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Indian deputy consul general arrested in US on visa fraud charges

I think you got it wrong,, what he ment i guess is , she is been xfered to UN and why does US state dept has to aprove it, UN is supposed to be a world body not US body.

No, I have it correct in that the final approval for this UN request for her accreditation must come from the US State Department.
US state department can reject Khobragade transfer to UN mission because a defendant need to stand trail for the crimes she accused of violating US law. UN compound is an separate sovereignty from the US territory, within UN territory a defendant will have the full immunity to all the US laws. US state department within it's right to disapprove the transfer of a defendant from her consulate office to the UN office.
Ok, we know that ,i was replying that as i felt @VCheng misunderstood what @DesiGuy was asking.
No, I have it correct in that the final approval for this UN request for her accreditation must come from the US State Department.
I get that part ,state dept has to approve it,,,but the question is why,is it because she is now working in US,or is it someother reason.
I get that part ,state dept has to approve it,,,but the question is why,is it because she is now working in US,or is it someother reason.

The same reason USA decides on visas to those attending the UN.
US state department have the right to approve who or what can pass by the US territory to reach their destination. US justice department present their case to the US state department for the reason Khobragade is a defendant standing accused of the criminal charge on US territory. US state department can eject a defendant application base on the US justice department reasoning.
India offering support to a criminal is disgusting.

I agree, to India pride is more important than justice. I have written off India, that nation is destined to remain a sorry mess until people change their attitude.
Still up to the US justice department to present their case to the US office and reject India request to transfer Khobragade to UN mission.

Yo're still on your stupid rant aren't you? She'll be I UN, in full view of US prosecutors, who won't be able to touch her despite loudly complaining....ironlically deleciuos state of events :D

:tup: AWESOME work by Indian establishment. They knew when to posture and took the shot without any hesitation!!
Yo're still on your stupid rant aren't you? She'll be I UN, in full view of US prosecutors, who won't be able to touch her despite loudly complaining....ironlically deleciuos state of events :D

:tup: AWESOME work by Indian establishment. They knew when to posture and took the shot without any hesitation!!

Still up to the US justice department to decide the defendant fate.
It doesn't matter what the final outcome is now. The criminal of a woman will just be one step up of a street walker.

And when I told you the deal is struck you said soething about thought provoking or something

Still up to the US justice department to decide the defendant fate.

You're stupid.

I agree, to India pride is more important than justice. I have written off India, that nation is destined to remain a sorry mess until people change their attitude.
who cares what you think anyway?
That WOULD be a cause for concern, if your opinion mattered at all :)

It does my opinion resulted in India receiving a billion dollars in investments. What have you done to benefit India, move to Australia? :lol:
And when I told you the deal is struck you said soething about thought provoking or something

You're stupid.

who cares what you think anyway?

US justice department will make sure US state department disapprove the defendant application. US justice department always have the final say with legal matter.
It does my opinion resulted in India receiving a billion dollars in investments. What have you done to benefit India, move to Australia? :lol:

Your opinion resulted in that, how exactly?

My family has personally sent back $350k in remittances and $500k in fixed-term deposit investments.

edit: Please don't claim you're on the advisory board for a company in the USA. That would just be silly.
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