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Oct 7, 2007
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For a deeper insight into the quality of life in India, here are the details of the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) from Oct '07

The definitive ranking of the quality of life across India.

RANK --------------------- SCORE ---------- RANK

2007 ---------------------- 2007* - 2006 2005 2004 2003
01 PUNJAB --------------- 2.72 ------ 1 ---- 1 ---- 1 ---- 1
02 KERALA --------------- 2.52 ------ 2 ---- 2 ---- 2 ---- 2
03 HIMACHAL PRADESH 2.38 ------ 3 ---- 3 ---- 3 ---- 3
04 TAMIL NADU --------- 2.36 ------ 4 ---- 4 ---- 4 ---- 4
05 GUJARAT ------------- 2.11 ------ 7 ---- 7 ---- 7 ---- 6
06 MAHARASTRA -------- 2.07 ------ 6 ---- 6 ---- 6 ---- 7
07 KARNATAKA ---------- 2.02 ------ 8 ---- 8 ---- 8 ---- 8
08 HARYANA ------------- 1.89 ------ 5 ---- 5 ---- 5 ---- 5
09 UTTARAKHAND ------- 1.84 ------ 9 ---- 9 ---- 9 --- NA
10 ANDHRA PRADESH --- 1.77 ---- 10 ----11 -- 11 --- 10
11 JAMMU & KASHMIR --- 1.66 ---- 11 --- 10 -- 10 --- 9
12 RAJASTHAN ----------- 1.38 ----- 12 --- 12 -- 13 --- 11
13 MADHYA PRADESH --- 1.33 ----- 14 ---14 ---12 --- 13
14 ASSAM ----------------- 1.29 ----- 16 --- 16 -- 15 --- 14
15 WEST BENGAL -------- 1.29 ----- 13 --- 13 -- 14 --- 12
16 CHHATTISGARH ------- 1.17 ----- 15 --- 15 -- 16 --- NA
17 UTTAR PRADESH ------ 0.98 ----- 17 --- 17 -- 17 --- 15
18 ORISSA ----------------- 0.98 ---- 18 --- 18 -- 18 --- 16
19 JHARKHAND ------------ 0.88 ----- 19 --- 19 -- 19 --- NA
20 BIHAR ------------------- 0.60 ----- 20 --- 20 -- 20 --- 17
Big states are those with area of over 35,000 sq km and population of over 5 million

RANK ----------------------- SCORE ---------- RANK

2007 ------------------------ 2007* - 2006 2005 2004 2003
01 PUDUCHERRY ---------- 4.02 ----- 1 ---- 3 ---- 1 ---- NA
02 GOA --------------------- 3.57 ----- 2 ---- 1 ---- 4 ----- 1
03 DELHI ------------------- 3.38 ----- 3 ---- 2 ---- 2 ----- 2
04 SIKKIM ------------------ 2.73 ----- 4 ---- 5 ---- 5 ---- NA
05 MIZORAM --------------- 2.51 ----- 5 ---- 4 ---- 3 ---- NA
06 NAGALAND ------------- 2.03 ----- 6 ---- 7 ---- 8 ---- NA
07 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 1.82 ----- 8 ---- 6 ---- 6 ---- NA
08 TRIPURA ---------------- 1.56 ----- 9 ---- 9 ---- 9 ---- NA
09 MANIPUR --------------- 1.50 ----- 7 ---- 7 ---- 8 ---- NA
10 MEGHALAYA ------------ 1.46 ---- 10 --- 10 ---10 --- NA
Small states are those with area of less than 35,000 sq km and population of less than 5 million

RANK -------------------------------- SCORE ---------- RANK

2007 --------------------------------- 2007* - 2006 2005 2004 2003
1 CHANDIGARH --------------------- 3.90 ----- 1 ---- 1 --- 1 --- NA
2 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS 2.52 ----- 2 ---- 2 --- 3 --- NA
3 LAKSHADWEEP ------------------- 2.43 ----- 5 ---- 4 --- 2 --- NA
4 DAMAN & DIU --------------------- 2.22 ----- 3 ---- 3 --- 4 --- NA
5 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI -------- 1.99 ----- 4 ---- 5 --- 5 --- NA

* Figures are 2007 scores (out of 10) of states and union territories on their overall performance based on eight parameter: law & order, agriculture, primary education, primary health, infrastructure, consumer market, investment environment, and budget & prosperity.

