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Indian Lawyers Beat Up Low Cast Dalit Boy, Treatment of Low Casts in india

There are a**holes everywhere. Someone should've done the same to the lawyer saheb. Maybe Mayawati can take a note.
The boys brother-in-law works in the same court. He had a argument with him...which should have turned out into this mess with a bunch of lawyers jumping into the fray.

My extremely limited intellect is still trying to understand as to what this could have to do with the boys caste.


The 22-year-old boy, Vinod, had come to the court to sort out a dispute with a relative, Ravinder, who is a lawyer in the Agra court. Vinod is the brother-in-law of Ravinder's elder brother.

After a heated exchange, Ravinder and Vinod reportedly exchanged blows.

But then, lets not allow factsto come into the way when we're trying to speak about India. We simply shouldn't. Its a god given opportunity to show India in bad light. Add the caste tag...viola...how irresistable! :enjoy:
The boys brother-in-law works in the same court. He had a argument with him...which should have turned out into this mess with a bunch of lawyers jumping into the fray.

My extremely limited intellect is still trying to understand as to what this could have to do with the boys caste.


But then, lets not allow factsto come into the way when we're trying to speak about India. We simply shouldn't. Its a god given opportunity to show India in bad light. Add the caste tag...viola...how irresistable! :enjoy:

Taken from you own News paper.. The Hindu...

LUCKNOW: A Dalit was thrashed and his head shaved off on the Agra District Court compound on Tuesday. No arrest has yet been made.

Uttar Pradesh Principal Secretary (Home) K. Chandramouli told newspersons on Wednesday that a first information report was lodged against lawyer Ravindra Singh and his associates immediately after the incident.

The FIR was lodged at the New Agra police station by Sher Singh, a relative of the Dalit youth Vinod Jatav (22).

The Agra police said the incident was the fallout of an altercation between Jatav and the advocate.

The lawyer is the brother-in-law of Jatav's elder brother Tej Singh.

Police sources said the lawyer was annoyed at Jatav refusing to marry a girl he had chosen for him.

At 1 p.m. on Tuesday, the police said, the lawyer called the youth to his makeshift chamber and, along with his colleagues, overpowered Jatav.

Later, the youth was thrashed and tied to a tree with his shirt. A barber shaved the youth's head and the assailants spat at him in the face, the police said.

Ordeal for an hour

The youth underwent the ordeal for about an hour, after which he was let off but not before he profusely apologised to Ravindra Singh.

Earlier, the two used abusive language against each other over a mobile phone, the police said.

Ofcourse I forgot, the mistreatment of low caste in India is a myth created by the Media to sell papers, these things don't exist, these things only occur in "remote" parts of India & is dome by the "un-educated". :enjoy:
Ofcourse I forgot, the mistreatment of low caste in India is a myth created by the Media to sell papers, these things don't exist, these things only occur in "remote" parts of India & is dome by the "un-educated". :enjoy:

These things do exist. But to say that every so called 'low-caste' is mistreated is a myth. If it was the case, India would've exploded by now. A majority of them get a fair treatment.
Guys Such kind of mistreatments of low caste is mostly confined to states like up, rajasthan, bihar and some sick north states.. but as far as the rest of India is concerned Low castes are mostly powerful and are progressing economically and socially... As far as south India is concerned there are a lot of affirmitive actions that ensure that people form backward castes such as SC and ST enter premier engineering and medical institutions.. You should come down south and visit places like tamilnadu kerala etc. As far as TN is concerned backward class people get a fair deal .. HECK we have 69 % reservations for engineering and medicine... Even in government institutions bacward class members find employement easily...

I HOPE THAT may be the south Indian model or Tamilnadu model is followed ny the entire nation especially by the sick states such as bihar orissa up etc
Its prevalent mostly in UP & Bihar, two of the most backward Indian states and to some extent in MP.
Taken from you own News paper.. The Hindu...

