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Indian Lt. Colonel among 11 soldiers dead in Fidayeen attack in Indian Occupied Kashmir

RIP to the fallen soldiers.

Lot of members posting to show their happiness over the death and the thread going for several pages.

A true reflection of the forum.
Rest in peace...........

Revenge will be served to perprators and their supporters whether it is congress govt or BJP govt.........

These attacks will wake up the people who still think that Pakistan is honest about peace......... Pakistan is just waiting and buying time and planning for next kargil or 1965 attack.or till its economy recovers.
Hai Haq Hamara Azzadi, Ham Lay Ky Rahaingy Azzadi :enjoy:
yes.. you have right to have freedom from terrorisam but unfortunelty lost being human being in process

Instrument of Accession is a bogus document.

India's False Claim on Kashmir

On October 28th 1993, Robin Raphel stated that Washington did not recognise
the Instrument of Accession to India as meaning that Kashmir is forever
more an integral part of India. She expressed the view that the whole of
Kashmir is disputed territory, the future status of which must be
determined in accordance with the wishes of the people of Kashmir.

The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), based in Geneva, recently,
passed a resolution proclaiming Kashmir's accession to India as bogus and
null and void. The ICJ went further by condemning the human rights
violations in Kashmir.

These events serve to highlight the disputed status of Kashmir by focusing
on the fraudulent nature of the Instrument of Accession which was 'signed'
by the Mahrajah of Kashmir on 26th October 1947.

The Indians claim that the Instrument of Accession was signed by Mahrajah
Hari Singh on 26th October 1947, in which the Mahrajah agreed to accede to
India in return for military assistance to put down the popular rebellion
against him, seen at that time as an invasion by tribesmen from
neighbouring Pakistan. The details of the accession were worked out between
the Kashmiri Prime Minister, MC Mahajan and the Indian official, VP Menon,
in Dehli. However, there are serious doubts about the signing of the
document. Alastair Lamb (in his book, Kashmir - A disputed legacy 1846-
1990) points out that the Instrument of Accession could not have been
signed by the Mahrajah on 26th October as he was travelling by road to
Jammu (a distance of over 350 Km). There is no evidence to suggest that a
meeting or communication of any kind took place on 26th October 1947. In
fact it was on 27th October 1947 that the Mahrajah was informed by his MC
Mahajan and VP Menon (who had flown into Srinagar), the the Instrument of
Accession had already been negotiated in Dehli. The Mahrajah did not in
fact sign the Instrument of Accession, if at all, until 27th October 1947.
This sheds doubts on the actions of the Indian regime. Some Indian troops
had already arrived and secured Srinagar airfield during the middle of
October 1947. On 26th October 1947, a further massive airlift brought
thousands of Indian troops to Kashmir - BEFORE the signing of the
Accession. Therefore, this situation begs the question: would the Mahrajah
have signed the Instrument of Accession had the Indian troops not been on
Kashmiri soil?

No satisfactory original of the Instrument of Accession has ever been
produced in an international forum; a published form has always been shown.
Further, the document was not presented to Pakistan or to the UN. In the
summer of 1995, the Indian authorities reported the original document as
lost or stolen. This sheds further doubt on whether the Mahrajah actually
signed the Instrument of Accession.

The Governor-General of India at the time, Lord Mountbatten, stipulated
that the permanent accession of Kashmir to the Indian Union will only be
accepted once the people of Kashmir had been consulted. He noted in a
letter to the Mahrajah, "the question of the states's accession should be
settled by a reference to the people". Furthermore, when the Kashmir crisis
broke out in October 1947, the principle of reference to the people through
plebiscite was already established as similar disputes in some other states
had been resolved this way. The Indian Prime Minister J Nehru, accepted
this principle and reiterated his position in a letter to the British Prime
Minister on 25th October 1947, "our view, which we have repeatedly made
public, is that the question of accession in any disputed territory must be
decided in accordance with the wishes of the people and we adhere to this
view". Therefore, at the time of the so-called accession, the Indian regime
accepted the principle of reference to the people. Based on this principle,
the Instrument of Accession should have been provisional and conditional
upon the outcome of a plebiscite.

