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Indian Freedom Struggle and Kashmir Freedom Struggle

Pakistan First

Sep 10, 2008
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I was wondering, how is the Indian Freedom Struggle under British Occupation/Raj (Pre-independence) any different from the Kashmir Freedom Struggle against Indian Occupation.

Quite similar circumstances. No?
I was wondering, how is the Indian Freedom Struggle under British Occupation/Raj (Pre-independence) any different from the Kashmir Freedom Struggle against Indian Occupation.

Quite similar circumstances. No?

No. Indian freedom struggle was for independence from white people who are foreign to subcontinent. Kashmir insurgency is based on religious radicalism which pays no heed to even residents of Kashmir itself as evidenced by massacre of Kashmiri Hindus themselves by the radicals.
I was wondering, how is the Indian Freedom Struggle under British Occupation/Raj (Pre-independence) any different from the Kashmir Freedom Struggle against Indian Occupation.

Quite similar circumstances. No?
Kashmir is Culturally Part of india in 2 Milleniums some the Predate back to Both Islam and Christianity
Martand Sun Temple Central shrine

The Martand Sun Temple was built by the third ruler of the Karkota Dynasty,Lalitaditya Muktapida, in the 8th century CE.[2][3] It is said to have been built during 725-756 CE.[4] The foundation of the temple is said to have been around since 370-500 CE, with some attributing the construction of the temple to have begun with Ranaditya.[5][6]



Shankaracharya TempleThe
The temple dates back to 200 BC,[2] although the present structure probably dates back to the 9th century AD. It was visited by Adi Shankara and has ever since been associated with him; this is how the temple got the name Shankaracharya. It is also regarded as sacred by Buddhists. The Shiv ling was placed inside during the Sikh period in nineteenth century and it became an active Hindu temple when regular services were conducted.[3] Some historians report that the temple was actually a buddhist temple during buddhist era which was then changed into Hindu site of worship by Adi Shankaracharya. Persians and Jews call it Bagh-i- sulaiman or the Garden of King Solomon. Persian inscriptions are also found inside the temple.

Amarnath Temple
Amarnath cave (Hindi: अमरनाथ गुफा) is a Hindu shrine located in Jammu and Kashmir, India. The cave is situated at an altitude of 3,888 m (12,756 ft),[1] about 141 km (88 mi) from Srinagar, the capital of Jammu and Kashmir and reached through Pahalgam town. The shrine forms an important part of Hinduism,[2] and is considered to be one of the holiest shrines in Hinduism.[3] The cave is surrounded by snowy mountains. The cave itself is covered with snow most of the year except for a short period of time in summer when it is open for pilgrims. Thousands of Hindu devotees make an annual pilgrimage to the Amarnath cave on challenging mountainous terrain to see an ice stalagmite formed inside the cave.


There are references to the legendary king Aryaraja (ascribed dates 300 BCE) who used to worship a lingam formed of ice in Kashmir.[ The book Rajatarangini (Book VII v.183) refers to Amareshwara or Amarnath. It is believed that Queen Suryamathi in the 11th century AD gifted trishuls, banalingas and other sacred emblems to this temple.[8]Rajavalipataka, begun by Prjayabhatta has detailed references to the pilgrimage to Amarnath Cave. Other than this, there are further references to this pilgrimage in many other ancient texts.
Kashmiris (who happen to be Muslims by overwhelming majority) have their land and resources occupied by a Hindu dominated force, militarily. Kashmiris do not want to live under Hindu/Indian rule.

Likewise, pre-independence indians had their resources controlled and their lands occupied by British (christian) force, militarily. Indians did not want to live under British rule.

In both cases, there is (and was) freedom struggle. In both cases, the odds are/were against the oppressed.

