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Indian, Iranian unease over Pak-Afghan warming relations

Claiming it when its not yours

Now this is also called as derailing the thread. We can argue at lengths to whom Kashmir belongs to but thats not really the point of the thread.

Lets just agree on this and talk abt Afghanistan :cheers:

We all know thw LOC will be the final International border and there will be peace on both sides
Now this is also called as derailing the thread. We can argue at lengths to whom Kashmir belongs to but thats not really the point of the thread.

Lets just agree on this and talk abt Afghanistan :cheers:

Oh yeah your fellow countrymen have totally sticked to the topic :rolleyes:

Anyways you brought in Kashmir first, lets leave it
Oh yeah your fellow countrymen have totally sticked to the topic :rolleyes:

Anyways you brought in Kashmir first, lets leave it

Cool :cheers: lets all stop talking of Poverty, Kashmir :toast_sign:
and start talking abt the real topic of the thread.

Well Its good that we still retain our influence (which naturally every neighbor country has)but we must extend this influence and cultivate good ties with all ethnic communities of Afghanistan.
UN Security Council hails International Conference on Afghanistan

UNITED NATIONS, July 23 (Xinhua) -- The UN Security Council on Friday extended a welcome to a major international conference on Afghanistan, which just concluded in the Afghan capital of Kabul, and voiced its willingness to joint the world efforts to build a peaceful Afghanistan.

The statement came as Nigerian UN Ambassador Uche Joy Ogwu, who holds the rotating Council presidency for July, was reading a statement to the press here after the 15-nation body heard a briefing by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who co-chaired the International Conference on Afghanistan with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, on the international gathering.

The Kabul conference was the first international meeting on Afghanistan to be held in the country.

The Security Council welcomed the Kabul conference and " congratulated the government of Afghanistan on the organization of the conference, which brought together representatives of more than 60 countries, international and regional organizations and financial institutions to discuss Afghanistan's development, governance and stability," the statement said.

"The members of the Council supported this Afghan-led process, which aims to accelerate Afghan leadership and ownership, strengthen international partnership and regional cooperation, improve Afghanistan's governance, enhance the capabilities of the security forces, deliver economic growth, and provide better protection for the rights of all its citizens," the statement said.

"The members of the Security Council welcomed the Kabul conference communique, which recognized the conference as an important milestone in the 'Kabul Process'," said the statement.

The conference builds on previous international meetings between Afghanistan and its international partners, most recently the London Conference held in January.

"The members of the Council welcome the commitments made by the Afghan government, including the development framework, timelines and benchmarks for the new national priority programs, progress towards a transition to an Afghan security lead, improving of governance and tackling of corruption," the statement said.

"The members of the Council looked forward to the timely implementation of this commitments and called upon the international community to provide assistance to support the Kabul process in greater alignment with Afghan priorities," the statement said.

The final communique from the Kabul conference said, "The international community expressed its support for the president of Afghanistan's objective that the Afghan national security forces should lead and conduct military operations in all provinces by the end of 2014."

To allow the withdrawal of some of the 150,000 NATO-led troops from Afghanistan, President Karzai proposed boosting the national army to 170,000 soldiers, and the police by 134,000 officers by October 2011. Up to 36,000 former militants would be reintegrated into society.

"The members of the Council reiterated their condemnation of violent and terrorist activities by the Taliban, al-Qaeda and other extremist groups, aimed at destabilizing the situation in the country, and reasserted that no terrorist act can reverse the path towards peace, democracy, and reconstruction in Afghanistan," the statement said.

The Security Council took note of Afghanistan's government peace and reconciliation program, and emphasized that this program is open to those of the armed opposition who renounce violence, have no links with international terrorist organizations, respect the constitution, and are willing to join in building a peaceful Afghanistan, the statement said.

"The members of the Security Council acknowledging that narcotics are a global challenge, welcomed the intention stated by the conference participants to strengthen international and regional cooperation to counter illegal production, trafficking, and production of drugs from Afghanistan and to fight the illicit drugs trade by supporting the Afghan government's initiatives and policies in this regard, including an increase in the number of poppy-free provinces," the statement added.

Meanwhile, the Security Council also underlined "the leading role" of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan in the co-ordination of the international civilian efforts in Afghanistan and supported the leadership of the UN secretary- general's special representative, Staffan de Mistura, and the work of the UN mission, the statement said.

"The member of the Council looked forward to free, fair, transparent and open legislative election in September 2010," the statement added.

UN Security Council hails International Conference on Afghanistan
How come this thread from topic of Pakistan countering in India turned into war of economic assitance and India vs China?
I dont think $1billion is a very big amount for us Indians, It may be big for u..
We have given much more than that to others.
U pakistanis have ur free lunch now but hope u doesnt get Foodpoisoning later on... Nothing is permanent in life. ..

I dont want to bring millions of naked poor Indians into discussion here as thats an open secrete and we dont need to put much efforts to see that.

But as far as free cake and Indian and talks like that, we Pakistanis are not much interested in it, Its Indian so-called Orange analysts who have tried to portrayed this scenario whereas India has build roads and other strategic infra for Indian interests mostly in the areas which they think come under Norther Alliance and under the sphere of Iran, so we are not going to be benefited either the road leading to Chahbahar or anything else.

