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Indian General:India actually lost Kargil war: Gen Pal

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Trolling is the reply by Indians when they lose, sour losers.

How about you leave the judgment of "troll" to the mods, and have a decent argument.

Again, you people don't want to argue with us properly, so one brings up bollywood, then Indian propaganda, and you saying all Indians are trolls and sore losers.

Explains how much of a troll you are.

If you believe "Indians" here are trolling, and can't put up a decent argument, why bother commenting?

This is pathetic.
I love how you don't like to accept the facts, and and bring in Bollywood, and Indian media every time.
That's another sign of YOU putting up a senseless argument.

And talking about propaganda, don't get me started on your media.

You don't need to see more. I'm sure. :smitten:

I admit it!
We treat minorities like ****. And Pakistan doesn't.

But the thing is, Indian minority population grows.....
while Pakistan's decreases.

here's a sample:
57 Pakistani Hindus convert to Islam 'under pressure' - dnaindia.com

So he had to convert :smitten:

Tell me now, why did the population of minorities in Pakistan decrease? (and still is drastically)

What a shame about minorites decreasing in pakistan.

Dude you have lot to learn as u been brainwashed.
the reason Indian show it decreased is just lie, it decreased because of banglsdesh saparation dude, their Hindu Minority was counted as Pakistani Minoriity, as they left so did the Minority levals, as Bangladesh had big Hindu mionority. dude.
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Maoists are Revolutionists and not separatists...:disagree: . If you want a commie India by your doorstep then by all means....be a Maoist cheerleader :rofl:

We want equality among people who so ever brings it is good for us.

We do not condone Cast system.
Trolling is the reply by Indians when they lose, sour losers.

Vande Mataram
U brought Banglsadesh in this thread about Kargil and u donot think this as trolling.

I love how you don't like to accept the facts, and and bring in Bollywood, and Indian media every time.
That's another sign of YOU putting up a senseless argument.

And talking about propaganda, don't get me started on your media.

You don't need to see more. I'm sure. :smitten:

I admit it!
We treat minorities like ****. And Pakistan doesn't.

But the thing is, Indian minority population grows.....
while Pakistan's decreases.

here's a sample:
57 Pakistani Hindus convert to Islam 'under pressure' - dnaindia.com

So he had to convert :smitten:

Tell me now, why did the population of minorities in Pakistan decrease? (and still is drastically)

My friend do you care to show any independent source ? the source you gave is not authentic, or you want me to give you few examples of how Hindu in India forcing Christians to become Hindu ?

India (MNN) ― Hindu nationalist organizations in India's Madhya Pradesh State have declared war on Christians.

According to Compass Direct News (CDN), Hindu leaders promised to force "reconversions" from supposed Hindus who had become Christians in the Mandla district.

Don Edwards with Grand Rapids, Michigan-based Mission India explains, "What you find is the Hindu nationalists again trying to exterminate Christians from various places in India, and they are now planning on cleansing this district called Mandla of Christians on February 10."

CDN also cited a report from the regional Patrika newspaper. In it, a source said that leaders announced a list of pre-festival objectives, which included a concerted effort to drive away Christian pastors, evangelists and foreign aid workers.

It's a state that has already shown hostility to the Gospel. In 2006, the MP State assembly toughened the state's anti-conversion law by preventing "religious conversions by force or allurement".

Under the new clause, Christians are often charged or otherwise implicated in trumped up conversion cases. Edwards confirms the Bajrang Dal is behind this latest "reconversion" campaign.

Stirred by the anti-Christian sentiment expressed at the groundbreaking in Mandla, Hindu zealots have already attacked a church. The Pastor of this church has led a home fellowship for five years and has seen his congregation grow to about 60 people.

On May 2, according to CDN's report, a mob surrounded the house church, pelted his house with stones, accused the pastor of making unlawful 'forceful conversions' and shouted anti-Christian slogans. They also had both the pastor and his wife arrested.

