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The thing about Indians you have to understand is that they are nationalists.

Nationalist? You mean patriots? are you not a Patriot Omar?

They refuse to hear anything bad about their country. They only focus on the good parts and leave the bad parts out. India

Refuse to hear anything bad about our country? Obviously you know nothing about India and Indians. Indians are probably the biggest cynics regarding their country.

India has some of the most polluted cities in the world, but they still will focus on the clean areas,

Not sure what you mean by focus.

India has one of the highest population living below the poverty line in the world, but they still will focus on the rich Indians, India has among the largest cases of HIV in the world but they still will focus on the good parts of their health care.

India has about 3.5 million aid patients in India, compared to a population that is about 1.1 billion, so we're talking about aids why exactly? The thing you need to understand is that because of India's humongous population, everything is in excess in India. You need to put things into perspective.

Zionists dont like us either because we are a Muslim nation and the only Muslim nuclear power.

Stop playing victim. Nobody is harassing Pakistan because it is the only muslim nuclear power.

P.S. Indians love the west and the zionists so dont be too surprised if western media glorifies India....Indians are very good at kissing up to the westerners.

What is with your obsession with zionists?

We dealt with Indians for a long, long time..we know how Indians think.

Who is this "we" exactly? You represent the opinions of all Pakistanis? is that what you're saying?

This is just my observation about Indians..so Indian members dont jump on me

My observation about you after reading your posts on the forum is that you like nothing better than to insult India or Indians at whatever opportunity. Go ahead, but realise that by insulting India, you're betraying an inferiority complex.
Pakistanis are quite the opposite, some of us complain about the bad things wherever and whenever we get the chance and some of us dont look at the good parts of our country and focus on the bad parts. Zionists dont like us either because we are a Muslim nation and the only Muslim nuclear power.

This is just my observation about Indians..so Indian members dont jump on me :rolleyes:

Friend , you could be wrong.

1962 we accepted Nehru's foreign policy was wrong and we changed to take side with USSR.

1991 we accepted our economic policy is wrong restructured to bring it back on track.

After Rajiv's assassination we accepted supporting terrorism is wrong and banned LTTE

Now we accepted DRDO failed and major changes done to allow foreign collaboration and throw out indigenous policy.

About Pakistan,

Your president has no clear policy on Talibans and acting only on USA pressure. Is there any major change in your economic policy after recent crisis ? I rarely hear any failure of your missile tests . Even for '71 war you just blame rebels for your failure !!! Kargil war was diplomatically a big setback for you, but your politicians projecting it a major success.
Nationalist? You mean patriots? are you not a Patriot Omar?

I meant nationilist. You Indians are mostly Hindustani nationalists. I'm a Pakistani nationalists, but many Pakistanis are not nationalists..there are many patriotic Pakistanis but they're not nationilists like there are Indian nationilists. Nationalists think their country and their people are superior to everyone else. Maybe because India is the only country in the world with a significant Hindu population and their faith was formed in India thats why for so many Indians India is everything to them.

Refuse to hear anything bad about our country? Obviously you know nothing about India and Indians. Indians are probably the biggest cynics regarding their country.

Then why do Indians get so defensive here when anyone mentions an unpleasant fact about India.

Not sure what you mean by focus.

For Indians only the good parts of India is the image of India they want to portray to the world, they refuse to even acknowledge the poor bad areas of India, like the protests in India during the release of slumdog millionare and many Indians protested that the film wasn't showing the good parts of India.

India has about 3.5 million aid patients in India, compared to a population that is about 1.1 billion, so we're talking about aids why exactly? The thing you need to understand is that because of India's humongous population, everything is in excess in India. You need to put things into perspective.

I didnt say AIDS I said HIV, just a few years back BBC reported this BBC NEWS | Health | India 'has most people with HIV' India still has a very high HIV rate....time to acknowledge the bad areas of India again...quit living in denial.

Stop playing victim. Nobody is harassing Pakistan because it is the only muslim nuclear power.

There's many propaganda made on the internet about Pakistan's nuclear facilities even after U.S. admitted the nuclear weapons of Pakistan are in safe hands.

What is with your obsession with zionists?