When India took the Kashmir issue to the UN in 1948, it did so under
article 35 of Chapter VI which outlines the means for a peaceful settlement
of disputes. It is interesting to note here that India did not present the
Kashmir case under the UN Chapter VII which relates to acts of aggression
as India was alleging Pakistan. Therefore, it is evident that by raising
the issue under Chapter VI, India recognised the Kashmir issue as a
dispute, thus conceding that the Instrument of Accession had not confirmed
the state to be an integral part of India. India is still party to all the
UN resolutions on Kashmir. Moreover, India and Pakistan accepted the UN
resolutions of January 1948 calling for a plebiscite in Kashmir to exercise
the right of self-determination of the people of Kashmir. India's
acceptance of the UN resolutions establishes beyond a doubt, that the
future of status of Kashmir would be determined by its people. Therefore,
the Instrument of Accession, even if genuine, is rendered null and void.

In the past, attempts to hold a plebiscite have been met with fierce
opposition from India. India has known, right from the start, that the
result of a plebiscite is a foregone conclusion - the population of Kashmir
would have voted to rid themselves of Indian rule. This has been the case
from 26th October 1947 to the present day. On the practicality of holding a
plebiscite, a paper by the US state department, presented to the UN on 2nd
December 1947, noted , "the dominion of India may attempt to establish the
extant electoral rolls on the basis for the referendum. As these rolls are
said to contain less than 7% of the population and were compiled on a basis
which served the weight to the members of the wealthiest educated Hindu
majority who would obviously vote for accession to India, it is important
that the electoral body should in fact be composed on a basis of complete
adult suffrage in order that the result of the referendum may be
representative of the actual wishes of the people of Kashmir".

In view of the above arguments, it is clear that the Indian case on Kashmir
is politically, legally and morally unjustified. The commitment made by
India and the UN to allow the people of the state to choose their own
future are neither time bound nor do they provide an escape clause for the
Indian regime. It is only through fraud and repression that India continues
to forcefully occupy a large portion of Kashmir.

The Instrument of Accession & The Indian Claims to Kashmir
these things dicuss to 99.9999% in same forum and in UN..
what the result..

Dear pakistani Members ,
Those who support these terrorsit by any name ... then dont blame any blast in pakistan on name of relgion.. sect .. idelogy ..
if you support bloood bath ... you will get by destiny the same...
They are Pakistanis you fool. India doesn't occupy Kashmir so how can Kashmiris fight against an Indian occupation that doesn't exist? :sarcastic:
I must say that was one audacious attack after such a long time. hats off to the Kashmiri fighters for what they achieved.
I must say , the Indian border forces have to answer for themselves if these militants "REALLY" crossed over the border and multi-layered electrified fence .

When terrorists can capture soldiers alive and then later play football with their heads, they can do anything.
wow Jaunty thats a best comment you just made in this thread.. you must be feeling better

by the way.. just in case you chose to miss the news... those who played football with our soldiers were blown to bits by our Gunship attack. our soldiers who tagged them and called in the airstrike later on recovered the corpses and identified them from the pictures they had posted on the internet for your viewing pleasure.

furthermore, there is no room for them left to feel safe, Americans are pounding them in Afghanistan and we are pounding them inside North Waziristan. so you might need to recycle this phrase for a long time now because Gen Raheel Sherif during his visit in USA ensured that TTP becomes an extinct specie on either side of Pak- Afghan border.

oh yea, back to the story at hand. if these Kashmiri militants were sent by Hafiz Saeed then why did your military along the LoC let them cross over? was it too busy shooting at Kashmiri residents?
I must say that was one audacious attack after such a long time. hats off to the Kashmiri fighters for what they achieved.
I must say , the Indian border forces have to answer for themselves if these militants "REALLY" crossed over the border and multi-layered electrified fence .

