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Indian, Iranian unease over Pak-Afghan warming relations

Also all this BS about poor Afghanis being racist etc, this is all a fabricated lie. I have here some of my best friends who are Afghani, and yes not one likes a Pakistani.

If I am a Afgan I will say the same thing to an Indian so he can be my friend :D
Historically , linguistically and culturally North Indians in the Indo-Gangetic Plains are much closer to Pakistanis and Afghans than to the South Indians. Many ancient famous Munis and Pundits were born in today's Pakistan and Afghanistan. Guru Nanak Shah can be mentioned as most well known figure among many.
@Ras, I think Pakistan also is just not Punjab, I have met Pakistanis who say their grandfather or father were from Bihar, UP, Haryana,Rajasthan. But yes yet to meet any from some Southern state.
Curious but why didn't any migration take place from South??

Also all this BS about poor Afghanis being racist etc, this is all a fabricated lie. I have here some of my best friends who are Afghani, and yes not one likes a Pakistani. So no need for any Pakistani to bring in India every where and spread mis information. If you wanna listen to the truth, which I am sure if living in any western country you must have realized by now,that If people hate you then they HATE ONLY YOU.

Now with these cruel wordings I am not being racist but trying subtly to tell the prevailing truth.

Thank you

Yeah and I can also say that I know so many afghans and they all hate indians and look down upon them. I have met afghans in Pakistan/ US who do not like indians, while there are some afghans who live/lived in Pakistan who love Pakistan and do not think like that. Majority of afghans may not like Pakistanis but your claim about them hating us while loving you is BS. Seriously go to an afghan forum and see what they say about indians..it wont be pretty. Like I said before they may be nice to your face, but a lot of them do make fun of indians behind their back ( they do the same with Pakistanis too)
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Several points:

- Afghans badmouthing Pakistan are being ungrateful. No other country in the world has taken in so many Afghan refugees, or helped so many Afghans as Pakistan has. Even India's $1.2 billion of aid is nothing compared to Pakistan's $500 million aid to Afghanistan, considering that Pakistan has 1/7th of India's GDP. As a percentage of GDP, Pakistan has been the most generous donor to Afghanistan. India's help to Afghanistan has less to do with genuine concern for Afghans, and is more about encircling Pakistan. Afghans, especially expat Afghans, really should stop believing the pro-India propaganda from Western media and learn the full history of their country first hand.

- Pakistan should cultivate better relations with Afghanistan, but not at the expense of Iran. I really hope GOP has learned from its past mistakes and will not provide a red carpet for India/Iran friendship at Pakistan's expense.

- Tajiks etc. in Afghanistan have always been extremely anti-Pakistan. Tajikistan even host an Indian military base. We should extend them a cautious hand of friendship, but always be mindful of hidden motives. As they say, "a wise man forgives but never forgets."
Yeah and I can also say that I know so many afghans and they all hate indians and look down upon them. I have met afghans in Pakistan/ US who do not like indians, while there are some afghans who live/lived in Pakistan who love Pakistan and do not think like that. Majority of afghans may not like Pakistanis but your claim about them hating us while loving you is BS. Seriously go to an afghan forum and see what they say about indians..it wont be pretty. Like I said before they may be nice to your face, but a lot of them do make fun of indians behind their back ( they do the same with Pakistanis too)

Look mate if they don't like you its your problem, why do you have to bring in India with all your woes??
And these made up stories you can keep them to your self. I don't wanna say more.
Look mate if they don't like you its your problem, why do you have to bring in India with all your woes??
And these made up stories you can keep them to your self. I don't wanna say more.

lol, made up stories? unfortunately i'm not allowed to quote from other forums as its against the rules of defence.pk! You should see what they call you indians and all other subcontinental people "Dal Khor", meaning Dal eaters (in Persian its a derogatory term)

Dal Khor (Persian for "Dal eater" or "one who eats Dal") is a term pejoratively referring to Indians, Pakistanis or other groups in the Indian Subcontinent. The term has been used in various contexts and has even found its way to literature pertaining to India.[1], notably Indians in the countryside, are more often given the nickname due to the popularity of vegetarianism and lack of meat in rural areas.[2

