but most of them seem very speculative....

If an LHD fulfills the requirements, it can win too. I know that DCNS officials stated they would offer Mistral, or a modified LPD version if the navy actually wants that. Trials won't be held, you can only evaluate the response to the RFPs (which after the new government took over, was re-issued to privat shipyards if I remember correctly) and ask the once that suits the most to offer a final bid.
I know that DCNS officials stated they would offer Mistral, or a modified LPD version if the navy actually wants that.
i donno bout an LPD version but the 140 version offered to south africa seems interesting.....
i donno bout an LPD version but the 140 version offered to south africa seems interesting.....

Actually IN requirements are good for the standard Mistral class, only the Juan Carlos LHD might need size changes.
Look what I found. A letter by NSa Ajit Doval to the PMO discussing the leak in the office that is providing info about secret projects mainly the INS Arihant and the new VLF facility of the Indian Navy to the news channels namely NDTV
View attachment 179938 View attachment 179939
GREAT to see! I've been noticing how the Indian media has been disclosing such info with impunity over the years, thank god someone is now tackling this. I'd love to see the idiots who have been breaking the law over the years be hauled in front of the courts.

@Koovie @COLDHEARTED AVIATOR @levina @Capt.Popeye @sandy_3126 @sancho @Indo-guy
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