India and Zionist Israel are best friends. Everyone knows the Zionists hate Muslims. Pakistan is a Muslim majority country and everyone knows India hates Pakistan.

Who is this "we" exactly? You represent the opinions of all Pakistanis? is that what you're saying?

Of all the people in the world, I think Pakistanis would understand the mentality of Indians the most since my ancestors had to deal with your ancestors for a long, long time.

My observation about you after reading your posts on the forum is that you like nothing better than to insult India or Indians at whatever opportunity. Go ahead, but realise that by insulting India, you're betraying an inferiority complex.

I've met many Indians in my life, talked to them, had conversations with them. Its been all the same experience with almost every Indian. I got no "complex" I just tell it the way it is.
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You can think whatever you want, it makes little difference. However -

I didnt say AIDS I said HIV, just a few years back BBC reported this BBC NEWS | Health | India 'has most people with HIV' India still has a very high HIV rate....time to acknowledge the bad areas of India again...quit living in denial.

The report you posted came out in 2006. It has already been discredited. UN slashes by more than half estimate of HIV-infected in India - Economy and Politics - livemint.com

The most number of HIV-Aids patients (HIV is the virus, AIDS the disease) are in South Africa. Do a little research before criticizing India.

Now lets back to topic.
If we consider 10% growth from INDIA and 8% from CHINA that means, india will near $100bn in its GDP, and CHINA will add nearly $300bn,

Bro gap will still grow!
If we consider 10% growth from INDIA and 8% from CHINA that means, india will near $100bn in its GDP, and CHINA will add nearly $300bn,

Bro gap will still grow!

The absolute gap grows but only till a point in time till it breaks even and the country with a higher growth rate starts growing faster in absolute terms...by your logic USA with a 3% growth rate of a 14 Trillion economy will always be ahead of China with 8% growth rate of a 4.4 Trillion economy.
I meant nationilist. You Indians are mostly Hindustani nationalists. I'm a Pakistani nationalists, but many Pakistanis are not nationalists..there are many patriotic Pakistanis but they're not nationilists like there are Indian nationilists. Nationalists think their country and their people are superior to everyone else. Maybe because India is the only country in the world with a significant Hindu population and their faith was formed in India thats why for so many Indians India is everything to them.

Utter crap. I haven't heard more of Hindu bashing in my life than I have heard on this forum. You've got it wrong when you think Indians are proud of their country because of its religion. The reality is that an Indian is brought to learn to not put his religion before his rationale and not to believe in 'holier than thou'. We dont differentiate between a Hindu and a Muslim, a Sikh and a Christian. Now you would jump with the usual mentioning of riots. Let me tell you, that the sentiment of every Indian after those riots was stronger against the rioters than their religion. All riots were marked by an enormous nationalism, and all of India uttering the same "We are one" slogans.

I bet that was missed by you since you couldn't look beyond the Hindus and Muslims.

Then why do Indians get so defensive here when anyone mentions an unpleasant fact about India

Because you fail to understand that in a country like India these issues are debated more than the number of times these facts have been mentioned on this forum. I can tell you that you will find an answer to each and every unpleasant fact you think Indians are defensive about. Just do some research on how India is resolving those issues than upon what these issues are.

For Indians only the good parts of India is the image of India they want to portray to the world, they refuse to even acknowledge the poor bad areas of India, like the protests in India during the release of slumdog millionare and many Indians protested that the film wasn't showing the good parts of India.

And yet India didnt ban it. Unlike in China, where government regulates against all movies showing "bad parts of China". You wont find anything like that in India.

Again those poor bad areas are not pockets of those who have given up on their lives because they are poor. Instead each and everyone "poor" works with enormous assistance from the government to do their bit to improve their lives. A message that you failed to take from Slumdog Milllionaire because you were busy focusing on what it shows, not on what it implies.

There's many propaganda made on the internet about Pakistan's nuclear facilities even after U.S. admitted the nuclear weapons of Pakistan are in safe hands.

We will all be assured once you get rid of terrorists. Americans were the ones who raised the threat issue. And still are busy telling you to do for the past 10 years.
India and Zionist Israel are best friends. Everyone knows the Zionists hate Muslims. Pakistan is a Muslim majority country and everyone knows India hates Pakistan.