Ofcourse I forgot, the mistreatment of low caste in India is a myth created by the Media to sell papers, these things don't exist, these things only occur in "remote" parts of India & is dome by the "un-educated". :enjoy:

He was beaten up due to a argument not because he was a dailt......get a life rahman, please .
These things do exist. But to say that every so called 'low-caste' is mistreated is a myth. If it was the case, India would've exploded by now. A majority of them get a fair treatment.


Ofcourse its a myth. Even the 300 million plus poor are myth. Learn to accept the truth as it is and than work to fix that very problem. I found comments by u and ur friend absolutly sick... Maybe u wat be blind folded but not us or others... Now if want to make comments in regard to his post, y not bring out some refence to bak it up...

He was beaten up due to a argument not because he was a dailt......get a life rahman, please .

PERSONAL ATTACK.... Hmm sign of frustration i guess. Y not refut his claim rather than having a go at him. I dont know how MODS let u go so free. U contribution so far is nothing on this forum. im still new so havnt read much of us post, but by sampling i can tell u dont know what ur talking abt.

:yahoo: ......oh mannnn

Watss soo good abt those comments. So y shouldnt we look at facts. Oh i forgot they are painful inside of nicely painted India. i guess the shinning India is really dul india...

indiapakistanfriendship: well not really mate.. it will continue to happen as long as the economci development is not distributed down to the poors. Ive seen many of ur friends to be proud of the india having many Billionair but it also highlight the sad fact of wealth is concentrated in hand of very few will thousands die on streets due to hunger......

If u want me to give evidence of my claim im willing to.....
ndiapakistanfriendship: well not really mate.. it will continue to happen as long as the economci development is not distributed down to the poors. Ive seen many of ur friends to be proud of the india having many Billionair but it also highlight the sad fact of wealth is concentrated in hand of very few will thousands die on streets due to hunger......

If u want me to give evidence of my claim im willing to.....

We know how to run our country .. thanx for you concer... Have you come and lived in my country for ten years.. HAVE you mingled with my people so that you can assertively claim whatyever you are claiming ..

FOR YOU INFORMATION Atune into bbc or Cnn or any respectable news cast and you can find truckloads of infor relating Pakistan and Terrorism.. so can i infer form that your streets are teaming with terrorists .. I will not do so .. and I do so that would be stupid..

I ve seen pakistani members here trying to point out day after day the lackings in India .. as If they were living in Luxembrough...

We are developing and the world recognises that.. Our poor children now have avenues for education and our youth have now opportutnities hiterto unavailavble before... Come run an billion plus country with freedom to everybody and you will know....

Yes we are happy about our bilionares .. why shouldnt we ... we are happy for what they have achieved .. we are happy that the windows vista you will be usnig our the adobe you etc or etc has a hand of Indian work in it.. we are happy for what our citizens aould achieve ...

You don t thumy our chest for aany such achievers than its your problem.. As far as I know I HEAR ABOUT PAKISTAN IN THE NEWS FOR ALL THE WRONG REASON..

All you can do is generalise.... Come to south India .. The forward castes have become backward in every aspect thanks to the generous quotas offered to lower castes...

PERSONAL ATTACK.... Hmm sign of frustration i guess. Y not refut his claim rather than having a go at him. I dont know how MODS let u go so free. U contribution so far is nothing on this forum. im still new so havnt read much of us post, but by sampling i can tell u dont know what ur talking a

And you are teaching the venerable bull huh
indiapakistanfriendship: well not really mate.. it will continue to happen as long as the economci development is not distributed down to the poors. Ive seen many of ur friends to be proud of the india having many Billionair but it also highlight the sad fact of wealth is concentrated in hand of very few will thousands die on streets due to hunger......

If u want me to give evidence of my claim im willing to.....

Do you have any example in mind of a antion that has succeeded in distributing wealth. We have just started with this reforms in the 90s, we are very young in this. Miles to go....
We know how to run our country .. thanx for you concer... Have you come and lived in my country for ten years.. HAVE you mingled with my people so that you can assertively claim whatyever you are claiming ..

