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Indian girl raped by three and set on fire before dying

You are forming a habit of taking every chances alone or siding with the stupid media for a crazy spat of rants on China just because of of your collapsing psyche affected by the massive and unbearable woes that is happening in your country.

You have posted the above link several times before. I think I have quoted sources to refute your accusation adequately.

This is the link to our legislation on sex offenders. Translation works at your own risk!


chinese language is too hard for indians, you need to translate to their official language-- English.
Chine troll justifies his 1 in 10 Gang rapist and 1 in 4 rapist rapist by quoting isolated incidence of rape to Justify their rape culture of rapist capital of the world. Rape has become so common in china that their media do not even care to report.

And rightly so. How can they report so large No of rape when 1 out of 4 is rapist.

you have no other source but to rely on that stupid report on the rape crimes in China. Crazy!

Let me tell you how low your IQ is and if you want to characterize your rape culture here I am obliged to repeat that again as follows:

1. the ages of indian rape victims are ranged from a few months old to over 80 year old nannies
2. indian rape cases are in many times committed by more than one perpetrator, yes, in gangs!
3. it is also characterised frequently by kidnap-torture-rape and homicide
4. indian rape crime is internationalised
5. indian rape statistics is the worst in Asia and amongst the worst in the world!

Every 20 minutes there is a rape case happening in your capital. The sex crime on kids are equally horrible
new delhi is dubbed the rape capital of india
Is there anything like that occurring in Beijing?

Our girls and women can feel comfortable going out after dark. Do your kids and women feel as comfortable as we are going out in the dark even accompanied by a male companion?
Hard or easy will be known once somebody try to learn it. After all who will try to learn Chinese and for what? For Job, for reading Chinese Litrature, For understanding Chinese culture?? After all for what??? Even Chinese themselves do not speak their official language.


if you cannot answer your simple questions, you must be
1. living in a cave
2. lack of education ( 讀書小)
3. an Indian
if you cannot answer your simple questions, you must be
1. living in a cave
2. lack of education ( 讀書小)
3. an Indian


You are exposed man. Now leave the thread before you expose your semi educated tiny brain further.
I am in for a ban on Rape topics.
Discussing them like this is sadistic and Offtopic on a defence forum.
These kind of threads are only for cheapshots
Mao was very much a ripest and article do not refer to Marital rape or Gang rape you tiny brain chines refer it once again. Rape and gang rape and prostitution has become a part of your culture. You have accepted it so you guys never protest to that. We protest and hang the people for this kind of crime. So bugoff low IQ chinese.

You're so desperate, you stoop so low to make personal attack and smearing. Back up what you said about Mao, mods and I are waiting.

We Chinese argue based on facts, unlike you liars. 25% men admitted marital rape, if India was included, it would well over 90%. India doesn't even criminalize marital rape.

Almost a quarter of men 'admit to rape in parts of Asia'

Men were asked questions like:

  • Have you ever had sex with your partner when you knew she didn't want to but you thought she should agree because she's your wife/ partner?

Your country is so world renowned for sexual assault on women. UN reported India is the 2nd worse place for women.

Of all the G20 nations, India has been labelled the worst place to be a woman.


Have some shame!!!!!
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You are forming a habit of taking every chances alone or siding with the stupid media for a crazy spat of rants on China just because of of your collapsing psyche affected by the massive and unbearable woes that is happening in your country.

You have posted the above link several times before. I think I have quoted sources to refute your accusation adequately.
This is the link to our legislation on sex offenders. Translation works at your own risk!


Like sending the parents of raped girl to reeducation centre after asking for more strict punishment for rapists.
chinese language is too hard for indians, you need to translate to their official language-- English.

Chinese language is not so hard since you guys use imported Western writing system called Pinyin to learn your own mother tongue in school. So, much indigenous Chinese culture. LOL
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