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Indian election results

Sometimes I wish China could have a populist & nationalist government like India.
Unfortunately, China does not have as good external conditions as India.
If India had the economic and military strength of China, the whole of South Asia would have been ruled by India.
Sometimes I wish China could have a populist & nationalist government like India.
Unfortunately, China does not have as good external conditions as India.
If India had the economic and military strength of China, the whole of South Asia would have been ruled by India.
How do the common folks in China feel about the CPC, do you feel represented? From what i know, the people in your hinterlands are somewhat indifferent to it.
GB & AJK were taken from the Maharaja which is when he called up GoI and acceded J&K to the Indian Union. So it was taken from the Maharaja and not us. But hey, we successfully split y'all into two in '71 which is bigger than anything so far

If a screwed up economy doesn't matter to you but you would ejaculate on 2/27 fiasco and oragasm for the rest of the century, I'm sure we would go a long way ahead while y'all will be still stuck with a begging bowl in your craphole

Oh, it was taken from Maharaja, and not from India.
Well, in that case, Bangladesh was taken by Muslim Bengali people from Pakistan, not by India.

And I see you are still circle jerking each other off to '71. Well don't, the event led to Pakistan's Nuclear Programme, and the reason why India cannot dare to even try to take Kashmir from us, because Pakistan will put the whole world on its knees, and screw it from behind, specially India!
And we have an even bigger victory under our belt. Something you Indians can't accept to this day, '47.

Don't worry about Pakistan's economy. We are going no where. We will continue to be here till the day of Judgement. When Pakistan was first born, professor from Georgia University in United States gave the country no more than few days; Indian Leadership gave the country no more than a few months; the Indian Government tried to force their prediction by holding back our share of funds, killed Gandhi, their own leader, for defending what was right. Even in 1971, Iran thought Pakistan was about to collapse. During the War on Terror, questions were raised about stability of Pakistan, its Nuclear Arsenal and whether it would become the next Iraq. Now same people are raising the question of Pakistan again. This country is resolute, it ain't going nowhere no matter the circumstance.

And if you can go back 50 years to 1971, do bother going back 30 years when it was the Indian economy that was crippling. Pakistan will come out of its crisis, so don't you worry about us.
Yes, i happened to read that thread you shared afterwards, turned out that my initial impression of you was wrong, but i was new to this forum back then.

Happens a lot...just like @Joe Shearer who wanted to burn me alive or worse first...after reading some of my thoughts which i spew raw :D.

But i was referring to the vile creature that goes by the name of Manlion or something, have you ever had the opportunity to interact with him?

Dont remember him...i am very bad at remembering names.
Sometimes I wish China could have a populist & nationalist government like India.
Unfortunately, China does not have as good external conditions as India.
If India had the economic and military strength of China, the whole of South Asia would have been ruled by India.

Careful what you wish for sir...my impression of china is all its strength is because of iron rule of CPC...look how far you guy have come...we are in awe of what you achieved in whatever way...parents who were just riding a rickety cycle and their children migrated to luxury sedans...what a leap in just one generation.
Happens a lot...just like @Joe Shearer who wanted to burn me alive or worse first...after reading some of my thoughts which i spew raw :D.

Dont remember him...i am very bad at remembering names.
Well, you better not get on the wrong side of @Joe Shearer , he is a no-nonsense person from what i hear:enjoy:

@manlion there you go, looking forward to you have a tete-a-tete..

Smriti winning by 50K votes
A central govt with almost 65% of seats under their belt and most likely more alliances means stability, stability means more outside in confidence, that leads to more investments, stable markets, more deals, lesser speculation.. That has a huge value in economical lift of a country.

This is a huge thing... first time since 1975, a govt has come back with clear and stronger majority.
Wow, amazing analysis.
Youtube. Good source. What's the channel called? Gao Mutar Channel? Vedic History Channel?

Thanks for the long *** rant though, its good to know I made your butt go sour when I hit you with reality: Indians ought to look at their own country before making remarks regarding Pakistan.

Its okay though dear, just keep living in denial.
Lol people posted their DNA results on YT and they're your fellow pakistanis, if you're too ignorant to believe that...I'm sure you'll only resort to trusting sources which suit your narrative
How do the common folks in China feel about the CPC, do you feel represented? From what i know, the people in your hinterlands are somewhat indifferent to it.

Generally speaking, I think the Communist Party of China is an excellent political party.

Most of the time, CCP handles state affairs according to the opinions of the majority of the people. For example, some recent school bullying cases have aroused public outrage. Then the local government ordered schools to strictly enforce the policy of dropping out school bullies. For corrupt officials, they will also be punished strictly. They made unremitting efforts to clean up underworld and fight crime, let the people live in a stable environment of public order.

In addition, China's economy has been developing very fast. Even though the growth rate has declined in recent years, the real GDP growth rate is still higher than 6%, which is excellent in the whole world. These have made us very satisfied with the government.

But the drawback is that China's government often does not listen to public opinion in its overseas policies.
Chinese people are angry about the US trade war with China, but the government's attitude towards the US is far from strong enough. Sometimes it feels very aggrieved.

China has also suffered a lot loss in foreign investment, but the government is often afraid to fight.
For example, some years ago, Ping An Bank of China invested in an enterprise abroad, but later that enterprise was nationalized locally, and Ping An Bank of China did not receive any compensation. That was how the $2 billion investment went to naught.