Assam is the FASTEST MOVER

Fastest mover is the state where the rate of improvement on overall performance between 2003 and 2006 was greater than the rate of improvement between 1991 and 2003
India's Best & Worst States

Leaders Lead Laggards Lag

The fifth State of States report reveals that very little has changed in the rankings across five years. Sure there is some movement but it is largely incremental and at the margins.





INDIA TODAY 4 - The most widely read newsweekly in South Asia.

VARIABLES: Percentage of state GDP spent on administration, per capita capital expenditure, commercial bank credit, capital formation, number of factories and industrial disputes, sick small scale industries, number of industrial workers per urban population in 15-59 group.


RANK -------------------- SCORE ---------- RANK

2007 --------------------- 2007 - 2006 2005 2004 2003

01 GUJARAT ------------- 2.68 ---- 1 --- 1 ---- 5 ---- 2
02 MAHARASTRA -------- 2.27 ---- 4 --- 7 ---- 6 ---- 5
03 HIMACHAL PRADESH 2.25 ---- 2 --- 4 ---- 4 ---- 4
04 HARYANA ------------- 2.24 ---- 3 --- 5 ---- 3 ---- 1
05 UTTARAKHAND ------- 2.15 ---- 5 --- 8 ---- 2 ---- NA
06 KARNATAKA ---------- 2.12 ---- 7 --- 6 ---- 10 ---- 6
07 TAMIL NADU --------- 2.08 ---- 8 --- 9 ---- 7 ---- 7
08 PUNJAB --------------- 1.88 ---- 6 --- 3 ---- 1 ---- 3
09 CHHATTISGARH ----- 1.60 ---- 9 --- 2 -- 13 --- NA
10 ANDHRA PRADESH -- 1.51 --- 10 ---11 -- 12 --- 8
11 ASSAM ---------------- 1.45 --- 17 -- 19 -- 16 --- 9
12 JHARKHAND ---------- 1.42 --- 13 -- 12 -- 11 --- NA
13 RAJASTHAN ----------- 1.35 --- 12 -- 13 -- 15 --- 11
14 JAMMU & KASHMIR --- 1.35 --- 12 -- 10 -- 9 --- 10
15 MADHYA PRADESH --- 1.32 --- 15 ---15 --- 8 --- 14
16 KERALA ---------------- 1.14 --- 16 --- 16 -- 14 --- 12
17 ORISSA ----------------- 0.85 --- 19 -- 18 -- 19 --- 16
18 UTTAR PRADESH ------ 0.85 --- 14 -- 14 -- 17 --- 13
19 WEST BENGAL -------- 0.80 ---- 18 -- 17 -- 18 --- 15
20 BIHAR ------------------- 0.50 ---- 20 -- 20 -- 20 --- 17

RANK ---------------------- SCORE ---------- RANK
2007 ----------------------- 2007 - 2006 2005 2004 2003

01 PUDUCHERRY ----------4.05 ----- 1 ---- 6 --- 6 --- NA
02 GOA ---------------------3.86 ----- 4 ---- 2 --- 3 ---- 1
03 SIKKIM ----------------- 3.83 ----- 2 ---- 1 --- 2 --- NA
04 DELHI ------------------ 3.83 ----- 3 ---- 4 --- 4 ---- 2
05 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 3.00 ----- 5 ---- 5 --- 5 --- NA
06 MIZORAM --------------- 2.17 ----- 7 ---- 3 --- 1 --- NA
07 NAGALAND ------------- 1.47 ----- 9 ---- 7 --- 7 --- NA
08 TRIPURA ---------------- 1.32 ----- 6 ---- 9 --- 9 --- NA
09 MEGHALAYA ----------- 1.18 ---- 10 --- 10 -- 10 --- NA
10 MANIPUR --------------- 0.72 ----- 8 ---- 8 ---- 8 --- NA

