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Indian, Iranian unease over Pak-Afghan warming relations

Its a pity cuz many Afghanis is Pakistan, who are living in our country and eating our food and they are treated like one of us, but some of them still hate us, apparently they wont say that on our faces cuz as you just said it will be rude.

Im sorry but in my POV Afghanis in Canada are even worst then Indians, Cuz some of them simply dont like us, but Indian keeping in mind we almost share same language and culture are more attached to us. so its just my POV feel free to disagree

Yes, afghans live there, but i dont think it will be completely out of benefit to pakistan too. on the other hand, they are not eating your food, they are mostly supported by their families abroad, the UN or doing those sort of jobs that the locals dont do it because it is very harsh one to do. you might have seen only those who are in canada, but trust me all of them no matter where they live have a negative view of pakistan. you can accuse and blame them for it, that is your choice, but it wont hurt you if you ponder for once and see how much in fault pakistan is for their attitude.

by the way, we have cultural exchanges over the history, both with pakistan and india. but we dont share the same language, only part of us do share the similar langauge, but absolute majority in both of these countries dont have anything in common. you should know that this common language no matter if it is not too big, can be a curse to paksitan.
Hahah you snooze you loose lolz... awsome news .. :lol::rofl::yahoo::cheesy:
If you consider hundreds of years of invasions into North India as cultural links..then you are right.But current Pakistani provinces were also invaded on the way to India..so won't they have the same "cultural" links?

Yes, they will have the same cultural links as would the ppl living in India. Btw I also used the word "economic", trade between what is today India and Afghanistan dates back to past several hundred years and that is not going to stop just because 63 year old Pakistan wants it to stop.

---------- Post added at 09:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:35 AM ----------

The links was through areas falling in current day Pakistan. And several hundreds years back there was no INDIA aka Bharat aka Hindustan. Current day India is as old as Pakistan so dont try to be extra smart.

You seriously need to revisist school.

The land that today is known as Pakistan, what was it called until 13th August, 1947? Answer this question and you will urself negate the part in bold.

Nobody is objection to the building roads but to your fraud and lie that you are doing it for Afghan people. Atleast we do not mince words about our national interests in that country and atleast we not dishonest like you in this regard.

Let the ppl of Afghanistan decide who is doing what for them, India or Pakistan.

and just WHO CARES of what Pakistan feels of the Indian presence in Afghanistan. You can complain to OIC, US or China or wherever u want to complain.

Kashmir is not part of India hence there is no question of meddling in India by Pakistan. On the other hand you can take up Maoists issue and blame Pakistan if you found any clue to our meddling there.

Kashmir was, is and will remain a part of India. Your politicians tried it, ur military tried it, ur hardcore religious fanatics and terrorists crossed the border and tried it but could not take away Kashmir from India.

It high time ur country starts concentrating on its own economy and people instead of meddling in the affairs of neighboring countries.
Please iran - india are finished over finito .... india backstabbed iran and its OVER ... ITS OVER HONEY ...break up
Y] but trust me all of them no matter where they live have a negative view of pakistan. you can accuse and blame them for it, that is your choice, but it wont hurt you if you ponder for once and see how much in fault pakistan is for their attitude.

No offense but that doesn't bother us. Most Pakistanis dont think about afghanistan let alone know what ethnic groups there are or anything in general about your country. While you guys seem to know more about Pakistan then most Pakistanis.Pakistani Pashtuns may like you ( even though I have met a lot that don't) but the rest of Pakistanis aren't too fond of you. You haven't been innocent either invading us in the 50's, being the only country to not have recognized Pakistan when it was created, trying to incite ethnic tensions in Pakistan, bring in drugs, not respect Pakistan's sovereignty by not accepting the durand line, and the list can go on

Anyways back to the topic, personally I don't think we should get too involved in afghanistan.
We should ask them to stop tearing down fences when we try to build them, take back their refugees, and stop living in denial and accept the durand line. Other then that we should leave them and deal with our own problems.
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India + Israel
India + Iran
India + Russia
??????????????, India does not need any one as walking stick.

Man its India alone no one else with it in Afghanistan. We love our Afghani brothers and they love us, so why you guys hell bent on proving this wrong?? :P

And another thing I don't get is, whats your problem if we invest, make schools or do anything there?

It's these simple generous peace loving peoples' country, let them decide their fate. They have seen some of the most horrific times under the Satan Taliban, now let them get a breeze of some fresh air.
India, Iran distrustful of renewed Afghan-Pakistan ties

"The Indians are shell-shocked," said a Western diplomat involved in Afghanistan policy. "They went in with more than a billion dollars, and now Pakistan is eating their lunch."

In his meetings, Mullen sought to assure Indian officials that the U.S.-led counterinsurgency strategy was on track and that the United States has a long-term commitment to assist Afghanistan. "India, perhaps more than any outside country, has the greatest stake in our success in Afghanistan," one U.S. official said.