wow Jaunty thats a best comment you just made in this thread.. you must be feeling better

by the way.. just in case you chose to miss the news... those who played football with our soldiers were blown to bits by our Gunship attack. our soldiers who tagged them and called in the airstrike later on recovered the corpses and identified them from the pictures they had posted on the internet for your viewing pleasure.

furthermore, there is no room for them left to feel safe, Americans are pounding them in Afghanistan and we are pounding them inside North Waziristan. so you might need to recycle this phrase for a long time now because Gen Raheel Sherif during his visit in USA ensured that TTP becomes an extinct specie on either side of Pak- Afghan border.

oh yea, back to the story at hand. if these Kashmiri militants were sent by Hafiz Saeed then why did your military along the LoC let them cross over? was it too busy shooting at Kashmiri residents?
@Irfan Baloch
hats off to the Kashmiri fighters for what they achieved.
as you are veteran in field can you tell following,
what your defination of terrorist and freedom fighter ?
may i know what they achived ?
what role current flood did to porus security system in j-k?
Dear pakistani Members ,
Those who support these terrorsit by any name ... then dont blame any blast in pakistan on name of relgion.. sect .. idelogy ..
if you support bloood bath ... you will get by destiny the same...
I empathize with your respectful post.

you see there is a difference here. the target of these militants was Indian army, not the civilians. the Indian army that is in disputed territory and is there to keep the grip of Indian state. so that fight was fair.

by the way, I am using this line because we were given the same advice by a name changing multi- account multiple banned Indian member who made a very happy and humorous post when there were news about our FC vehicle being blown up by BLA. he said it was a fair kill... he might be still here reading this thread now with yet another ID..

so just for him I say, these Indian soldiers and the officer were a fair game.

having said that, I would refrain from showing any humor or any fun out of this incident, it is war and its ugly and there is nothing glorious about it. and I say rest in peace to all dead. just or unjust, those soldiers lost their lives protecting the Indian state's occupation of Kashmir.

@Irfan Baloch
hats off to the Kashmiri fighters for what they achieved.
as you are veteran in field can you tell following,
what your defination of terrorist and freedom fighter ?
may i know what they achived ?
what role current flood did to porus security system in j-k?
dear we wont agree on that would we?

my definition vs your definition will differ on the following starting with

Baloch Liberation army
Mukti bahani
Khalistan liberation force

so one might be freedom fighter for you but will be a terrorist for me and vice versa
wow Jaunty thats a best comment you just made in this thread.. you must be feeling better

by the way.. just in case you chose to miss the news... those who played football with our soldiers were blown to bits by our Gunship attack. our soldiers who tagged them and called in the airstrike later on recovered the corpses and identified them from the pictures they had posted on the internet for your viewing pleasure.

furthermore, there is no room for them left to feel safe, Americans are pounding them in Afghanistan and we are pounding them inside North Waziristan. so you might need to recycle this phrase for a long time now because Gen Raheel Sherif during his visit in USA ensured that TTP becomes an extinct specie on either side of Pak- Afghan border.

oh yea, back to the story at hand. if these Kashmiri militants were sent by Hafiz Saeed then why did your military along the LoC let them cross over? was it too busy shooting at Kashmiri residents?

There is no limit to which these terrorists can go. That is the point I was trying to make. Good job on killing those who were responsible. IA also killed every single one of them today and will possibly try to punish the handlers in some way or other.
seems some cages are rattled violently due to high voter turnout. Now awaiting some actions at some other place due to different set of freedom fighters against a different occupier.
I know what you are saying

we are keeping an eye on your BLA and TTP camps as well. since the demise of Karzai, we are getting a free hand in Afghanistan. apart from few road side bombs, BLA has been reduced to its former shadow now.. mostly self inflicted due to infighting and cannibalizing each other with many Sardars falling out with each other over "betrayal" and joining the Baloch government.

as for TTP? well they are not fairing that well either, American drones are hunting them inside Afghanistan and our jets and helicopters are taking them out inside North Waziristan.