RANK -------------------------------- SCORE ---------- RANK
2007 --------------------------------- 2007 - 2006 2005 2004 2003

1 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI -------- 4.42 ---- 1 ---- 2 --- 2 ---- NA
2 CHANDIGARH --------------------- 4.04 ---- 2 ---- 1 --- 1 ---- NA
3 LAKSHADWEEP ------------------- 3.27 ---- 5 ---- 5 --- 3 ---- NA
4 DAMAN & DIU --------------------- 2.06 ---- 3 ---- 3 --- 4 ---- NA
5 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS 0.95 ---- 4 ---- 4 --- 5 ---- NA

Tamil Nadu is the FASTEST MOVER

Fastest mover is the state where the rate of improvement on overall performance between 2003 and 2006 was greater
than the rate of improvement between 1991 and 2003
The Triumphant Trio

Best big state, best small state and the best state for investment. Punjab, Puducherry and Gujarat emerge leaders in these categories and set an example before the laggards.

Call it the great Indian paradox. The best among all the 30 states and five Union territories, Punjab, is the slowest growing state in the country, only a shade better than Daman and Diu. If it still ranks on the top it is thanks to the legacy of the past. On the other hand, a fourth ranker among small states till last year, Puducherry has outshone Goa and Delhi to occupy the top slot in that category. Its performance on social sector parameters has been as impressive as in the sunshine sectors like technology and hardware. And on investment front, Gujarat, with a stable environment and resolute leadership has once again emerged the investors' favourite destination with projects worth Rs 75,000 crore committed in 2006-07. The supremacy of these states, despite low scores on many parameters, only shows how long the road is for others who have to travel a million miles before they can rest.

(From India Today)



Small State Big Strides

Despite the propensity for freebies the state has done well, thanks to the rush of big tag investments.

The state seeks status of nation's hardware capital and is wooing investments in IT, biotech and agro-processing.

Rs 61,064 is the per capita income of the people in the state.

* The state tops spending in healthcare in 2006-07.
* It is the only state to provide breakfast, umbrellas and raincoats to school students.


Favourite Destination

Under Modi, infrastructure and investment have got a fillip and the state has seen all-round development

Today, industry has to face power staggering for not more than 30 days in a year. T&D losses have been cut drastically.

Rs 75,000cr worth investment committed in the state in 2006-2007

* At 99 per cent, the state has the best road connectivity.
* Maximum number of special economic zones (47) are to be set up in Gujarat


VARIABLES: Percentage of cropped area under cash crops, gross state domestic product/rural population, electricity consumption for agriculture/rural population, foodgrain yield, loans extended to agriculture/households cultivating land, net irrigated area/net sown area.

