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Indian Models And Actresses

i thought you were just a low life kameena surkha
but turns out your also a bobs & vegena pimp

Then you don't know that there are similar dedicated threads about Bangladeshi, Pakistani and Afghan females. What will you say to those who update there ? :lol:

what ?

Tess just has to reduce maybe by 15 kgs and she will look fine. But let me tell you that this Daily Fail news agency she is complaining about is a gay paradise ( not that I have anything against decently behaved gays ). All one can see on its website are glowing, probably gay-written articles about females who have muscular arms and legs, tight chests and hard bellies. Yuck !
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more like 50, and them some plastic surgery to take care of all that skin

The skin will self-adjust I think but apparently in Bollywood nowadays the epitome of sexiness is Shilpa Shetty with her x-ray photo body. And there have been "fitness" institutes in India for about a decade which teach belly dancing for fitness. What has the world come to ?
The skin will self-adjust I think but apparently in Bollywood nowadays the epitome of sexiness is Shilpa Shetty with her x-ray photo body. And there have been "fitness" institutes in India for about a decade which teach belly dancing for fitness. What has the world come to ?
plus size are undesirable to a lot of us

you have a fat fettish lol, totally fine, people have all sorts of desires

be warned though, they'll all be wiped out within a generation of communism being implemented because we'll have nothing to eat lol
plus size are undesirable to a lot of us

"Lot of us" also desire motorcycles and dogs but are they okay if seen through the lens of sensibility ?

you have a fat fettish lol, totally fine, people have all sorts of desires

"Fetish" is one of the overused words on the internet.

be warned though, they'll all be wiped out within a generation of communism being implemented because we'll have nothing to eat lol

A well-nutritioned and aesthetic-looking human population can be one of the effects of Communism being implemented.

Look at India. There are 60.2 million stray dogs who are fed well by the middle class mostly while there are so many humans who starve or are malnutritioned, and "fashionable" females like Shilpa Shetty and Malaika Arora desire to look like those malnutrioned people. :lol:
"Lot of us" also desire motorcycles and dogs but are they okay if seen through the lens of sensibility ?
why not 8-)

"Fetish" is one of the overused words on the internet.
sexual preference, taste, style, quirk.. use any other word you want

A well-nutritioned and aesthetic-looking human population can be one of the effects of Communism being implemented.

Look at India. There are 60.2 million stray dogs who are fed well by the middle class mostly while there are so many humans who starve or are malnutritioned, and "fashionable" females like Shilpa Shetty and Malaika Arora desire to look like those malnutrioned people. :lol:
they're not malnourished by any standard, just have a healthy BMI, work out and take care of their bodies
BMI is another of those boring and senseless words.

point is, that just because you have a fondness for chubbers does not in any way, shape or form make it a universally applicable principal

which is to say, you, sir, have no right to judge what others may or may not desire in a potential love interest as far as the physicality is concerned.

you like the motis ? go for the motis

others may not be as attracted to the motis, let them have at it with whatever they prefer

that's the trouble with you communists and islamists, you want to dictate everything

I like the slender athletic types, think Maria Sharapova type.. yummy
you like the motis ? go for the motis

others may not be as attracted to the motis, let them have at it with whatever they prefer

that's the trouble with you communists and islamists, you want to dictate everything

Actually it's not me dictating here. There is an entire set of Capitalist industries dictating the female form to be "fit". The big slimming centers like VLCC, the exercise clothing companies, the heeled shoes manufacturers, the big advertising agencies who select certain shaped models, Hollywood and some of Bollywood, the stock markets which make place for the aforementioned companies, other things which perhaps I am not able to recall now.
Actually it's not me dictating here. There is an entire set of Capitalist industries dictating the female form to be "fit". The big slimming centers like VLCC, the exercise clothing companies, the heeled shoes manufacturers, the big advertising agencies who select certain shaped models, Hollywood and some of Bollywood, the stock markets which make place for the aforementioned companies, other things which perhaps I am not able to recall now.

there's nothing wrong with plumpers/chubbers.. they are also beautiful women who deserve all the affection and loving they get from those who love them, guys like you..

why do you have such dictatorial tendencies but, Gaddaffi banna chahta hai kya ?

free markets, my man.. public decide karegi kya kisko mangta

jo jita, wohi sikandar..
there's nothing wrong with plumpers/chubbers.. they are also beautiful women who deserve all the affection and loving they get from those who love them, guys like you..

why do you have such dictatorial tendencies but, Gaddaffi banna chahta hai kya ?

free markets, my man.. public decide karegi kya kisko mangta

jo jita, wohi sikandar..

You side-stepped my post.
You side-stepped my post.
how ?

you're the one who started off about capitalist this and that, can't think beyond capitalism and communism.. even when it comes to discussing your taste in ladies ?

anyway, woke lefties in the west are promoting 'fat positivity' which is a really bad idea because people should be fit and not overweight.
how ?

you're the one who started off about capitalist this and that, can't think beyond capitalism and communism.. even when it comes to discussing your taste in ladies ?

You accused me of dictatorial tendencies and I told you that, despite your denial, the "fitness" industry is all-pervasive, dictatorial and is driven by Capitalism. You should read the below essay by the philosopher Andre Vltchek :
Ad on PDF. Why do I get ads such ads ? 🤔 Anyway, a beauty on the left. She is what is a Classic Indian Beauty. Unfortunately I didn't follow the link to the shop's website to get a bigger picture of her :
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