Read more. The whole world is saying it.
really? does India allow international news agencies to visit there?
I must say , the Indian border forces have to answer for themselves if these militants "REALLY" crossed over the border and multi-layered electrified fence .

You are being disingenous. It's not an electrical fence, the idea is to make it difficult to cross & expose any infiltrators to a much higher risk than if there is no fence. Also any breaches can be spotted & inner defences warned. The fence does not stop all infiltration, only makes it more difficult & dangerous.

really? does India allow international news agencies to visit there?

Yup. For a very long time.
I empathize with your respectful post.

you see there is a difference here. the target of these militants was Indian army, not the civilians. the Indian army that is in disputed territory and is there to keep the grip of Indian state. so that fight was fair.

by the way, I am using this line because we were given the same advice by a name changing multi- account multiple banned Indian member who made a very happy and humorous post when there were news about our FC vehicle being blown up by BLA. he said it was a fair kill... he might be still here reading this thread now with yet another ID..

so just for him I say, these Indian soldiers and the officer were a fair game.

having said that, I would refrain from showing any humor or any fun out of this incident, it is war and its ugly and there is nothing glorious about it. and I say rest in peace to all dead. just or unjust, those soldiers lost their lives protecting the Indian state's occupation of Kashmir.

dear we wont agree on that would we?

my definition vs your definition will differ on the following starting with

Baloch Liberation army
Mukti bahani
Khalistan liberation force

so one might be freedom fighter for you but will be a terrorist for me and vice versa
Thanks for reply...
Target theory ..
even if i accept this that these terrorist/FF targeting Armed forces ...
who hit the most due to insurgency ?
who got hiit the most in to in terroist and IA battle ..
whos house /hotel/shikara blow up by either side in battle ?
what benefit kahmiris got in all this ?
IA become more fierce in action in which some brunt on innocent kashmiris .. waht their fault ?

Fun at blast..
if any member did this he shoudl be ban permanatyl ..
and if he is reding this thred then its MOD responsibilty to keep these people at bay ..till they relasir their mistake..
Soldires of any county die for cuntry.. so Respect is Must ..
if indian member did it i am sorry for that
but one exception is not rule.. not all indian celebrate like that
Soldirs life
you said more than me.. which summaries it ..

IOK vs Azad Kashmir
instead of puting these terrorist in IOk lets make deal who can develope siether side beter n huan index..is it not fair deal for the cause you figthing for ..
instead traing jihaids train gigit yout to make head of OIC.. OPEC.. best bsuiness man / group.. best model for devlopemt
we are trying .. shall you too ..

your Terrosty my FF and vis vis

Baloch Liberation army--

if pak estabshment knows and have solid proff that india is envolve why cant you go to UN or make other nation aware like we did in 26/11 case ..
world diplomacy need proof ...
you cant blame wihut proof .. a Solid proof and present to world community
Mukti bahani
ok.. may i know how many representative east pak have in west pak central govt.. how many bengalsit become PM and president of pak.. how musch beudget allaoction form 1947 - 1970 east pak had iin central budget ?
Khalistan liberation force
it was bad game plan.. with bad exceution was playing with fire and got its result too
we never traedt naxalsit as terrosrt
they have difrent of opinon had some ideology based on type of development later become pure explitative one and lost cause
No, did not jump the gun at all. Doval is the NSA and I have faith in him that he would take appropriate action against the responsible party. That is exactly what I said.
Similar incident happened just a few days ago.
Actually we are.. Unlike Pakistanis like you we dont have to vent out frustration by making an abuse directed towards a leader of the enemy country as our signature. You wont find any indian here with something like "Juck Finnah" as their signature :)

Please, I spend way too much time here to know exactly the amount of human filth that comes from India here as well.
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