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Ghosh man! In India at this age, you would have been preparing for your kids's wedding!

@Indos How do they marry in Indonesia? Something like arranged marriage by parents is not there?

My older brothers are also late when they got married. My father is also the same.

No usually Indonesian get married because of love, at least it is what I know from my big family and friends experience.
My little one is a bit racist :D (subconsciously not deliberately)

Doc showed me a buxom Bong beauty. While I appreciated the curviness, Indian looking chicks don't really rile me up. Unless they're gori chitti like Kareena Kapoor or Dia Mirza.
What are your favourite women?
And I thought it was Spider-Man like pose :lol::lol:


Do you expect any virginity-hijab correlation or it's purely for deen?

Yup, I expect virginity as well. But Hijab girls doest necessary suggest good character. I saw some Hijab girls act bossy to their husband. Although as I have said earlier, hijab girls are more preferred, I dont mind getting non Hijab since many of them in Indonesia tend to wear hijab after getting marriage, but I will not force any women to wear hijab even though I have already become her husband.
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@Indos You didn't tell how they marry in Indonesia? By dating only? Or parents arrange marriages themselves too?
@Indos You didn't tell how they marry in Indonesia? By dating only? Or parents arrange marriages themselves too?

Usually by dating, not by arrange marriages. The men will come to the girl parent to propose the girl to be his wife. Arrange marriages are so few in Indonesia and usually it is more on suggestion than force marriage, if either the girl or the boy dont like it, the marriage cannot be made. Like the case of my oldest brother, there is one relative who offer his daughter to my parent so that she can become my oldest brother wife. But my oldest brother rejected the idea and he married with some one that he loves. This lead to broken relationship though between my parent and their relative who has offered his daughter.
Usually by dating, not by arrange marriages. The men will come to the girl parent to propose the girl to be his wife. Arrange marriages are so few in Indonesia and usually it is more on suggestion than force marriage, if either the girl or the boy dont like it, the marriage cannot be made. Like the case of my oldest brother, there is one relative who offer his daughter to my parent so that she can become my oldest brother wife. But my oldest brother rejected the idea and he married with some one that he loves. This lead to broken relationship though between my parent and their relative who has offered his daughter.
In rural areas too? And do they marry in their own tribe or anyone generally?
In rural areas too? And do they marry in their own tribe or anyone generally?

I dont know, but as far as I know arrange marriage is not a culture of Indonesian people.

I can say people in Indonesia dont see tribe/ethnic anymore if it comes to marriage, only religion that is matter. Even some Muslim married other race as well. People living in big city like Jakarta have already been mixed.


@Indos Are there any Chinese Indonesian Muslims?

Yup, there are. Actually Chinese migration to Indonesia have happened since ancient time. There was Ibnu Batutah saying that there were Chinese and Arab settler living in Indonesia when he visited archipelago. When they become Muslim their descendant tend to marry native so over time they become native.

Recent Chinese migration to Indonesia who happened during Dutch rule prevent Chinese to embrace Islam since by becoming Christian they will get privilege by Dutch. Dutch prefer to do business with Chinese Indonesian and marginalize natives who are Muslim. Most Chinese Indonesian religion is Christian/Catholic.

The recent Chinese convert to Islam (since Dutch until now) will also make them over time become native and consider them as native after their descendant married native Muslim. One of my brother marry a Mix Javanese Chinese Muslim girl and she consider herself as Javanese than Chinese although she looks exactly like Chinese and her kid have already consider themselves as Minang descend, following his father tribe/ethnic.

I have three Chinese Indonesian friends, and all of them Muslim. One of them is actually already mixed.

This singer doesnt acknowledge herself as Chinese despite look like Chinese, she is Muslim and consider herself as Sundanese and she married a native guy. She most probably mixed.

So Chinese Indonesian Muslim will still be in very minority since they previous convert descendant have already considered themselves as native.

Isyana Sarasvaty

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