RANK --------------------- SCORE ---------- RANK
2007 ---------------------- 2007 - 2006 2005 2004 2003

01 PUNJAB --------------- 5.62 ----- 1 ---- 1 ---- 1 ---- 1
02 TAMIL NADU --------- 3.00 ----- 3 ---- 3 ---- 3 ---- 3
03 ANDHRA PRADESH -- 2.06 ---- 5 ---- 4 ---- 4 ---- 4
04 HARYANA ------------- 1.94 ----- 2 ---- 2 ---- 2 ---- 2
05 GUJARAT -------------- 1.90 ----- 4 ---- 5 ---- 5 ---- 5
06 KARNATAKA ---------- 1.89 ----- 6 ---- 6 ---- 7 ---- 6
07 MAHARASTRA -------- 1.44 ---- 10 --- 11 -- 13 ---- 9
08 UTTAR PRADESH ----- 1.38 ----- 8 ---- 7 --- 6 ---- 7
09 WEST BENGAL -------- 1.25 ----- 7 ---- 8 --- 8 ---- 8
10 UTTARAKHAND ------- 1.17 ---- 12 --- 14 -- 14 --- NA
11 MADHYA PRADESH --- 1.11 ---- 11 ---13 --- 9 --- 11
12 RAJASTHAN ----------- 1.02 ----- 9 ---- 9 --- 10 --- 10
13 KERALA --------------- 0.91 ----- 13 --- 10 --- 12 -- 13
14 BIHAR ------------------ 0.82 ---- 14 --- 12 -- 11 --- 14
15 HIMACHAL PRADESH 0.78 ----- 16 --- 16 --- 16 -- 15
16 JAMMU & KASHMIR --- 0.71 --- 15 --- 15 --- 15 --- 12
17 ORISSA ----------------- 0.52 --- 17 --- 17 -- 17 --- 16
18 CHHATTISGARH ------- 0.42 ---- 18 --- 20 -- 19 --- NA
19 JHARKHAND ------------ 0.24 ---- 19 --- 18 -- 20 --- NA
20 ASSAM ----------------- 1.29 ----- 20 --- 19 -- 18 --- 17

RANK ----------------------- SCORE ---------- RANK
2007 ------------------------ 2007 - 2006 2005 2004 2003

01 PUDUCHERRY ---------- 5.46 ---- 1 --- 1 ---- 1 ---- NA
02 DELHI ------------------- 1.91 ---- 2 --- 2 ---- 2 ----- 2
03 GOA --------------------- 1.85 ---- 3 --- 3 ---- 3 ----- 1
04 MEGHALAYA ------------ 0.66 --- 5 --- 5 ---- 7 ---- NA
05 MANIPUR --------------- 0.56 ---- 7 --- 6 ---- 4 ---- NA
06 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 0.50 ---- 8 --- 7 --- 10 ---- NA
07 TRIPURA ---------------- 0.47 ---- 4 --- 4 ---- 5 ---- NA
08 MIZORAM --------------- 0.46 ---- 6 --- 8 ---- 6 ---- NA
09 SIKKIM ------------------ 0.32 --- 10 --- 9 ---- 9 ---- NA
10 NAGALAND ------------- 0.27 ---- 9 --- 10 ---- 8 ---- NA

RANK -------------------------------- SCORE ---------- RANK
2007 --------------------------------- 2007 - 2006 2005 2004 2003

1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS 1.42 ---- 1 ---- 1 --- 1 --- NA
2 LAKSHADWEEP ------------------- 1.10 ---- 3 ---- 4 --- 4 --- NA
3 CHANDIGARH --------------------- 0.93 ---- 2 ---- 2 --- 2 --- NA
4 DAMAN & DIU --------------------- 0.80 ---- 5 ---- 3 --- 3 --- NA
5 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI -------- 0.52 ---- 4 ---- 5 --- 5 --- NA

Madhya Pradesh is the FASTEST MOVER

Fastest mover is the state where the rate of improvement on overall performance between 2003 and 2006 was greater than the rate of improvement between 1991 and 2003
Literacy Rates:

Rank State Literacy Rate (%)

1 Mizoram 91.1
2 Kerala 89.9
3 Goa 83.3
4 Himachal Pradesh 81.3
5 Tripura 80.2
6 Maharashtra 77.6
7 Sikkim 76.6
8 Manipur 76.5
9 Assam 76.3
10 Uttaranchal 75.7
11 Tamil Nadu 74.2
12 Punjab 74
13 Nagaland 72.5
14 Gujarat 72.1
14 Meghalaya 72.1
16 West Bengal 71.6
17 Haryana 71.4
18 Karnataka 69.3
19 Orissa 68.8
20 Whole INDIA 67.6