But indeed the Indian dream of eating someone's else cake in Afghanistan by building few roads that too for Indian interests, sure seems to be shattering for now.

Its another matter that sometimes Gates, Mullen or Hillary gives you a lollipop to stop your crying
Rubbish has been deleted and trolls thrown out also.

If anyone else trolled again in this thread, they will be thrown out too.

Keep the discussion as per topic, no need to discuss off topic nonsense, if can't talk within limits, then don't need to post.
:cheers: The ground reality might be a little different. Most people in Afghanistan would favor India :toast_sign:

If that was the case India would have sent its troops long long ago.

reading few internet forums where those Afghans residing in the west who ran away leaving the majority behind does not mean that most people in Afghanistan would favour India.
Pakistan borders Afghanistan over a huge area and its a legitimate issue for Pakistan that Afghanistan is stable.
Seriously India should let us, direct neighbors deal with the issue and fix the problem. If India's intentions are really peaceful and they want to play important role in South Asia than stop all the Anti PAK operations running in AF.
Pakistan borders Afghanistan over a huge area and its a legitimate issue for Pakistan that Afghanistan is stable.
Seriously India should let us, direct neighbors deal with the issue and fix the problem. If India's intentions are really peaceful and they want to play important role in South Asia than stop all the Anti PAK operations running in AF.

Everybody wants a stable Afghanistan. India is militarily present is Afghanistan right from the days when Northern Alliance was fighting the Taliban which has close links with Pakistan.

After what happened in Kandahar, we have to ensure that there is an India friendly leadership in Afghanistan.

Who knows what will happen once the US starts vacating the country. Nobody wants a Taliban resurgence here. US must not leave completely, atleast not for the next 10 years.

And lastly, I dont think should be any cause of worry for India or Iran over good ties between Afghan and Pak, that in no way can undermine India's heavy presence in the country.
Well first i have to say this is one helluva thread, many must have been banned

Now to the topic, it is well known fact that both India and Pakistan are trying their best to gain complete foothold in this country, both with their own methods. Regarding this article, i don't think our government would watch all the money go down the drain. Now before u jump on me, let me give my reasons :

Its true that Mr.Karzai is not so strong a leader to enforce anything in the country without outside help so he seems to be oscillating between India and Pakistan which is understandable. So going by his actions i would not like to judge the outcome. Which many here would agree with me i think?

Secondly Americans know that without Pakistani help this thing cannot be wrapped up so they would be dancing on your tunes no doubt but not completely as seen by recent events (read Hillary etc)

Next the American perspective is something to be understood here, see many think that because USA is unable to acquire a complete win it would someday lets say like in one or two years get out like Vietnam. This is the point where i differ, u see there is no analogy between Vietnam and Afghanistan, there it was Democracy vs Communism. Here it is Sharia rule vs free society and particularly no Afghani would like to go back to such a situation.

You see history teaches us lot of lessons and USA would have learnt it that too after Iraq , so to save their faces they could try to break this country in to two or leave it to Taliban as u think would happen. If the first thing happens it would become one helluva problem for Pakistan. And there is such a possibility too because the average Afghani will accept it fearing the rule of Taliban, the intl players will be happy to save their faces and also this could give them a breather.

If the second thing happens initially Pakistan would have pulled of a fantastic strategic and moral victory on the world stage. However no afghani i mean those who are in the NATO occupied places can accept this. You may say that when all the parties included agree there is little that can be done by these. But i think if such situation turns out there will be another civil war no doubt where this time India and Iran would provide full support and that too openly. One can say that they will achieve a ****, but i don't think so.

The missing angle lot of people don't talk when speaking of Afghanistan is China. You see everybody agrees that America is cultivating ties with India to contain China, so how can America cede ground here when it knows that this would open the flood gates for China towards Central Asia. It would like to stop China at its own gates. You can argue that USA cant do a **** to China etc etc however that is in Military context , in diplomatic manoeuvrings it can do a lot. Also if it can gain a hold here it would be able to strangle its all time enemy Russia. Also if u are grooming somebody to be a counterweight u don't leave them in mid air. America's game vis-a-vis China is a long term one. So if short term objectives are not achieved for both long term goal can be forgotten. Again u will say we are slaves and they are our new masters etc, but think logically and this could make sense.

So all in all there are lot of angles here known and unknown. Only the final outcome can determine who gained and who lost.
Most likely India's obession with containing China will just make it another pawn in American regional games. India should maintain maximum military distance and minimum economic one for its own benefit. At the first sense of defeat, american will retreat without a glitch. War of vietnam and korea should serve as an example. Perhaps, due to rising disparity between India's south and north, they want Americans to turn them into two state solution.

In Mother India, Afghanistan rule you! :D
Most likely India's obession with containing China will just make it another pawn in American regional games. India should maintain maximum military distance and minimum economic one for its own benefit. At the first sense of defeat, american will retreat without a glitch. War of vietnam and korea should serve as an example. Perhaps, due to rising disparity between India's south and north, they want Americans to turn them into two state solution.

In Mother India, Afghanistan rule you! :D

Keeping aside ur apparent gleefulness aside buddy care to explain this two state solution?? Please don't make vague and unnecessary predictions just satisfy ur ego because they are not factual based.

And who said that there is raising disparity between North and South?? Please make mature comments and do not troll :agree:
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