Again RELIGION, RELIGION, RELIGION. India hates Pakistan because Pakistan has Muslims. India hates its own Muslims. Pakistan hates India because it is a Hindu Majority state.

Frankly we dont give a $hit about religion affecting our power to judge. First try and understand what India stands for. And the best way to do so is to read the Preamble.

Of all the people in the world, I think Pakistanis would understand the mentality of Indians the most since my ancestors had to deal with your ancestors for a long, long time.

So very wrong. I have been answering to your senseless rhetoric and it doesnt even remotely match "Indian Mentality". Its just a cooked up term to brand India on the lines that were used to create Pakistan "Hindus and Muslims cannot live together".

I've met many Indians in my life, talked to them, had conversations with them. Its been all the same experience with almost every Indian. I got no "complex" I just tell it the way it is.

You havent met a single Indian. Your views about India suggest that you hate Indians because of their religion. And that is the first misconception that you would have gotten rid off had you ever met an Indian.
my sweat indian friends,shouldn't we focus on this year?.

Dear Chinese friend please read something else than your government owned newspaper.

Here is an article from Wall Street Journal, which is a translated copy of a Chinese Economist Guo Tongxin's article.

Chinese Stats Official Says Economic Growth Last Year Was Slower Than Many Thought​
Chinese Stats Official Says Economic Growth Last Year Was Slower Than Many Thought - China Journal - WSJ

Here is the link in Chinese:-

The new estimates from Guo, which only cover 2008 and early 2009, may be a surprise for skeptics who suspect that China’s statistics officials are only capable of reporting nice-sounding numbers.


Economists surveyed by the Journal in February had, on average, estimated that fourth-quarter GDP expanded at an annualized rate of 2.1%. Guo cited what he called a preliminary estimate that fourth quarter GDP grew 0.1% from the previous quarter, equivalent to an annualized rate of just 0.4%.

So if proper terms are taken into account then India's 2008 GDP growth is more than China's. It in only because of China’s traditional method compares GDP – and most other indicators – to the same period in the previous year. India report GDP’s changes relative to the previous quarter, which gives a clearer picture of the most recent trend.
Dear Chinese friend please read something else than your government owned newspaper.

Here is an article from Wall Street Journal, which is a translated copy of a Chinese Economist Guo Tongxin's article.

Chinese Stats Official Says Economic Growth Last Year Was Slower Than Many Thought​
Chinese Stats Official Says Economic Growth Last Year Was Slower Than Many Thought - China Journal - WSJ

Here is the link in Chinese:-


So if proper terms are taken into account then India's 2008 GDP growth is more than China's. It in only because of China’s traditional method compares GDP – and most other indicators – to the same period in the previous year. India report GDP’s changes relative to the previous quarter, which gives a clearer picture of the most recent trend.

still the fastest:smitten: you don't believe our GDP ,fine.than visit china.or i can show you some wuhan photo, if you don't believe my photo ,you can use google earth....... you won't say chinese government owned the g.e ,right?and the city like wuhan is everywhere in china ,you can compare to your major economic city
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Nationalist? You mean patriots? are you not a Patriot Omar?

Refuse to hear anything bad about our country? Obviously you know nothing about India and Indians. Indians are probably the biggest cynics regarding their country.

Not sure what you mean by focus.

India has about 3.5 million aid patients in India, compared to a population that is about 1.1 billion, so we're talking about aids why exactly? The thing you need to understand is that because of India's humongous population, everything is in excess in India. You need to put things into perspective.

Stop playing victim. Nobody is harassing Pakistan because it is the only muslim nuclear power.

What is with your obsession with zionists?

Who is this "we" exactly? You represent the opinions of all Pakistanis? is that what you're saying?

My observation about you after reading your posts on the forum is that you like nothing better than to insult India or Indians at whatever opportunity. Go ahead, but realise that by insulting India, you're betraying an inferiority complex.

Both of you guys make good arguments. I believe what Omar means is that Indians are very critical about themselves when talking to each other, but not with outsiders. My experience in India was shocking! When I was in India I read on newspaper and watched on TV all sorts of "crazy" India stuff.... stuff that would NEVER be revealed outside India. There's a stark difference in the image GOI portrays to world and to themselves. So in that way both you guys are correct.