A few days ago, our vice premier Liu He came to the United States to discuss trade affairs. Apparently American employees, holding slogans insulting our Vice Premier and shouting insults at him. It's said to be diplomatic deterrence, a psychological tactic. China's official media did not report the incident at all... I really feel aggrieved at this sort of thing.

Careful what you wish for sir...my impression of china is all its strength is because of iron rule of CPC...look how far you guy have come...we are in awe of what you achieved in whatever way...parents who were just riding a rickety cycle and their children migrated to luxury sedans...what a leap in just one generation.

I just think of it sometimes.
Most of the time, I still think CCP is the best for us. Our party has been reforming, our future is still hopeful.
Oh, it was taken from Maharaja, and not from India.
Well, in that case, Bangladesh was taken by Muslim Bengali people from Pakistan, not by India
While Kashmir was still under Maharaja's rule when Pak forces invaded, BD was under pakistan's administration indicating you didn't take from us but we took from you

And I see you are still circle jerking each other off to '71. Well don't, the event led to Pakistan's Nuclear Programme, and the reason why India cannot dare to even try to take Kashmir from us, because Pakistan will put the whole world on its knees, and screw it from behind, specially India!
And we have an even bigger victory under our belt. Something you Indians can't accept to this day, '47
Lol, back in '47-48, you could claim taking GB & AJK from India per your mullah narrative but I still stand by my words that it was taken from the king and not us. Y'all would've taken the entire Kashmir if India didn't send its forces to hold it. Just like how y'all are having premature ejaculation over a skirmish on LoC, we would be proud of splitting Pak into two. Regarding the nukes, Pak will fire all it's nukes on India while we will be doing the same, the result would be we'll still have some population left which y'all be anhilated. Now you may argue about radiation, we'd just move the population abroad while y'all will be left with none.

Also, your reasoning that pak will put the whole world on its knees, that's not how the world works kid! and it's far beyond your understanding because your a puppet to most world countries and your corrupt leaders will do anything to lick Yankee & Chinese arse

Don't worry about Pakistan's economy. We are going no where. We will continue to be here till the day of Judgement. When Pakistan was first born, professor from Georgia University in United States gave the country no more than few days; Indian Leadership gave the country no more than a few months; the Indian Government tried to force their prediction by holding back our share of funds, killed Gandhi, their own leader, for defending what was right. Even in 1971, Iran thought Pakistan was about to collapse. During the War on Terror, questions were raised about stability of Pakistan, its Nuclear Arsenal and whether it would become the next Iraq. Now same people are raising the question of Pakistan again. This country is resolute, it ain't going nowhere no matter the circumstance.

And if you can go back 50 years to 1971, do bother going back 30 years when it was the Indian economy that was crippling. Pakistan will come out of its crisis, so don't you worry about us
Do you really think we give a damn about your existence!! If you're not inflicting terrorism in our country, no one would even think about a pathetic state like yours. Regarding economy, it doesn't matter who was doing good in the past because in that regard, Indian & Chinese economies were among the most prosperous in ancient times but we did see our low as well, all that matters is who is faring well currently
While Kashmir was still under Maharaja's rule when Pak forces invaded, BD was under pakistan's administration indicating you didn't take from us but we took from you

Lol, back in '47-48, you could claim taking GB & AJK from India per your mullah narrative but I still stand by my words that it was taken from the king and not us. Y'all would've taken the entire Kashmir if India didn't send its forces to hold it. Just like how y'all are having premature ejaculation over a skirmish on LoC, we would be proud of splitting Pak into two. Regarding the nukes, Pak will fire all it's nukes on India while we will be doing the same, the result would be we'll still have some population left which y'all be anhilated. Now you may argue about radiation, we'd just move the population abroad while y'all will be left with none.

Also, your reasoning that pak will put the whole world on its knees, that's not how the world works kid! and it's far beyond your understanding because your a puppet to most world countries and your corrupt leaders will do anything to lick Yankee & Chinese arse

Do you really think we give a damn about your existence!! If you're not inflicting terrorism in our country, no one would even think about a pathetic state like yours. Regarding economy, it doesn't matter who was doing good in the past because in that regard, Indian & Chinese economies were among the most prosperous in ancient times but we did see our low as well, all that matters is who is faring well currently

No offense but if you hate Pakistan so much and don’t really care what happens to it why do you post on Pakistan Defence Forum?
No offense but if you hate Pakistan so much and don’t really care what happens to it why do you post on Pakistan Defence Forum?
I clearly stated if not for their acts of inflicting terrorism in our country, we wouldn't care about Pak
If the opposition has any sense, they would realize that this sort of ganging up against one party just doesn't work and will have the opposite result. The moment they made this secular "Mahagatbanghan" to keep a right wing party out, they alienated most of the Hindus, who form the bulk of the country's population. They would have fared far better going alone and campaigning on development issues rather than forming a coalition and making it Hindus vs minorities, only worked to consolidate Hindu votes in favor of BJP. No lesson learnt from the UP election. Message is clear, if you do minority appeasement politics, you will only get the minority vote. Another clear message is that people dont want the Gandhi dynasty or these other father son parties like SP in power anymore(except perhaps the Tamil simpletons, they love licking the *** of their actors and their sons like Stalin). I doubt however that the opposition has learnt their lesson. A final thumping/spanking will be needed again in 2024 before they come to their senses. I don't see Pappu going anywhere for now, which is kind of good if you are a BJP supporter. Congress lost 125 out of the 150 seats where he campaigned.

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