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Indian Lt. Colonel among 11 soldiers dead in Fidayeen attack in Indian Occupied Kashmir

Please, I spend way too much time here to know exactly the amount of human filth that comes from India here as well.
the same filth from your side making our soil dirty
till now . palce is sanitize
having said that, I would refrain from showing any humor or any fun out of this incident, it is war and its ugly and there is nothing glorious about it. and I say rest in peace to all dead. just or unjust, those soldiers lost their lives protecting the Indian state's occupation of Kashmir.

Please dont refrain from it sir, it is not going to make any difference after all these comments.. While you are at it, have some fun over the death too.. After all its the enemy.. Who cares if some civilians or soldiers from across the border is killed by terrorist attacks? May be distribute some sweets too for showing appreciation to your freedom fighters..

This is the operative idea some 90% of the time.

Isnt it the same vice versa also?
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the same filth from your side making our soil dirty
till now . palce is sanitize

Innocent till proven guilty. I wonder what witnesses will be cooked up this time to identify them as Pakistanis.
Sad though that the troops there have lost their lives fighting for a cause that is not theirs .

Please dont refrain from it sir, it is not going to make any change after all these comments.. While you are at it, have some fun over the death too.. After all its the enemy.. Who cares if some civilians or soldiers from across the border is killed by terrorist attacks? May be distribute some sweets too for showing appreciation to your freedom fighters..

All things considered, the same exists from India as well. Pathological hatred as they say.
Innocent till proven guilty. I wonder what witnesses will be cooked up this time to identify them as Pakistanis.Sad though that the troops there have lost their lives fighting for a cause that is not theirs .

Indian soldiers fight their country's battles. Just as yours do I suspect .

As for cooking up witnesses etc...who do we have to convince? If the army & GoI are convinced, then retaliation is in order. Nothing more required.
All things considered, the same exists from India as well. Pathological hatred as they say.

Where did I deny that? And judging by the response here, I too have a feeling that they were right all the time..
All things considered, the same exists from India as well. Pathological hatred as they say.

Hence lets conclude these are the Pakistani counterparts of the Indian Pathological hate mongers.

Pretty interesting members we have here.
Indian soldiers fight their country's battles. Just as yours do I suspect .

As for cooking up witnesses etc...who do we have to convince? If the army & GoI are convinced, then retaliation is in order. Nothing more required.

And where soldiers have been used to suppress a population.. such as in 71.. and with India in Kashmir.. they are on the wrong side.
Innocent till proven guilty. I wonder what witnesses will be cooked up this time to identify them as Pakistanis.
Sad though that the troops there have lost their lives fighting for a cause that is not theirs .

All things considered, the same exists from India as well. Pathological hatred as they say.
indians are not that smart to show fals flag ops on national television ..
we proven our case to world.. that Hafiz S deaclred terrosit byUN...
Troops know their casue and gave thier life for same..
do you think Soldires of Lt .rank JCO are that so innocet to lose thier life for no reason ..
world knows from where terrosit come from..
pakistnai meber said on ntional tv that 26./11 by indian fasle flag and then came the gaza e hind ajamal kasab
still in denial mode ?
Hence lets conclude these are the Pakistani counterparts of the Indian Pathological hate mongers.

Pretty interesting members we have here.

If Arnab Goswami was a very well balanced anchor who would not interrupt, heckle or make up ideas in his shows.. would he still the ratings he has?
When terrorists can capture soldiers alive and then later play football with their heads, they can do anything.

No need to get emotional dear and compare two totally different scenarios. Or else I also have some very shameful examples to quote from Maoist attack a few days ago. Lets not go there please.

In this case however-- "The spokesman said, during the operation, a barrack also caught fire, presumably because of a kerosene heater toppling, in which some soldiers got trapped."

Okay Fair Enough.
If Arnab Goswami was a very well balanced anchor who would not interrupt, heckle or make up ideas in his shows.. would he still the ratings he has?

One chap does not stand for the rest. There are other guys who are really good. And anways, TRP does not mean he is an opinion maker. Just like, I love to watch Lalu talk, does not make me vote for his party.
you see there is a difference here. the target of these militants was Indian army, not the civilians. the Indian army that is in disputed territory and is there to keep the grip of Indian state. so that fight was fair.

by the way, I am using this line because we were given the same advice by a name changing multi- account multiple banned Indian member who made a very happy and humorous post when there were news about our FC vehicle being blown up by BLA. he said it was a fair kill... he might be still here reading this thread now with yet another ID..

so just for him I say, these Indian soldiers and the officer were a fair game.

The problem with that argument is that foreign born fighters don't get to fight a "fair" fight against the Indian military in Kashmir. We know (confirmed by a USMA study) that the bulk of terrorists organizations like LET is formed by Pakistani Punjab based terrorists. Not only that, there are documented proof of Pakistani govt giving money to UN declared terrorist groups such as LeT (or JuD). I know that Pakistanis have a habit of trying to find justification for terrorist activities if it suits them but please don't try to justify Punjabi terrorists sneaking into India and killing Indian military even it it is in Kashmir. In this case, we will have to first find out the origin of these terrorists that got killed today and then work accordingly.

Yeah, lot of experience with East Pakistan is telling :P and till date no part of India has been 'lost' only gained. Can you say the same about Pakistan?

1 Pak Soldier = 100 Indian soldiers, Reality 90000 surrender as PoW
Pak Army = Super strategist, Reality Strategic depth became deep debt
Osama is in Afghanistan, Reality Osama hunt by American SpecOps in Pak territory and got out!
Kashmir hamaaaara hai, Reality Karachi mein aag hai

That's history lesson for now.
leave it all
greast leader faught war in other territories so destruction still make enemeny bleed
Their own nation become battleground...courtesy .. pak estabslihemnt
thir own socierty become confused and radical
their own system of elction , justice , parliamnt they made joke of supreme court .presidta pm .. waht more you need
Chale to dus re ka ashiyana jalane
lagi chingari to apna hi basera jal gaya
indians are not that smart to show fals flag ops on national television ..
we proven our case to world.. that Hafiz S deaclred terrosit byUN...
Troops know their casue and gave thier life for same..
do you think Soldires of Lt .rank JCO are that so innocet to lose thier life for no reason ..
world knows from where terrosit come from..
pakistnai meber said on ntional tv that 26./11 by indian fasle flag and then came the gaza e hind ajamal kasab
still in denial mode ?

What if Ajmal Kasab was paid by the Indian agencies in the ultimate false flag?
A False flag is not just having your own people attack. Its having someone else attack you thinking you can be attacked for a much far sighted result.
Actually we are.. Unlike Pakistanis like you we dont have to vent out frustration by making an abuse directed towards a leader of the enemy country as our signature. You wont find any indian here with something like "Juck Finnah" as their signature :)
oh pls dont go to Mr Jinnah, do whatever you want with NS or IK, but if you go to Jinnah i will go to Guck Fandhi and Nuck Fehru
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