21 Jammu and Kashmir 66.7
22 Andhra Pradesh 63.7
23 Chattisgarh 63.6
24 Arunachal Pradesh 62.8
25 Uttar Pradesh 61.6
26 Madhya Pradesh 60.9
27 Jharkhand 58.6
28 Rajasthan 57.4
29 Bihar 54.1
Rank State Television ownership (%)
1 Punjab 78.5
2 Goa 77.5
3 Himachal Pradesh 72.6
4 Kerala 67.7
5 Haryana 63.4
6 Jammu and Kashmir 62.9
7 Uttaranchal 61
8 Maharashtra 58.8
9 Sikkim 55.8
10 Karnataka 53.6
11 Tamil Nadu 53.1
12 Gujarat 53
13 Andhra Pradesh 50.3
14 Mizoram 48.3
15 Manipur 47.8
16 Tripura 46.7
17 Whole INDIA 44.2

18 Meghalaya 41.4
19 Arunachal Pradesh 41.3
20 Nagaland 37.9
21 Rajasthan 37
22 West Bengal 35.6
23 Madhya Pradesh 35
24 Assam 34.3
25 Uttar Pradesh 34
26 Chattisgarh 33.4
27 Orissa 28.9
28 Jharkhand 28.1
29 Bihar 18.2
Households having Electricity

Rank State Electricity (%)
1 Himachal Pradesh 98.4
2 Goa 96.4
3 Punjab 96.3
4 Jammu and Kashmir 93.2
5 Mizoram 92.3
6 Sikkim 92.1
7 Haryana 91.5
8 Kerala 91
9 Karnataka 89.3
9 Gujarat 89.3
11 Tamil Nadu 88.6
12 Andhra Pradesh 88.4
13 Manipur 87
14 Maharashtra 83.5
14 Nagaland 82.9
16 Uttaranchal 80
17 Arunachal Pradesh 76.9
18 Madhya Pradesh 71.4
18 Chattisgarh 71.4
20 Meghalaya 70.4
21 Tripura 68.8
22 Whole INDIA 67.9

23 Rajasthan 66.1
23 West Bengal 52.5
25 Orissa 45.4
26 Uttar Pradesh 42.8
27 Jharkhand 40.2
28 Assam 38.1
29 Bihar 27.7

This is a list of the States of India ranked in order of percentage of children between 12-23 months of age who received all recommended vaccines

Rank State Vaccination Coverage (%)
1 Tamil Nadu 81
2 Goa 79
3 Kerala 75
4 Himachal Pradesh 74
5 Sikkim 70
6 Jammu and Kashmir 67
7 Haryana 65
8 West Bengal 64
9 Punjab 60
9 Uttaranchal 60
11 Maharashtra 59
12 Karnataka 55
13 Orissa 52
14 Tripura 50
14 Chattisgarh 49
16 Manipur 47
17 Andhra Pradesh 46
17 Mizoram 46
19 Gujarat 45
20 Whole INDIA 44

21 Madhya Pradesh 40
22 Jharkhand 35
23 Bihar 33
23 Meghalaya 33
25 Assam 32
26 Arunachal Pradesh 28
27 Rajasthan 27
28 Uttar Pradesh 23
29 Nagaland 21
Gujarat will probably emerge as the most prosperous state in the next 8-10 years.

Punjab is still sitting on its laurels from the Green Revolution. It needs to industrialize in order to keep its ranking.

Mizoram is India's "Coolest" state...best literacy and most laidback people.

Kerala is the ideal welfare state....very high equality and literacy....rivals scandinavian countries on that count.
Gujarat will probably emerge as the most prosperous state in the next 8-10 years.

Punjab is still sitting on its laurels from the Green Revolution. It needs to industrialize in order to keep its ranking.

Mizoram is India's "Coolest" state...best literacy and most laidback people.

Kerala is the ideal welfare state....very high equality and literacy....rivals scandinavian countries on that count.

