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Indian home minister accuses Pakistan of 'destabilising India'

Ok......reported for graphic content?? It's on youtube dude. Everyone has access to it. I didn't manufacture this stuff for this post. People are so trigger happy at times its funny. Please report this post for making fun of idiotic posts.

Didnt you read the warning on PDF? Permanent ban for posting graphic contents... Enjoy
Didnt you read the warning on PDF? Permanent ban for posting graphic contents... Enjoy

Well obviously I haven't read it. If the webby decides to ban me, I can definitely speak to him. How is it that people are posting all kinds of videos about IK but what I posted got reported??
In fact as of this moment, there's been stuff posted by others on the following forum, look it up. I guess everyone should be banned. Here's the forum:
Dama-Dum Mast In KPK

@WebMaster @Horus : I didn't know there was a ban on posting videos so I posted one inadvertently. Please refer to the above discussion, others are posting a lot of graphic content on the above highlighted forum too. So I guess if there is an actual ban in place, please publish it to others so everyone gets it.
Well obviously I haven't read it. If the webby decides to ban me, I can definitely speak to him. How is it that people are posting all kinds of videos about IK but what I posted got reported??

Because they posted political videos while you posted videos of people DYING.
Because they posted political videos while you posted videos of people DYING.

Well, youtube doesn't just play videos, you have to accept the content warning first and accept that you DO want to watch it. Next, when we are discussing about innocent people dying on a forum, and one party asks for proofs....how do you give it to them? The ONLY way to do that is to provide some content that may be available through research. So unfortunately, in a debate where people getting injured or dead were being discussed....you can't really show a smiley face playing football can you? The evidence exists in the shape of a video, that actually gives you a content warning. If you don't want to see it, you can skip it. But like I said, I didn't know about the ban in place. Not sure what you expect me to say....
Well, youtube doesn't just play videos, you have to accept the content warning first and accept that you DO want to watch it. Next, when we are discussing about innocent people dying on a forum, and one party asks for proofs....how do you give it to them? The ONLY way to do that is to provide some content that may be available through research. So unfortunately, in a debate where people getting injured or dead were being discussed....you can't really show a smiley face playing football can you? The evidence exists in the shape of a video, that actually gives you a content warning. If you don't want to see it, you can skip it. But like I said, I didn't know about the ban in place. Not sure what you expect me to say....

don't grow up to be a lawyer... Lol
LOL. So when freedom fighters succeed in separation like ISIS, Mukti Bahini, Zionist militia they are recognized as 'sovereign powers', when they don't, they are deemed as terrorists. Funny! :D
Wrong. ISIS will still be called terrorists cause they are religiously biased and kill people just for satisfying some hadith or words of god. They target both the legitimate forces there and the common people and that's what makes Mukti bahini different.

MB did not target the common people of Pakistan, they had a grouse with the Pakistani forces and they fought them alone, took our support and fought the forces. They were not religious, rather nationalistic and had only one goal to liberate BD from Pakistan.

Huge difference.
After electing their mass murderer ,terrorist and impotent PM India is on a self destructive mode .We don't need to do anything to destabilize India.
6 pages of discussion and my Indian brothers (mostly he-man) defending our home minister's speech. I think rajnath Singh ji should stop making such speeches. I mean I am sick and tired of hearing such speeches.
If you are going to do some thing just do it. Take action, don't make speeches.
And if you want to give speeches, it should be followed by action.
If you warn Pakistan that there would be grave consequences, give them an example afterwards. Just words again and again has made the world not take us seriously, if it is a problem of such magnitude do some thing about it.
It has almost become a tradition for home ministers of both countries to make such speeches. Rajnath Singh ji should not fall to the level of rehman malik
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LOL. If Indian ministers cannot handle their 100s of millions of Muslims, send them over here to Pakistan. We will handle them fine as we need a lot of people here in Islamabad tomorrow to topple this rigged government :D
Arre bhai, you just need to borrow Ajit Doval and leave it to him! He'll be able to hand over your govt to IK within a week! Guaranteed! :-)
you people need to open your eyes

1) RAW's and ISI's job is to destabilize each other's countries so no need to argue on that.
2) Modi might be crazy but he knows what hes doing
3) Nawaz might be corrupt but he also knows what hes doing
On topic:Govt shouldnt give this much of importance to Pakistan.We know them and their motivations.Just counter.Allegations cant change some people mentality.
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