Looks pretty much the same to me.
iNDIANS have to view the issue as will of people and not a case of property , a item like car or truck 1 man gave you a key to run it and you run that truck over the will of people

Once you view the issue as a matter of Will and choice , of people the issue becomes very easy to adapt and accept

Indian politicians use the issue as vote maker in election and with out Pakistan there won't be easy vote
Kashmir is Culturally Part of india in 2 Milleniums some the Predate back to Both Islam and Christianity
Martand Sun Temple Central shrine

The Martand Sun Temple was built by the third ruler of the Karkota Dynasty,Lalitaditya Muktapida, in the 8th century CE.[2][3] It is said to have been built during 725-756 CE.[4] The foundation of the temple is said to have been around since 370-500 CE, with some attributing the construction of the temple to have begun with Ranaditya.[5][6]



Shankaracharya TempleThe
The temple dates back to 200 BC,[2] although the present structure probably dates back to the 9th century AD. It was visited by Adi Shankara and has ever since been associated with him; this is how the temple got the name Shankaracharya. It is also regarded as sacred by Buddhists. The Shiv ling was placed inside during the Sikh period in nineteenth century and it became an active Hindu temple when regular services were conducted.[3] Some historians report that the temple was actually a buddhist temple during buddhist era which was then changed into Hindu site of worship by Adi Shankaracharya. Persians and Jews call it Bagh-i- sulaiman or the Garden of King Solomon. Persian inscriptions are also found inside the temple.

Amarnath Temple
Amarnath cave (Hindi: अमरनाथ गुफा) is a Hindu shrine located in Jammu and Kashmir, India. The cave is situated at an altitude of 3,888 m (12,756 ft),[1] about 141 km (88 mi) from Srinagar, the capital of Jammu and Kashmir and reached through Pahalgam town. The shrine forms an important part of Hinduism,[2] and is considered to be one of the holiest shrines in Hinduism.[3] The cave is surrounded by snowy mountains. The cave itself is covered with snow most of the year except for a short period of time in summer when it is open for pilgrims. Thousands of Hindu devotees make an annual pilgrimage to the Amarnath cave on challenging mountainous terrain to see an ice stalagmite formed inside the cave.


There are references to the legendary king Aryaraja (ascribed dates 300 BCE) who used to worship a lingam formed of ice in Kashmir.[ The book Rajatarangini (Book VII v.183) refers to Amareshwara or Amarnath. It is believed that Queen Suryamathi in the 11th century AD gifted trishuls, banalingas and other sacred emblems to this temple.[8]Rajavalipataka, begun by Prjayabhatta has detailed references to the pilgrimage to Amarnath Cave. Other than this, there are further references to this pilgrimage in many other ancient texts.

Modern Indian republic is not the same as Indian Kingdoms/Empires, If it was then using that logic Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, even Turkmenistan could claim the entire Kashmir region too
Britishers came to India from thousands of miles away.
Indians or Hindus are living in Kashmir even before the Islam was born.

Comparing A foriegn occupation to The original inhabitants of the regions is beyond logic.

And to believe that Kashmir is gonna separate from India is mere stupidity.

Thousands of temples destroyed, millions killed and converted, ruled for about thousands of years. Hind is still here.
Stronger than ever. Growing everyday.
Kashmiris (who happen to be Muslims by overwhelming majority) have their land and resources occupied by a Hindu dominated force, militarily. Kashmiris do not want to live under Hindu/Indian rule.

Likewise, pre-independence indians had their resources controlled and their lands occupied by British (christian) force, militarily. Indians did not want to live under British rule.

In both cases, there is (and was) freedom struggle. In both cases, the odds are/were against the oppressed.

Looks pretty much the same to me.
Not only Kashmir, the whole Pakistan is a land of India. Go through the history. That's why India still doesn't accept you as a country. But we don't want to add another burden of 200 million poor Muslims. So we don't claim. Muslims are blackmailing each and every non Muslim country on the name of religion. Look around the world. Kashmir is just part of this blackmailing.
Even if you want to look this issue through religious prism, the whole subcontinent was a Hindu land. And still it is. You Muslims should give freedom to Hindu land , and go back to your Arab caves .
Modern Indian republic is not the same as Indian Kingdoms/Empires, If it was then using that logic Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, even Turkmenistan could claim the entire Kashmir region too
Chinese Also Plan To claim Their Ancient Empires That's why they Ceded tibet and claim Arunachal pradesh Why No us Its Are Race
And Its our culture Why Not we do the same
I was wondering, how is the Indian Freedom Struggle under British Occupation/Raj (Pre-independence) any different from the Kashmir Freedom Struggle against Indian Occupation.

