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Indian Foreign Affairs News & Discussions (non-US & Pakistan related

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Its amazing how things here turn into either a India - Pakistan or a Hindu - Muslim issue.

A High Court in the state of Delhi rules against a section of the IPC - something that affects Indians and involves un natural acts humans do/ have done across the globe since time immemorial.

We turn it into a 'yours' & 'mine' issue.
You are exceeding limits, attacking on religious believes of muslims , wait for a ban :wave:

This is what religious tolerance is about. He didnt say anything wrong, but you cant face the truth. This aint a forum of fundamentalism.

Gays have as much right to live as Hindus, Muslims, Sikh Christians, Jews. You are noone to deny them their right to live based on what 'you' think is right. Religion is not a stead fast rule. Christianity, Hinduism and all other religions evolved with ages. Modern times can't be lived with ancient laws that have no meaning or justification.

You are changing your statements in your posts.

India is not USA or UK (KAWA CHALA HANS KI CHAL APNI BHE BHOOL GHIA) ,Indians mostly follow their own religious and culture values .

History is repeating itself ,do you why 1857 mutiny started?
People are people be it in US or India or Pakistan. And their rights cannot be determined by geographical boundaries. India is very much US and UK and Turkey because it is committed to its people and assures minorities are given their rights.

Better teach this moral policing to someone who will give a $hit about it. Dont be dissapointed if you dont find anyone giving a darn about this archaic pshicy.

India has no one official religion. It is a multi-cultural and multi-pluralist society that recognise every religion. So Indian culture is a holistic blend of Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, Jew, Sikh and tens more. If you dont understand 'INdian Culture' better not comment on it.
like i said now INDIA is really a DEVELOPED COUNTRY....because according to the rules of the 21st CENTURY....the more you tarnish religion & culture the more successful you are seen the more liberal equal & strong you are depicted!!!

go india rise!!! destroy your culture & religion and in return you will get to be know as a SUPER POWER and you will be rewarded with a UN seat!!
now india is surely progressing and might even get the UN permanent seat.... the more you screw your society and cutlure the more liberal and progressive you are seen not to mention equality....GO INDIA!!!! RISE!!!

dude i dont know about culture and religion's take on homosexuality...but all i know is that people in south asia are real homophobes...for some reason....maybe it's the fear of discussing sex openly...too many taboos...but these fears are baseless.gays are not a product of our society or the media...they are natural...it has been proven.I know of so many medical cases where people who are confused about their sexuality get married to a heterosexual partner and end up screwing up(no pun).
but so many pakistanis are finding this troubling...i guess you want pakistan to be like Sparta where 'unfits' are killed and plucked from the society.there are so many gays...who have done excellent stuff in their fields...
I support the legal move...but if it comes to allowing gays to be in the army...i will oppose it strongly.we can't have homosexualtiy in the army.
Look, behold all homosextuals in this forum. men and women are made for purpose, if it is to be one for the population growth u would have seen no else gender. if gays n lesbians are the right path forward then there is no need for second gender, it is agianst the nature of universe. every thing is made for purpose and every living organism is in pair mode even plants.

homosextuality is not welcomed any way, let alone what religon says. i would rather say no religon would allow this kind of activity to be honest. religon all over the world tell us how to lead ur life in postive way not negative. dont birng Taliban who are mostly related to islam by most of the members (who in reality are not muslim)or Islam, hiduisam, christianity, Judahism, Budhaism or any other religon does not include homosextual in its list. so where does this idea come from? from ignorant and barbarist individuals who think setting this universe what they think is right agenda. indeed this is not the right way forward.
jcko it use to be a crime in India to get involved in homosexual activity - today they changed the law by amendment so now its legalized.
This is what religious tolerance is about. He didnt say anything wrong, but you cant face the truth. This aint a forum of fundamentalism.

Gays have as much right to live as Hindus, Muslims, Sikh Christians, Jews. You are noone to deny them their right to live based on what 'you' think is right. Religion is not a stead fast rule. Christianity, Hinduism and all other religions evolved with ages. Modern times can't be lived with ancient laws that have no meaning or justification.

