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Indian govt. responsible for 30-year war in Sri Lanka - SL Defence Sec.

That is called Xenophobic mentality. You inherited the country from Britain but you do not want some of its population who helped with your country's economy by working in tea estates and rubber plantations just because they spoke a different language, right?

YES, I don't like.
You guys are quick to change the goal posts arnt ya?? When confronted with actual facts to debunk your hallucinations.. The reasons for Fiji, Malaya, Guyana or South Africa to deport had nothing to do with citizenship rights but mere logistics.. Do you think Malaysia are still happy with their quota??

It was all to create Sinhala dominance. Now after getting Tamils in controls, next victims are Moors.
oh man, it's your people it's your responsibility to take them back. We didn't bring them here.

They lived there, They worked for the land for many years.... They are equal citizens as the Singalese!
YES, I don't like.

What is the difference between you and blood leeches!

:-) And you could do NOTHING about it! Start killing the Tamils again... They will revive the terrorism again! Never do the mistake second time!
So some internet warrior in India possibly TN knows more about the history of Sri Lanka than one of the countries top most bureaucrats and a decorated soldier ?? Sometimes the dilutions of grandeur among teenage PDF posters here is truly hilarious!!.. :lol:

and delusion of Lankan bureaucrats has no bounds..tell me,which country offered help to destroy LTTE first??Which country brokered peace during "Jafna Siege" during which thousands died due to lack of basic commodities..which country actively posted its soldiers in the harms way so that your country had peace and both LTTE and government soldiers would not kill thousands of soldiers..with which help you defeated LTTE??Is it China,Pakistan or India??who provided you radars so that LTTE couldn't use its air power.If India funded LTTE properly,war would be over for you long ago..some delusional bureaucrats..its your own countrymen,and TULF leader Appapillai Amirthalingam(opposition leader that time) who funded LTTE.so,SL is only one to be blamed.
It was all to create Sinhala dominance. Now after getting Tamils in controls, next victims are Moors.

Tamils are only changing our old Sinhala names coz in Tamil they can't pronounce coz of lack of some letters in Tamil language but some Moors are destroying our historical sites..Sinhalese are in silence mood on behalf of "Peace". Not sure how long they can keep quite like this though. ;)
They do not have rights to fish there only to dry nets and worship the shrine.. Even if they did it's illegal under international and Sri Lankan law because they use bottom trolling due to their greed ad thus destroy OUR marine wealth after completely decimation it on the Indian side!!

And beside the point most of those arrested are well within our territory far in even from Kachchteevu

I mentioned the fishermen issue to moot a point.. People like you are always a menace to others while your own home keeps burning.. Good luck

No - our home is not burning - our home TN is shining with surplus budgets year after year and is a leader in many social indices and contributing significantly to the Indian GDP

Do you know why I got involved in these discussions after so long? Just to lay bare your non-factual arguments with which you were stumping the Indian members in various threads and pointing fingers at various players not acknowledging your mistakes.
Tamils are only changing our old Sinhala names coz in Tamil they can't pronounce coz of lack of some letters in Tamil language but some Moors are destroying our historical sites..Sinhalese are in silence mood on behalf of "Peace". Not sure how long they can keep quite like this though. ;)

This i'm afraid is your personal point of view..It has nothing to do with the vast majority of Sri Lankans.. You don't speak behalf of us..Thank god you're indeed a minority in that aspect.. Otherwise those same extremists would have already carved out there Eelam.. There is little difference between you and them.. Probably only the language that both try to kill each other over..Pity
I meant nourishing the LTTE is terrorism! Not India sending IPKF

I heard for the SL people who emigrated to India! As such I didn't search for any neutral sources!

Nope if they had wanted to create trouble for SL, India should have directly involved... Rather than nourishing terrorism!

Look at the video... If the guard wanted to kill him, He would have shot him or done anything else! Not hit him with his Rifle's handle!

1.How can you say that India nourished LTTE? Maybe a couple of Parties, however India as a state has nothing to do with LTTE

2. I also immigrated from Sri Lanka and trust me IPKF were like god there (pun intended).... to establish something we need sources on this website. There could be of couple of isolated incidents, however your raping spree statement is way wrong mate

3. They never wanted to create any trouble for Sri Lanka, only dilemma with the Indian govt. was to either play along with sentiments of Indian Tamils or support Sovereign country of Sri Lanka. They did the latter and I am proud of it.

4. During march past the rifles are never loaded.
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This i'm afraid is your personal point of view..It has nothing to do with the vast majority of Sri Lankans.. You don't speak behalf of us..Thank god you're indeed a minority in that aspect.. Otherwise those same extremists would have already carved out there Eelam.. There is little difference between you and them.. Probably only the language that both try to kill each other over..Pity

I second that.... War is over.... Agree that LTTE had many chances to resolve the issues in peaceful manner, but they ignored everything... and got too greedy and they were terminated and war is over, Let peace and economy flourish!
What else you can get to - The ultimate argument for the PDF members against Indians when they start to lose out on discussions.

My comment is directly adherent to your post.. You highlight about GDP and and social indicators.. without sources.. I highlighted the ground situation with sources.. There is no diversion of the subject unlike you try to do.. These are mere facts.. Try and improve the lives of millions of your own before pointing at others.. Utter hippocracy
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