The United States, Mullen told reporters, is not "looking for the door out of Afghanistan or out of this region."

But Indian officials remain deeply mistrustful of Pakistan's motivations in Afghanistan. The Pakistanis, officials here contend, have deftly capitalized on Karzai's fears of abandonment by the United States -- fueled in part by his misinterpretation of President Obama's pledge to begin drawing down forces by July 2011 -- by offering to help forge a deal with an insurgency that his army and NATO forces have been unable to defeat.

"Pakistan wants to be able to control the sequence of events in Afghanistan," a second senior Indian official said. "We don't want a situation that would entail a revision to pre-2001, with backward-looking people taking the reins of power in Kabul."

Iran, which is predominantly Shiite Muslim, is also worried about any greater political role for leaders of the almost exclusively Sunni Taliban, many of whom regard Shiites as apostates. Diplomats in New Delhi say Iran has encouraged India to send more of its assistance to provinces in northern and western Afghanistan that are under the control of warlords and other power brokers who were part of the anti-Taliban Northern Alliance. The diplomats said that India has not shifted its efforts, much of which were already directed at the north.

Whether the Taliban is genuinely interested in reconciliation is questionable. CIA director Leon Panetta said last month that he saw no clear indications that insurgent leaders wanted to engage in peace talks with the Afghan government.

Mullen echoed that assessment, saying he does not believe reconciliation is imminent. "We've got to be in a position of strength," he said. "We're just not there yet."



The things you forget to high light also!!!!
No offense but that doesn't bother us. Most Pakistanis dont think about afghanistan let alone know what ethnic groups there are or anything in general about your country. While you guys seem to know more about Pakistan then most Pakistanis.Pakistani Pashtuns may like you ( even though I have met a lot that don't) but the rest of Pakistanis aren't too fond of you. You've been hating us since 1947 and we could care less.

Anyways back to the topic, personally I don't think we should get too involved in afghanistan.
We should ask them to stop tearing down fences when we try to build them, take back their refugees, and stop living in denial and accept the durand line. Other then that we should leave them and deal with our own problems.

Very good reply, seems you have replied from your heart.:cheers:
Very good reply, seems you have replied from your heart.:cheers:

Thanks!It just bothers me when afghans think that we're in love with them and by telling us they hate us, we'll be crushed. We certainly aren't too fond of them either. We have done some wrong things in afghanistan, but they haven't been angels either. They tried to invade us in the 50's and was the only country to not have recognized Pakistan when it was created. Even India didn't even do that.
You haven't been innocent either invading us in the 50's, being the only country to not have recognized Pakistan when it was created

The eastern part of Afghanistan empire was conquered and annexed by the British colonial empire. The Afghans were under the impression that when British withdrew those areas will be returned to Afghanistan. The independence of Pakistan and NWFP voting to join Pakistan came as a total shock to Afghans. It took them few decades to accept the reality of Pakistan-Afghanistan border. We should not raise this old issue as it is resolved. We should now concentrate at fostering close relations with Afghanistan.
The eastern part of Afghanistan empire was conquered and annexed by the British colonial empire. The Afghans were under the impression that when British withdrew those areas will be returned to Afghanistan. The independence of Pakistan and NWFP voting to join Pakistan came us a shock to Afghans. It took them few decades to accept the reality of Pakistan-Afghanistan border. We should raise this old issue as it is resolved. We should now concentrate at fostering close relations with Afghanistan.

Theres still a lot of them out there that don't though. If I'm not mistaken their government does not recognize it either. Personally I really could care less about afghanistan. If they want a relationship then fine, but if they don't then who cares
he he ha ha,
Indians invest more in Afghanistan for our sake

India did not handed out a single penny to Afghan President or govt.
Most of indian aid come in the form of developing Afghan secret service RAMA and training of ANA officers in India and Israel.
India profited much more from such investment as Afghan govt. handed out large reconstruction contracts to india and of course we know re-construction funds come largely from US taxpayers.
Theres still a lot of them out there that don't though. If I'm not mistaken their government does not recognize it either. Personally I really could care less about afghanistan. If they want a relationship then fine, but if they don't then who cares

This has a lot do with ethnic makeup of Afghanistan. The Pakhtun of Afghanistan will be in absolute majority if Pakistani Pakhtuns joins them. The Dari speakers are not eager but use it as an diplomatic pressure on Pakistan. Talking about our neighbors: I think we have to have close brotherly relations with Iran and Afghanistan; we need to have close strategic partnership with China and we have to resolve Kashmir issue before we can have good relations with India. Who do you care about ?
how much in fault pakistan is for their attitude.
I think you are forgetting Pakistani support during Russian invasion.
You are forgetting that it was Pakistan who hosted afghan embassy.
You are forgetting many things.... but you are not Afghan, after all.
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