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Indian Lt. Colonel among 11 soldiers dead in Fidayeen attack in Indian Occupied Kashmir

Silly and juvenile. Believing your own propaganda is not very smart. If that was true, wouldn't they be Indians anyways? You are free to believe whatever you want, the situation will not change. Get off whatever horse you might seek to ride & maybe you can get some sense of reality.

An interesting read on "occupation"......on a non similar line.

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Yes, but that very fact that he is an idiot makes you watch him. The same way that there are idiots will come here who will be greater highlights than the saner members.
same tehory appleid to hamid gula nd zaid too
My own propaganda? Please.. the reek of your self deceit is all over here. The last report of mass rape of a Kashmiri villiage just came u on an Indian media report. You guys are pathetic that in your high horse attempt wont even acknowledge the terrible atrocities committed by your own people whilst accusing others.. an almost complete absence of moral integrity.

When I said I don't do high horses, I meant that. Not interested in your sob stories of whatever you wish to believe.(btw, I referred to Pakistani official propaganda, may or may not be yours....) Not naive enough to believe no atrocities ever took place but doesn't change my opinion on the overall picture.

Btw I really don't care for your certificate on my moral or any other type of integrity. Move on. You can assume whatever you wish.
as Mod and repsonsible member
i expect you ti be your view based on facts logic which are like most case
but as kashmir issue .. heart rules more than brian
till proven...Conspiracy theories ,, same like trasnfrms dark side of mood
well according to that then nothing id there to prove the "rape and murder of millions" by the PA in Operation Searchlight, quite the opposite infact
same tehory appleid to hamid gula nd zaid too

Sure, but the question remains why do you need to mention them? Is it because unless you mention them you will feel insulted?

When I said I don't do high horses, I meant that. Not interested in your sob stories of whatever you wish to believe.(btw, I referred to Pakistani official propaganda, may or may not be yours....) Not naive enough to believe no atrocities ever took place but doesn't change my opinion on the overall picture.

Btw I really don't care for your certificate on my moral or any other type of integrity. Move on. You can assume whatever you wish.

I certainly doubt it...and I dont give a hoot about YOU as a member. You are one of many I amuse myself with here.
The moral high horse is a disease effecting most Indians here.
Sure, but the question remains why do you need to mention them? Is it because unless you mention them you will feel insulted?
the same reason you rely on arnab.goswami . :-)

well according to that then nothing id there to prove the "rape and murder of millions" by the PA in Operation Searchlight, quite the opposite infact
dear .. please elaborate
the same reason you rely on arnab.goswami . :-)

dear .. please elaborate

I began the example. Goswami is an example closer to home in terms of an anchor being an idiot(not is an idiot) looking for ratings.
Your reply seemed more of "Oh look , he said an Indian name. .now I have to reply with Pakistani name"..
Fair enough but so will be any retaliation against the Pakistani military.
And when and how exactly were you able to establish that the Pakistani military was behind the recent attack/s? Is this another one of those amazing "ancient Indian attributes" that Modi was bragging about?

Some kind of "mind meld/telepathic ability" perhaps (passed down from those amazing space exploring, cosmic weapon developing and plastic surgery practicing ancient Indians) that allows "modern day Indians" to claim with such absolute certainty, mere hours after such attacks, that "the Pakistani military was behind the attack"?
I began the example. Goswami is an example closer to home in terms of an anchor being an idiot(not is an idiot) looking for ratings.
Your reply seemed more of "Oh look , he said an Indian name. .now I have to reply with Pakistani name"..
if you got that perception .. then no its not true..
i dont put for name .
may be situatation is like that or i could not conver right meanig
what i mean is ,,
as arnab gosawmi is not right face of indina media to make view about india same goes for hamid gul and zaid which are not right example for have fair play of pakistani media..
nothing to gain by naming ...
yes we have diffrence but better clear it by talks not by hates
world is more than pdf .. as all we know..
world see things diffrtenty to both nation..
same should be filter here with facts and logic than rants
Unlike the Maoist violence, the Indian government and media can scapegoat an outside entity (Pakistan) as an excuse. This also plays into the pathological hatred that many Indians have for Pakistan and their desire to ignore the fact that J&K is internationally recognized disputed territory with UNSC Resolutions (that India initiated and accepted) pending implementation.

True. Unless Pakistan is used as a boogie poor CRPF troops dying at the hand of maoists won't get the required hype and attention.
And when and how exactly were you able to establish that the Pakistani military was behind the recent attack/s? Is this another one of those amazing "ancient Indian attributes" that Modi was bragging about?

Some kind of "mind meld/telepathic ability" perhaps (passed down from those amazing space exploring, cosmic weapon developing and plastic surgery practicing ancient Indians) that allows "modern day Indians" to claim with such absolute certainty, mere hours after such attacks, that "the Pakistani military was behind the attack"?

Nope. What I said is very clear. If the GoI & the army were convinced that the attackers were Pakistani, I have long held that the obvious point for retaliation is not some "non-state actor" but the Pakistani army. I have not said that this is the position that will be taken by the IA & GoI, only that it should be.

The point there was the poster's comment that attacks against military targets were acceptable, I said pretty much the same. A general position, may or may not be applicable in this particular incident.
True unless Pakistan is used as a boogie poor CRPF troops dying at the hand of maoists won't get the required hype and attention.
If I recall correctly, the violence in India's Eastern States has resulted in many magnitude more Indian security forces being killed than in J&K, over the last several years, yet somehow even the smallest incident of violence or protest in J&K is blamed on "ISI/PA sponsored activity".

If the insurgents in the North Eastern States can inflict such heavy casualties on Indian security forces without State support, then the much smaller number of casualties inflicted by insurgents in J&K certainly does not require State support.
RIP to the Indian forces who died.

RIH to the B*****ds who attacked them and those who support the terrorists.
If I recall correctly, the violence in India's Eastern States has resulted in many magnitude more Indian security forces being killed than in J&K, over the last several years, yet somehow even the smallest incident of violence or protest in J&K is blamed on "ISI/PA sponsored activity".

If the insurgents in the North Eastern States can inflict such heavy casualties on Indian security forces without State support, then the much smaller number of casualties inflicted by insurgents in J&K certainly does not require State support.

True. Apparently Arnab and other jingos of Indian media have already waged war on Pakistan. Intense fighting going on.

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