FOR YOU INFORMATION Atune into bbc or Cnn or any respectable news cast and you can find truckloads of infor relating Pakistan and Terrorism.. so can i infer form that your streets are teaming with terrorists .. I will not do so .. and I do so that would be stupid..

I ve seen pakistani members here trying to point out day after day the lackings in India .. as If they were living in Luxembrough...

We are developing and the world recognises that.. Our poor children now have avenues for education and our youth have now opportutnities hiterto unavailavble before... Come run an billion plus country with freedom to everybody and you will know....

Yes we are happy about our bilionares .. why shouldnt we ... we are happy for what they have achieved .. we are happy that the windows vista you will be usnig our the adobe you etc or etc has a hand of Indian work in it.. we are happy for what our citizens aould achieve ...

You don t thumy our chest for aany such achievers than its your problem.. As far as I know I HEAR ABOUT PAKISTAN IN THE NEWS FOR ALL THE WRONG REASON..

All you can do is generalise.... Come to south India .. The forward castes have become backward in every aspect thanks to the generous quotas offered to lower castes...

And you are teaching the venerable bull huh

So ive just hurt ur feelings. Its called free world and free media, i express what i need as i want to and if u dont like it learn to live with it.

Well BBC and CNN.... yeh what a respectable media sources ur talking abt and all the other media in the world is crap. Yeh ofcourse the most pro india papers do seen better for u, but y dont u move away from this and look for reality... Where have i given u pakistani sources maybe u want to point out......

BTW this is discussion board and if u can handle the pressure just leave it...

As for bull being venerable member maybe u want too look up at the defintion of that word so far i havent found him to be the case...

Do you have any example in mind of a antion that has succeeded in distributing wealth. We have just started with this reforms in the 90s, we are very young in this. Miles to go....

17 years is long time bud... try looking at ur GDP growth in those ten years and than comparing it to ppl living in life of hell. Maybe u really dont know what is going on.
So ive just hurt ur feelings. Its called free world and free media, i express what i need as i want to and if u dont like it learn to live with it.

Was I HURT? LOL ... Dont worry I AM NOT HURT BY SOMEONE whogets hard one by cursing India.. maybe in the process can forget abou his countrys ststus for a while...he he .. u really give me lols man...

Well BBC and CNN.... yeh what a respectable media sources ur talking abt and all the other media in the world is crap. Yeh ofcourse the most pro india papers do seen better for u, but y dont u move away from this and look for reality... Where have i given u pakistani sources maybe u want to point out......

BTW this is discussion board and if u can handle the pressure just leave it...

YA I think you can teach me some methods of handling stress lol...Again I repeat .. we are proud of our billionares and our IT whiz kidsss.... once infrastructure and manufacturing sectors grows wealth distribution will really start to take place...... Our finance minister has announced an investment lineup of 150 billion dollars in areas of infrastructure.. naturally that will tickle down to coolies and uneducated labourers...

Oh really I then forgot I was speaking to a citizen of luxembrough or switzerland... get down and think about your country rather than thinking about our poor...

As for bull being venerable member maybe u want too look up at the defintion of that word so far i havent found him to be the case...

Listen this is not PDF ....You have no right to comment on Bull... members like bull keys have served this forum well.. If u really want to get hard on abusing others my suggestion is that you roll and play in PDF.. NOT HERE..

17 years is long time bud... try looking at ur GDP growth in those ten years and than comparing it to ppl living in life of hell. Maybe u really dont know what is going on.

Initially the reforms were economic.. now our government is really planning social reforms for the backward.. I THINK IT LL TICKLE DOWN.... And again I repeat why dont you think aboutr doing soemthing for your poor rahter than Indias poor.. Again I repeat come and manage a country of billion plus population with vast economic and social diversity and then you ll know..
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