Dal Khor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
@Ras, I think Pakistan also is just not Punjab, I have met Pakistanis who say their grandfather or father were from Bihar, UP, Haryana,Rajasthan. But yes yet to meet any from some Southern state.

those are mostly the Muhajirs who migrated from india to Pakistan during partition, they only make up at least 3-5% of the Pakistani population!
lol, made up stories? unfortunately i'm not allowed to quote from other forums as its against the rules of defence.pk! You should see what they call you indians and all other subcontinental people "Dal Khor", meaning Dal eaters (in Persian its a derogatory term)

Dal Khor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Don't put words in my mouth, there are thousands of other things said to you, and we have to hear them related TO YOU, and after the clarification of nationality all turns out well. If you still didn't get the point, pack your bags and make a trip to hmmm anywhere in the world.:lol:

Please I have no intention in making it a squandering match, but Pakistani members just keep loving to rope in India or Indians with every thing related to them.

"The Indians are shell-shocked," said a Western diplomat involved in Afghanistan policy. "They went in with more than a billion dollars, and now Pakistan is eating their lunch."

now that's funny!:rofl:

Anyway, Pakistan just wants an Afghanistan which is stable and a friendly Afghanistan. We don't want an instable and a hostile neighborhood.

Agreed, that no country has a right to interfere in Afghanistan neither US-Nato, India nor Pakistan but Afghani warlords have left no other option for others, they have been just killing each other from last 3 decades. Taliban were an emerging power and gained control and formed a formal government, so we supported them and now its Karzai so we are with them, just to let one person sit & rule, form a proper government to take proper control of the country and run it like others do around the world!!
We should have kept a tight watch on the funds being pledged in Afghanistan. Till now it is okay but for an average emerging country like us, we shouldn't have put in $2.2 billion and kept it to $1 billion.

If this goes out of hand, the current government has had it in the elections. So many fellow Indians could have benefited with even the spare $1 billion.
Don't put words in my mouth, there are thousands of other things said to you, and we have to hear them related TO YOU, and after the clarification of nationality all turns out well. If you still didn't get the point, pack your bags and make a trip to hmmm anywhere in the world.:lol:

:lol: your the one who's sucking up to the Afghans desperately (no self respect), shame indeed :disagree:

Please I have no intention in making it a squandering match, but Pakistani members just keep loving to rope in India or Indians with every thing related to them.


sorry, request denied :lol:

"The Indians are shell-shocked," said a Western diplomat involved in Afghanistan policy. "They went in with more than a billion dollars, and now Pakistan is eating their lunch."


looks like we'll be enjoying india's lunch in Afghanistan

U.S. officials are trying to persuade the Indians to abandon their traditional zero-sum logic that what's good for Pakistan must be bad for them. "You cannot stabilize Afghanistan without the participation of Pakistan as a legitimate concerned party," Holbrooke said at a meeting with Indian journalists here.


lol, even Americans called your indian obsession with Pakistan "ZERO SUM LOGIC"

And according to this quote from above:
"You cannot stabilize Afghanistan without the participation of Pakistan as a legitimate concerned party," Holbrooke said at a meeting with Indian journalists here.[/SIZE][/B]

it looks to me that Pakistan is here to stay and will remain and we will play a much bigger role in Afghanistan than indians and their so called "Aid" and "investment", no matter what you or your "Afghan buddies" think or have to say :-)blah:) about Pakistan!

Maybe but what do they have in common with Pakistan...next time please read the post.

This is a website where nothing is common between India and Pakistan. Try to understand that from Indus valley civilization to the various rulers from Maurya, Ashoka, Mugals to British rule, we were under rulers who did not impose restriction people moving from current Pakistan to current India or the other way round. If you tink India and Pakistan have nothing in common, I have no issues with it. But just because this website has a bunch of people who hate each other and each others past, it does not change reality.

The people of the two countries have drifted apart after partition but that does not mean I have to agree to your post.
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Do you think afghans like you? They'll be nice to your face but behind your backs they'll make fun of indians. Trust me i've seen them hate on indians plenty of times.

Afghans have never had a chance to like me as I know very few in UK. :rofl:
That include General Pervez Mush

Yeah, he is a very good General, though i do disagree with some of the things he did, but that's a whole different topic!

BTW, i heard he was born in Delhi, is that true?
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