Quite similar circumstances. No?

Question to you --- What was the status of Indians under the British Raj? Were they considered to be British by the British govt?

And what is the status of Kashmiris under the Republic of India? Are they considered to be Indians by the Indian govt?

Answer these two simple questions, and you'll get the answer to your query... Go ahead.. I'll be waiting for your reply
Modern Indian republic is not the same as Indian Kingdoms/Empires, If it was then using that logic Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, even Turkmenistan could claim the entire Kashmir region too

It was the abode of Hindus, Saying that India is A foreign occupier in kashmir is plain stupid.

Kashmiris (who happen to be Muslims by overwhelming majority) have their land and resources occupied by a Hindu dominated force, militarily. Kashmiris do not want to live under Hindu/Indian rule.

Likewise, pre-independence indians had their resources controlled and their lands occupied by British (christian) force, militarily. Indians did not want to live under British rule.

In both cases, there is (and was) freedom struggle. In both cases, the odds are/were against the oppressed.

Looks pretty much the same to me.

Kashmir doesnt belongs to muslim. They dont like Hindus go the where ever the hell they want.

Kashmir is gonna stay.
The only chance you had to take Kashmir was in 1947 when you got Gilgit and area.

If you think Indians will let go Kashmir now, you are living in dream world.

Kashmir is the only topic, on which the whole India agrees. We are willing to pay the price, we can afford it. Try all you want, Do ehatever you can.
It was the abode of Hindus, Saying that India is A foreign occupier in kashmir is plain stupid.

India is a foreign occupier, the protests in Kashmir clearly show that. Whether or not Hindu civilization was there is irrelevant given the current situation.

The Mongol Empire ruled Russia and Ukraine, If Mongolia annexed them today would they be a foreign occupier or not?

It was the abode of Hindus, Saying that India is A foreign occupier in kashmir is plain stupid.

Kashmir doesnt belongs to muslim. They dont like Hindus go the where ever the hell they want.

Kashmir is gonna stay.
The only chance you had to take Kashmir was in 1947 when you got Gilgit and area.

If you think Indians will let go Kashmir now, you are living in dream world.

Kashmir is the only topic, on which the whole India agrees. We are willing to pay the price, we can afford it. Try all you want, Do ehatever you can.

nevermind, this comment just shows that your just anti-muslim, no point in arguing with someone that stupid
Besides all the other differences highlighted by the others earlier, another major difference-

In the Indian freedom movement ,all Indians irrespective of religion - Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and even Christians fought against British rule, whereas the so called freedom movement in Kashmir started with a massacre of its minorities.
India is a foreign occupier, the protests in Kashmir clearly show that. Whether or not Hindu civilization was there is irrelevant given the current situation.

The Mongol Empire ruled Russia and Ukraine, If Mongolia annexed them today would they be a foreign occupier or not?

It may be irrelevant to you, but not to 1.3 Billion Indians.
You cry, you laugh, you die, doesnt matter.
It will remain the way it is.

Accept the reality, you will get to live in heaven.
Deny it, we will make it a hell.
India is a foreign occupier, the protests in Kashmir clearly show that. Whether or not Hindu civilization was there is irrelevant given the current situation.

The Mongol Empire ruled Russia and Ukraine, If Mongolia annexed them today would they be a foreign occupier or not?

Let's say that Christians or Buddhists start migrating from today to Mecca.. And in a hundred years from now, Mecca and its surrounding area becomes a Buddhist-Majority region... Would the Muslims relinquish their claim on their holy city? Would you allow those immigrants to form a new Buddhist country where Mecca stands today? Yes or No?
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