People are people be it in US or India or Pakistan. And their rights cannot be determined by geographical boundaries. India is very much US and UK and Turkey because it is committed to its people and assures minorities are given their rights.

Better teach this moral policing to someone who will give a $hit about it. Dont be dissapointed if you dont find anyone giving a darn about this archaic pshicy.

India has no one official religion. It is a multi-cultural and multi-pluralist society that recognise every religion. So Indian culture is a holistic blend of Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, Jew, Sikh and tens more. If you dont understand 'INdian Culture' better not comment on it.

Agreed , India is multi cultural society and country of different religions but now medicine science and research is very much advance telling us that guy marriages and unprotected sex could increase the risk of AIDS and other deadly desceases .

India should not follow bad cultural values and laws of west.Spread of Swine flue is recent example bad cultural habbits of West.Which spread through kissing of human and swine.
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like i said now INDIA is really a DEVELOPED COUNTRY....because according to the rules of the 21st CENTURY....the more you tarnish religion & culture the more successful you are seen the more liberal equal & strong you are depicted!!!

go india rise!!! destroy your culture & religion and in return you will get to be know as a SUPER POWER and you will be rewarded with a UN seat!!

:tup: u r right Zob. nations who protect their idedntities are the one to be recognised on the differential basis in the long run. India just like china has a rich culture but India is too keen to become like europe, to make its culture like the one in westren countries will diminish its own cutural and ethical values. plus if most of the members might have noticed the generation born and bread in westren countries have lost thier identities becz of their confusion to which culture they belong to. west wont accpet them and they in though of westrens will not indulge with eastren cultures.

it goes on to show that India within its heart is ashamed/embarresed of its values, belives, culture, ethics and suffering from inferiority complex which have pushed them to copy someone else. this is where religon plays an important part. at this point scholars from Hiduism, christianity, Islam and others who are in india should come together devise a plan according to belives of all and put the country on that path along with politicians. which is in real mean a secular state. alas this is not the case. India is on self destrution path of its identity. :pakistan:
I pity the understanding of people here.....:tsk:

The discussion boils down to " The law against Homosexuality has been relaxed so the whole of India will become Gay and Leabians"

Its like saying that if the " Anti terror law has been relaxed so everyone will pick up a gun and start killing the other person":hitwall:

By decriminalizing the Homosexuality- Indian law simply allows people to discuss these things openly with family and doctors so that this can be addressed on national basis......and why is there a need to discuss minorities and culture......:agree:

If you don't like it and feel its against your culture, religion....or whatever...you refrain from doing it...its that simple..... You cant force your will on others.....:angel:
like i said now INDIA is really a DEVELOPED COUNTRY....because according to the rules of the 21st CENTURY....the more you tarnish religion & culture the more successful you are seen the more liberal equal & strong you are depicted!!!

go india rise!!! destroy your culture & religion and in return you will get to be know as a SUPER POWER and you will be rewarded with a UN seat!!

india will definately rise .....and the UN seat ....that well have to see ,,we might get it though ......remember your above post ,,,,,so dont go crying if india does get UN seat........ i think you let us worry about our culture.....its not going to affect you anyway
I heard the judges who legalised it were at it themselves :rofl:
haha ok haawk you took it as a personal attack...but that was expected!!

see india has a rich culture & rich religious roots....i don't think in the quest to modernize INDIA should follow the west.... india is loosing its roots in its own culture.....but ohh well anything i say will be seen as a PAKISTANI attacking the INDIAN.....

as for the UN seat buddy you will get the seat i am quiet sure BUT for that i the path india is taking....well...!!
Is that why you live in UK ? We have very nice Gay rights ! Never walked passed a Gay bar here ? Never seen two men or women kissing here ?

So you will take over UK soon ?

Go back from UK if you don't like the laws here and then pontificate !


Laws in the UK are cool; until they defy the laws of nature that is. Instead of treating this mental disorder; you advocate it as a human right? It is not natural. You want gays to have rights fine. You are ensuring the death of a family line...

Survival of the fittest mate; and you wonder why you lost control of the world you once ruled; being confined to a small island...
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