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Indian Muslims must exercise restraint, shun needless passion

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Do you know why China never got invaded by the Muslim hordes or colonized by the British?

Read up on that too.

Then, please wake up.

Both of the above happened.

Chinese Tang dynasty lost Central Asia to Abbasid Caliphate

And in the opium wars Hong Kong was colonized by British.

The problems of past 1000 are not to be attributed with Indian tolerance and patience but not catching up time.

Japanese for instance , even though cut off from the rest of the world, were up to date when came to weaponry even during 17th century. And probably the first Asian nation to industrialize.
It is pretty simple.

Our minority is coming around.

If we do not stop the poison from across both our borders from seeping across and tainting them, we are moving back to a period of communal strife.
Can we not paste gory pictures to make a point ?

Refer Post No 51

Who among these is illegal Bangladeshi? Nobody has problems with Indian muslims but if you start killing Indians in the name of supporting your illegal Bangladeshi brothers then expect no better treatment in return..

Stop using the back of patriots for your defense.. It doesn't suit traitors..
And in the opium wars Hong Kong was colonized by British.

They lost Hong Kong and control over treaty ports like Shanghai and Chengkwan.

We lost the whole of India.

I guess it was the same thing.

They finally get back Hong Kong.

We still have Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Definitely the same thing.
^^ plus China was under rule of Mongols (read Yuan Dynasty) for 97 years (1271 to 1368)
Do you know why China never got invaded by the Muslim hordes or colonized by the British?

Read up on that too.

Then, please wake up.

You can't give example of China, they were too looted by many barbarians and forced-fed Opium by British and colonized and exploited by Japanese. There is a reason behind China getting aggressive after regaining her lost glory.
You can't give example of China, they were too looted by many barbarians and forced-fed Opium by British and exploited by Japanese. There is a reason behind China getting aggressive after regaining her lost glory.

The Chinese example is very apt.

Both historically, and currently.
Pak helped Arab nations in 1967 by providing volunteer pilots and PAF again helped them in 1973

but did Arabs help Pak when Pak needed it very much and stopped providing fuel to India?

no, they didn't.
:lol: No ! They never stopped providing fuel to india, But they have just financially supported our nuclear program.

@Bhai Zakir
Who are you?
Barelvi, Shia, toheedi , Deoband? ;) You seems to be confused..
^^ and in return they must be expecting protection of your nukes

they didn't do it for free

my point is despite Pak helping them in 1967 and 1973 they refused to help Pak by stooping fuel supply to India which would have been crucial and table turning factor in 1971

point is they don't care for Pak despite Pak being Muslim nation

they care for just themselves

so,in return,Pak should behave same
^^ and in return they must be expecting protection of your nukes

they didn't do it for free

my point is despite Pak helping them in 1967 and 1973 they refused to help Pak by stooping fuel supply to India which would have been crucial and table turning factor in 1971

point is they don't care for Pak despite Pak being Muslim nation

they care for just themselves

so,in return,Pak should behave same

refused? and when did we demanded it to do so? Any telegraph, Meeting ? Anything on record or just Assumptions?
Even Protection of Nuke is an assumption too? Arab can have their nuke whenever they want, Even non-muslim nations can provide them help in return of Oil deal. Do commitment happens on the basis of religion?
Bhai Zakir can u throw some light on who instigates the youth for this kind of acts ??is it some local head or the moulvi or some other?

Cheap politics + restless & directionless youth = recipe of danger.

Its not limited to any religion or community.

One should understand that the peace, sharing, culture, traditions, understanding and patience are all fast vanishing in todays world.

That's why we are seeing all kinds of evil rising. :angel:

Can u believe this even was organized by the shia and barelvies who were expecting 1000 people to turn up but 50,000 turned up.

But this mob doesn't listens to any Maulana or senior just go on rampage.......why because the law is allowing radicals and politicians to play their dirty game. :tdown:
They lost Hong Kong and control over treaty ports like Shanghai and Chengkwan.

We lost the whole of India.

I guess it was the same thing.

They finally get back Hong Kong.

We still have Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Definitely the same thing.

Can you explain that?
Not all illegal Bangladeshi's in India are Muslims. Many are Hindus. However, in Assam and West Bengal, the demographics have been significantly altered by Bangaldeshis.

You crazy bro??

They are all illegal Bangladeshi. India never had any Muslim to start with.
This is why Muslim coutnries are in the condition they are today. If only quantity meant quality too.:rolleyes:

Quantity by itself is a Quality.

------- Joseph Stalin.
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