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Indian Navy deployed INS Vikramaditya and nuclear submarines in North Arabian sea

If this armada tries anything stupid, Pakistan should make sure that they have no port at home to return to.
Just remember what happened the last time PN and IN met:

This was during peace time. Now imagine what these guys will be ready to do if the indians actually attack :devil:

Time for the thunder to claim another kill
Lol... After 27 fab i did not heard them our IAF is ready to take out any target inside pak.... There IAF chief is on long leave since then.. :partay:
And i would request PN to drown this junk away from our shores.. We already have very polluted beaches
They should have sunk that damn sub the time they intercepted in our waters. Indians have multi head kera and for proper treatment all heads must be chopped off.
we don't need to sink it , just hit it hard and make it out of service that's all.
The war will start when the first nuclear missiles will fall on Dhaka.
Anything can Happen in MAD scenerio. Modi will not hesitate to avail opportunity during Pak , India war and to reduce Muslim Population in Bangladesh. And then blame Pakistan for this.
submarine deployent around the world is always suppose to be secret ,
but since its bollywood

During cold war US-RUS nuclear sub captains first job was to disengage and to hide in deep sea but you are right its bollywood no wonder we soon see live prog too directly from submarine
How do we not know that this is not the preparations for an Indian version of the "Mission Accomplished" party?
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Wionews? and I thought we had only 1 nuclear submarine - an Akula class one and when the second one comes in, the first goes for repair.. SO what submarines is he talking about?

The leased nuclear sub from Russia can not and may not carry nukes as part of the agreement. It's there to train the IN only.
I wish they do something stupid, this time around their over sized fishing trawler is going to kiss the arabian sea bottom
Haa Haa.... IMO if they have tiny bit of sense remain in their brain they won't try anything stupid.
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