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Indian forces fought along Mukti Bahini: Modi admits the conspiracy to divide Pakistan

Pakistan, the only country created for Islam and now, probably more Muslims die there everyday than rest of the entire Muslim World put together. You could not take Kashmir, but perfectly managed to loose half your country. You lost in all wars that you have started. You need alms from IMF, WB and US to pay salary to govt. employees. That's like redefining the word failure.

Why would anyone want to be part of such paramount failure ?

That shows your jealousy. You guys are jealous of our success.
Let's the game start more openly in next war we took back BD again along with Kashmir:coffee:
You are far away from Logic and understanding of International Laws... You try do anything beyond ceasefire lines. Whatever AID you get from Rich donors will be revoked..

Who will bear cost of ISI, Military and Government expenditures, clandestine projects, support to Haqqanis, Good Taliban etc..


That shows your jealousy. You guys are jealous of our success.

Which success are you alluding to, is that of minting money from West.. Is that what you call Success are you reffering to CPEC.. if that so.. then Success has come very late to you since Inception of Pakistan... and Dude it's truu you cried on weeped on International Forum to create a homeland for Muslims, including Ahmedis and all... And now they are killed on daily basis... Your country is now more of a Sunni Affair then Islam as a whole... And you Military is more of a Muhajirs affair rather then Country as a whole...

Read: What's wrong with Pakistan by veteran journalist Babar Ayaaz.. it will be an eye opener for your success misconception...
Let's the game start more openly in next war we took back BD again along with Kashmir:coffee:
And my friend History repeats itself because no one was listening the last time. (quote by anonymous)
In 1962, when sino-india war happened, Pakistan hesitate to participate in that war because there was something left between us, but after 1965,1972 and Kargil there is no sympathy left on either sides and we will not hesitate to do anything to drown India :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

It's beyond your capability..The only thing that you can work in is deterrence...you see there was just one thing holding back India in 65, 71 and 99 and that was the US interfering on your behalf..and they did so immediately.. you can say that the only thing that will hold us back in any future war will be nuclear face off.
You are far away from Logic and understanding of International Laws... You try do anything beyond ceasefire lines. Whatever AID you get from Rich donors will be revoked..

Who will bear cost of ISI, Military and Government expenditures, clandestine projects, support to Haqqanis, Good Taliban etc..

Trust me If UN deploy indian forces(which you trust most) to stop funding Haqqanis and talibans and just assume that you stopped all resources that funds them even then they will survive, Because their weapon expenditure is very low and they have their on sources to fund their groups.
So gentleman come to the point, United Pakistan is the future of South Asia. Please join hand with us.
You are sitting in Norway Oslo like other Pakistanis to escape difficulties there in your country and to make money and to have good settled life and then you are talking about United Pakistan... That's Pretty Kool..:nono:

Trust me If UN deploy indian forces(which you trust most) to stop funding Haqqanis and talibans and just assume that you stopped all resources that funds them even then they will survive, Because their weapon expenditure is very low and they have their on sources to fund their groups.

And they also don't pay rent, Do they?
And they also don't pay rent, Do they?
So I consider that you get my point, but they may indirectly purchasing weapons from those militia that are financed and armed by indian agencies in Afghanistan, so your agencies know better answer of your question.
What is the conspiracy in this theory? This is a known act of history. Did the Pakistanis just now realized that India was involved in their defeat in the 1971 war?
So I consider that you get my point, but they may indirectly purchasing weapons from those militia that are financed and armed by indian agencies in Afghanistan, so your agencies know better answer of your question.
Dude, I was being sarcastic but it's okay you did not get it...

What I was alluding by saying they do not pay rent is that "I hope your Government does not charge them to stay in Pakistan territories" and if Haqqanis are fostered and cared in Pakistani territory and fully supported by Pakistan then why India would arm them... Please use some brains...
Dude, I was being sarcastic but it's okay you did not get it...

What I was alluding by saying they do not pay rent is that "I hope your Government does not charge them to stay in Pakistan territories" and if Haqqanis are fostered and cared in Pakistani territory and fully supported by Pakistan then why India would arm them... Please use some brains...
I understood your sarcasm, and answered in bit unrealistic way. Haqqanis, that were assumed to be in North Wazirsitan but now after operation zarb e azb , US sources had stopped of claiming Haqqanis launch their attacks from N.W. but still this propaganda suits india so you guys still propagating things what you don't know. Indian weapon is circulating every where in Afghanistan, by one to another group. you give it to your favorites and they sell it to others or others capture it. Indirectly you are not just arming anti-Pak insurgents but also arming those that are hostile towards india. You can never say that your allies in Afghanistan are in your total control.
Please check your facts who declared Mukti bahini is terrorist Organisation Not Even UN your arguments are Filled with Holes.Bangladesh Recognized is Member of UN General Assembly

Remember this
1971 Bangladesh genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Mukti Bahini (Bengali: মুক্তি বাহিনী[2] meaning Liberation Army[3]), also known as the Bangladesh Forces, refers to all Bengali guerrilla and regular armed resistance forces during the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971. It consisted of defecting Bengali regiments from the Pakistani military, paramilitary and police; as well as thousands of Bengali civilians. Its members are seen in Bangladesh as freedom fighters

Mukti Bahini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So we should support Sikhs,Moaists & others Bcz when they get independence then These separatists will be considered freedom fighters instead of terrorists...Actually you justify the support so in the same way we can help Kashmiris,Sikhs and others..
You are far away from Logic and understanding of International Laws... You try do anything beyond ceasefire lines. Whatever AID you get from Rich donors will be revoked..

Who will bear cost of ISI, Military and Government expenditures, clandestine projects, support to Haqqanis, Good Taliban etc..


Which success are you alluding to, is that of minting money from West.. Is that what you call Success are you reffering to CPEC.. if that so.. then Success has come very late to you since Inception of Pakistan... and Dude it's truu you cried on weeped on International Forum to create a homeland for Muslims, including Ahmedis and all... And now they are killed on daily basis... Your country is now more of a Sunni Affair then Islam as a whole... And you Military is more of a Muhajirs affair rather then Country as a whole...

Read: What's wrong with Pakistan by veteran journalist Babar Ayaaz.. it will be an eye opener for your success misconception...
And where is that logic when india cross international line and bombed inside Myanmar? And we didn't depends even last time to any one to bear coast of army expenditure neither we accept this time ( if happen ) If China willingly wanna participate with us they are most welcome, your other concerns are no worth to discuss:coffee:
And where is that logic when india cross international line and bombed inside Myanmar? And we didn't depends even last time to any one to bear coast of army expenditure neither we accept this time ( if happen ) If China willingly wanna participate with us they are most welcome, your other concerns are no worth to discuss:coffee:
Burma is your sovereign territory ? Why this hurting so much badly?

Lol, I forget, even Azad Kashmir is not Pakistan's sovereign territory.
And my friend History repeats itself because no one was listening the last time. (quote by anonymous)
We make new history, we start it from 1210 when first muslim conqueror invade India and rule there over 700 years:agree: ham josh mein ake hosh nahi khote khoteya:D

Burma is your sovereign territory ? Why this hurting so much badly?

Lol, I forget, even Azad Kashmir is not Pakistan's sovereign territory.
Aur kaku Sab mazze mein hai? No he was talking about logics and understanding of international borders if we ( Pak ) attack another country and I was comparing that LOGIC thing which India broke recently.
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