Eventually, police forced the pastor and his family to sign statements that they would no longer lead Sunday worship or pray with friends or relatives inside their house, and that they would not evangelize again in the area.

Death threats followed him, and the family has since gone into hiding. The security issues revealed in this case are expected to be similar but larger in scope as the campaign in Madhya Pradesh progresses.

Church leaders are concerned that the violence could be building up to a major onslaught as February 2011 nears. Edwards says prayer is really needed. Disruption of the ministry is likely. However, "One of the prayers can be that this attempt at reconversion of Christians would not happen and also that God would give our fellow brothers and sisters the faith and courage to trust Him and that they would remain faithful."

Hindu nationalists threaten Christians in Madhya Pradesh

Friday, August 29, 2008 (9:31 pm)

He spoke as tens of thousands of Christian-run schools and colleges across India were reportedly closed on Friday, August 29, to protest the recent wave of anti-Christian violence in Orissa.

The well-informed priest, who did not want to be identified citing security concerns, said "the most devastating situation" was in the state's Kandhamal District, where a leader of the Hindu group Vishwa Hindu Parishad, or 'World Hindu Council' (VHP), Lakshmanananda Saraswati, and several associates were killed.

Authorities blamed a Maoist rebel group, but Hindu hardliners said Christians were responsible for the killings.

"The Hindus radical groups such as Sangh Parivar, Bajrang Dal and VHP have shaken [the Christian community] and are destroying us. Orissa is still burning," the priest told BosNewsLife. "The situation is not better after six days of violence in Kandhamal. It is worst than last December 2007," when several people died in anti Christian violence, the church leader said.


The priest added that Christians are fleeing from several areas in Orissa. "All the houses of Christians are destroyed, broken and burnt in Phulbani, Tikabali, Phiringia, and Balliguda" regions, he stressed. He said several Catholic church leaders were also attacked, including Catholic Priest Bernard Digal and a Catholic nun, who he claimed "were severely beaten" and are hospitalized with "multiple injuries."

In a separate statement, Pope Benedict XVI said the attacks against Christians had "profoundly saddened" him. He also described as "deplorable" the killing of a Hindu leader, saying he was against "any attack on human life."

The president of advocacy group All Indian Christian Council, Joseph D'souza, said at least 30,000 Christian schools and colleges closed down Friday, August 29, to protest against the attacks. He said churches also planned to hold special services to pray for peace and solidarity.


In addition, some 12,000 Roman Catholic educational institutions apparently joined Friday's shutdown after a meeting in Mumbai. Archbishop Oswald Gracias said the actions underscore that the government should better protect minority groups. "Innocents should not be targeted," he said in published remarks. "We have appealed for calm."

Prime Minister Mohandis Singh told the Catholic Bishops Conference of India in a meeting late Thursday, August 28, that the Orissa incidents were a “national shame” and promised the government would make every effort to restore normalcy, the Press Trust of India news agency reported.

However in Orissa, a priest accused the local government of defending Christians because of upcoming state elections. "Chief Minister Nabin Patnaik is giving in to the demands and instructions of the [Hindu] Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), because it is a coalition partner in the ruling government," he told BosNewsLife.

India Militants Forcing Orissa Christians To Become Hindus

Plenty of links left to show, let me if you are interested and i will make a bundle of news and through it towards you, :what:
What does the status of minorities have to do with the Kargil war?

Anyway, India won. The military victory may or may not have been complete, but the diplomatic victory was. The sanctity of the LoC was acknowledged by the world for the first time and Pakistan was vociferously asked to retreat behind it. Plus, India enhanced its reputation by showing restraint in the face of aggression :)
What does the status of minorities have to do with the Kargil war?

Anyway, India won. The military victory may or may not have been complete, but the diplomatic victory was. The sanctity of the LoC was acknowledged by the world for the first time and Pakistan was vociferously asked to retreat behind it. Plus, India enhanced its reputation by showing restraint in the face of aggression :)

whatever if it make you feel happy :what:
My friend do you care to show any independent source ? the source you gave is not authentic, or you want me to give you few examples of how Hindu in India forcing Christians to become Hindu ?