True, Gujarat is simply scorching away competition, Modi on that front is working wonders for Gujarat..!

But from an infrastructural POV, there is no matching Delhi. Simply the sheer amount of money going in Delhi on road infrastructure projects(roads, highways, urban transportation projects,) is unrivalled in the entire country. All credit to Commonwealth Games 2010.

And no official ranking, but Bangalore, considering its supposed to be an IT hub and all that, the star of the south, it has PATHETIC infrastructure, PATHETIC roads, PATHETIC mass trasit systems(actually that was in jest, it has no such thing whatsoever). I was mighty dissapointed in my visit to Bangalore, bloody single lanes over the entire city...
Mumbai is beginning to lose business because the port infrastructure in Gujarat is far better than Mumbai, which is more or less a colonial relic.
Gujarati highways rival the Chinese ones and they produce surplus electricity...
Mumbai is beginning to lose business because the port infrastructure in Gujarat is far better than Mumbai, which is more or less a colonial relic.
Gujarati highways rival the Chinese ones and they produce surplus electricity...

Mumbai is fading. If it doesnt do anything fast, all that will remain in Mumbai is Bollywood and the Sensex. They have to put war like efforts in their infrastructure otherwise it will be history. With politicians like Raj Thackeray being regressive than progressive, i feel Mumbai is doomed.

In Delhi OTOH, Shiela Dikshit is going to be elected the third time in a row because and ONLY because of the development she has brought in the city. From the Delhi Metro, a pilot project to the High Capacity Bus System(BRT), Highways and Superways(a 16 lane highway throughout,comming up b/w Dwarka and Gurgaon connecting DIAL). Currently the highways only become 16 laned at the toll point, this will be around 24 laned at the toll point and 16 laned otherwise-the highest in the country.

Apart from that the Delhi Gurgaon expressway, 8 laned throughout and 16 laned at the toll point, has been opened recently, the total length of the highway is 27.something km's.

Delhi Metro is going to cover literally ALL of Delhi and NCR region by 2010.

Infact by 2010, Delhi will have the highest number of flyovers and underpasses combined in Asia barring Tokyo.

Delhi is an electrcity deficit state though.
Mumbai is fading. If it doesnt do anything fast, all that will remain in Mumbai is Bollywood and the Sensex. They have to put war like efforts in their infrastructure otherwise it will be history. With politicians like Raj Thackeray being regressive than progressive, i feel Mumbai is doomed.

In Delhi OTOH, Shiela Dikshit is going to be elected the third time in a row because and ONLY because of the development she has brought in the city. From the Delhi Metro, a pilot project to the High Capacity Bus System(BRT), Highways and Superways(a 16 lane highway throughout,comming up b/w Dwarka and Gurgaon connecting DIAL). Currently the highways only become 16 laned at the toll point, this will be around 24 laned at the toll point and 16 laned otherwise-the highest in the country.

Apart from that the Delhi Gurgaon expressway, 8 laned throughout and 16 laned at the toll point, has been opened recently, the total length of the highway is 27.something km's.

Delhi Metro is going to cover literally ALL of Delhi and NCR region by 2010.

Infact by 2010, Delhi will have the highest number of flyovers and underpasses combined in Asia barring Tokyo.

Delhi is an electrcity deficit state though.

Mumbai isn't "doomed" or anything, just that it needs to do some urgent catching up.

Its infrastructure is still among the best in the country and improving.

Navi Mumbai is coming up in a big way, and its got several high-profile projects lined up.

Maharashtra needs someone like Chandrababu Naidu in order to give it a fillip.
Chandrababu Naidu completely forgot the agricultural sector. He got crazy with IT and infrastructure. Maharashtra apart from some cities is a major agricultural region, dont forget that. Unless we rachet up our per hectare yield, we would be sorry in the future. Agricultural growth is just managing around 2-3%, which is pitiable compared to our industrial growth of 11-12%.

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