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Indian, Iranian unease over Pak-Afghan warming relations

Funny thread but with the right intentions ...

As I said before, if you throw a stone in the busy streets of an afghan market the chances are that it will 98/100 times it will not hit a Pakistan supporter. BTW, numbers are never random ...
I would agree with Mr Dance, we are almost similar culturally. Here when we meet we don't talk of hatred or war, but of films , music, inviting one another to each others home, helping one another, in short we are the same community.

Its only on this forum we lick kicking one another..LOL

So in Afghanistan India will keep doing what it thinks best, no matter what others think, as Afghanis are our brothers just as every one else in the region.

Some Indians live under some weird assumptions...what the hell does a kannadaiga have in common with any Pakistani or a Keralite or a Tamilian or a bengali or a Marathi?
Some Indians live under some weird assumptions...what the hell does a kannadaiga have in common with any Pakistani or a Keralite or a Tamilian or a bengali or a Marathi?

A Kannadiga, a tamilian, a bengali and a marathi are bound by an idea called India. You won't understand it. You need to be an Indian to get a feel for it.
India must wake up to this reality: They cannot buy "friendship" and that Muslim Unity is stronger than everything else. Blood is heavier than $$$.
A Kannadiga, a tamilian, a bengali and a marathi are bound by an idea called India. You won't understand it. You need to be an Indian to get a feel for it.

Maybe but what do they have in common with Pakistan...next time please read the post.
Funny thread but with the right intentions ...

As I said before, if you throw a stone in the busy streets of an afghan market the chances are that it will 98/100 times it will not hit a Pakistan supporter. BTW, numbers are never random ...

Do you think afghans like you? They'll be nice to your face but behind your backs they'll make fun of indians. Trust me i've seen them hate on indians plenty of times.
Do you think afghans like you? They'll be nice to your face but behind your backs they'll make fun of indians. Trust me i've seen them hate on indians plenty of times.

Yes, its an interesting hatred of Pakistan some Afghans show. They denigrate most Pakistanis as being of 'Hindustani' origin, and have all sorts of vile and racist things to say in that context - it isn't hard to guess what is implicit in that thought process about Indians ...
Yes, its an interesting hatred of Pakistan some Afghans show. They denigrate most Pakistanis as being of 'Hindustani' origin, and have all sorts of vile and racist things to say in that context - it isn't hard to guess what is implicit in that thought process about Indians ...

Exactly, i've heard afghans say stupid things like we should be grateful that they "converted" us from being "weird idol worshippers", call stinky dhaal khors ( stinky daal eaters) and all kinds of things like that. Afghans are racist towards indians also. Just go on their forums and see. If they they thing that afghans truly love them and think of them as their brother, they're living in a delusional world.
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Exactly, i've heard afghans say stupid things like we should be grateful that they "converted" us from being "weird idol worshippers", call stinky dhaal khors ( stinky daal eaters) and all kinds of things like that. Afghans are racist towards indians also. Just go on their forums and see. If they they thing that afghans truly love them and think of them as their brother, they're living in a delusional world.

That is funny considering the Afghans also worshiped "weird idols"...and the Persians converted them who in turn were converted by Arabs.
Exactly, i've heard afghans say stupid things like we should be grateful that they "converted" us from being "weird idol worshippers", call stinky dhaal khors ( stinky daal eaters) and all kinds of things like that. Afghans are racist towards indians also. Just go on their forums and see. If they they thing that afghans truly love them and think of them as their brother, they're living in a delusional world.

Since modern Afghan identity is based upon traditional & modern history,not ancient history(pre-Islamic era),Afghans hate Pakistanis and look down upon Indians(from a historical point of view),but views are kinda lukewarm also because of Indian soap operas and bollywood(to a certain extent).

This had to happen someday,Good move by Afghanistan,with eventual Chinese economic advent,India's ties with Afghanistan will go dormant.
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@Ras, I think Pakistan also is just not Punjab, I have met Pakistanis who say their grandfather or father were from Bihar, UP, Haryana,Rajasthan. But yes yet to meet any from some Southern state.
Curious but why didn't any migration take place from South??

Also all this BS about poor Afghanis being racist etc, this is all a fabricated lie. I have here some of my best friends who are Afghani, and yes not one likes a Pakistani. So no need for any Pakistani to bring in India every where and spread mis information. If you wanna listen to the truth, which I am sure if living in any western country you must have realized by now,that If people hate you then they HATE ONLY YOU.

Now with these cruel wordings I am not being racist but trying subtly to tell the prevailing truth.

Thank you
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