Please don't get me wrong. :smitten: I truly don't give a hoots about GDP, what I'm more interested in is poverty relief AND standard of life (enjoyment). Money can NOT buy you everything. :cheers: Look at China's development at the cost of pollution. What I missed in China was blue skies and clean air. We Chinese know we sacrificed a LOT for our development.

Same thing can be said about America. In America most people are not very happy (at least they don't show it). But in Asia, people may be not as wealthy but they are nearly always smiling! :woot::smitten::azn:

Each country is unique, we can not blindly apply what is successful in one place to another. India should follow her own path. :cheers:
SinoIndusFriendship,no matter how friendly you are,indian here won't buy it,they like craping china to make themselves fell better,it's too hard for them leaving us alone,they still consided china as the aggressor even after their "Forward Policy" was leaked out,and they keep saying chinese are brainwashed
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Indian firms acquire 143 US companies, create 30,000 jobs

Indian firms acquire 143 US companies, create 30,000 jobs - Yahoo! India News

Wed, Jun 24 10:38 AM
Washington, June 24 (IANS) Indian companies made 143 acquisitions across various sectors in the United States over the last two years, bailed out many companies on the brink of closure and created some 30,000 jobs, according to a seminal new study.

In 2007-08 alone, 94 deals between the range of $0.8 million and $1,005 million were concluded with the disclosed value in 55 deals totalling $4,432 million, according to the joint study released by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) and Ernst and Young.

In 2008-09, Indian companies were involved in 49 US-bound acquisitions. Of these, deal values were disclosed in 24 cases and their value totalled $960 million. The size of the deals were in the range of $0.70 million and $172 million, the report noted.

Indian Ambassador to the US Meera Shankar released the study titled 'India Contributes to Employment, Capital Growth and Tax Revenues in the US - Direct Investment by Indian companies in 2007-2009' at a function at the East West Centre here Tuesday.

Speaking of a transformation that the India-US bilateral relationship had witnessed in recent years, Shankar highlighted the complementarities and convergences in the relationship.

The US being the largest economy in the world was naturally a key economic partner for India, she said pointing out the growing two-way investment between both countries.

FICCI President Harsh Pati Singhania and Secretary General Dr. Amit Mitra also spoke about the developing economic ties between India and the US and the numerous opportunities for further cooperation.

The study shows that IT&ITeS (information technology and information technology enabled service), consumer products, pharmaceutical and manufacturing are the key sectors where companies are active in outbound acquisitions.

However, the IT&ITeS sector is the sector where a majority of the deals took place. The IT&ITeS sector, in fact, accounted for 50 percent of the total number of deals in 2007-08 and 40 percent of the total number of deals in 2008-09.

The report attributed the rise in Indian outbound investments to the US to strong economic growth, and easy availability of debt finance for companies.

Several Indian multinationals are still looking at acquiring US companies, despite the economic downturn which has raised the cost of overseas acquisitions.

(Arun Kumar can be contacted at arun.kumar@ians.in)
SinoIndusFriendship,no matter how friendly you are,indian here won't buy it,they like craping china to make themselves fell better,it's too hard for them leaving us alone

Not entirely true. They are being defensive because the truth is painful to bear. Overseas Indians who are not nationalistic get along well with the rest of the world. :yahoo:
Gandhi and Tagore are very famous in china,i love Tagore's poem,it's so romantic

MUMBAI: The Indian government is planning an ambitious increase in road construction, the Financial Times (FT) reports.

The country’s new road transport and highways minister Kamal Nath told the FT that Indian roads are “in a mess”.

“At the moment, we’ve been struggling with [building] 2km a day – I’ve set a target for 20km a day … we are going to work towards that.”

The government is inviting bids for more than 200 national highway projects, totalling 13,000 km of road. It plans to invite foreign investors to participate in a ‘roads finance corporation’ which may list on the stock exchange.

Bureaucracy and land disputes have both slowed India’s road development, but now that the Congress party-led coalition has a large majority in the Indian parliament, progress may be quicker.

A report from PricewaterhouseCoopers says India is looking to invest $US 92 billion in years to 2012.
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