Hindu nationalists threaten Christians in Madhya Pradesh

India Militants Forcing Orissa Christians To Become Hindus

Plenty of links left to show, let me if you are interested and i will make a bundle of news and through it towards you, :what:

Good, but you still didn't show me this trend of minorities in Pakistan declining....

What a shame about minorites decreasing in pakistan.

Dude you have lot to learn as u been brainwashed.
the reason Indian show it decreased is just lie, it decreased because of banglsdesh saparation dude, their Hindu Minority was counted as Pakistani Minoriity, as they left so did the Minority levals, as Bangladesh had big Hindu mionority. dude.

Woah, let's keep the brainwashed, and other personal remarks to ourselves please. I don't want to express my feelings about Islam now.

@also, I ain't talking about Hindus only.
Count all the minorities bro. Talk about the Christians, Sikhs too.
Now the minority population of Pakistan is 1%.

It's from the CIA factbook 2009. Or is this brainwashed Indian media too?
although offtopic but in India minorties goes to majority and tries to convert them shows how scared they are. Just yesterday Punjabi taliban killed Ahmadies want to genralize that?
Typical poorly educated brain washed Indian citizens.

India has nearly half a million troops in Kashmir killing innocent civilians in fake encounters to win medals. Indians minorities (Christians, Muslims, etc) houses are burned torched daily by Hindu majorities while Indian police/military watch them. India has the largest separatists movements in the world. India is the biggest mockery to Democracy. India has worst cast systems in the world (dalits, untouchables, etc) so Indians are discriminated by Indians by themself.

So basically Indians live in a huge glass house.

India has its own problems but the balance is towards positive...For ur information India is a "secular democratic republic",where no religion is considered to be supreme or better than that of others.The Hindus,Muslims,Christians,Jain,Sikh,Jews,Buddhists..all the people from all the various communities are present in India,and they are all doing well.
Care to explain what happened to the Christians,Hindus and Sikhs of Pakistan???Communal violence has been observed in India too agreed,but in Pakistan these communities have been reduced to virtually non existent..
One of the best cricketers of Pakistan,Yousuf Youhana,who was also the captain of Pakistani cricket team,had to change his religion from Christianity to Islam.The topmost position for the head of the state in Pakistan is reserved for a Muslim only.Cmon..u have religious discrimination running inside the veins of ur political system.


And it would be a blunder for u to compare the democratic structure of Pakistan with that of India..India,after independence has gone through only one emergency period and rest all democratic rule,whereas Pakistan has been mostly ruled by Military despots,who acquired power by killing the previous leader.

Open ur eyes,face the reality,it is not Indians who r living in glass house,people like u r.....
We never promised our families that we would return alive...... Strategic failure as we lost lives, as Long as It served the cause, We are ready to die for the nation...And It was our need to win it, We had Only one thing in mind, Our future generation should not spit on us to see a Head less India in there map... And We died for that cause and came victorious.... And that matters a Lot to us
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Seriously? is this what mighty super power military is capable of, regaining its territory after losing it for 2 months? Indians are over glorifying this event and blowing it out of proportion. Kargil is not part of pakistan it is Indian territory.

Is it so hard for you to comprehend? Kargil is Indian territory not Pakistan's.

After this admission, I need to say nothing more.
I Say Kargil is a lost chance to claim our whole J&K state, Our Soldiers have Spine to face but not our politician. Drunken Idiots
Who won or who lost....... At the end of day where is Kargil....... I think with India. Case closed. Shouting on the peak of voice that we won will not make Kargil to go back to Pakistan. The reality check is Kargil is still with India.
Who won or who lost....... At the end of day where is Kargil....... I think with India. Case closed. Shouting on the peak of voice that we won will not make Kargil to go back to Pakistan. The reality check is Kargil is still with India.

Congratulations you liberated your land and won the so called war. OH and you are also banned.

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