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Indian Models And Actresses

Picture Quality is bad for both

More on second girl

My previous girl.jpg
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Yeah. I also prefer Hijab girls if I can get any, but usually women in Indonesia will wear hijab after she get married.
Do you expect any virginity-hijab correlation or it's purely for deen?
Always wanted to ask you. Why have you raised your arm in the pic ?

I make a picture using a computer camera. I try to direct the computer screen by my left hand (where the camera is located) and press enter using my right hand.
Yup my photo in my profile picture I took when I was at around 38. I am 42 now.
Ghosh man! In India at this age, you would have been preparing for your kids's wedding!

@Indos How do they marry in Indonesia? Something like arranged marriage by parents is not there?
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