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Indian consulate attacked in Mazar-e-Sharif in Afghanistan

Mazar e Sharif is close to Turkmenistan and recently vice president of Republic of India was there to lay the foundation of TAPI Pipeline.

Some countries doesnt want this TAPI line to be operation.

Already ITBP have been deployed in Afghanistan to protect the Indian Consulates.
after both incidents of Pathankot and consulate, Pak and india are busy arguing like saas bahu and not a single person from any side mentioned ISIS, who clearly said INDIA is their next target.
And for Pakistan to put a blanket over it like it did in Kargil perhaps?
Typical Indian brain at work... Jumps from Afghanistan to Kargil (making more delusional statements)....

But than again it's not surprising .. A country that gets shyt scared hardly knows anything about rationality,logic or iq...
Want to talk about my favourite meal now?
lol you are sick

and yea Amen to the death of all terrorists and their handlers and their mobile phone providers.

in case you missed they already targeted an army truck on the motorway earlier today.
Things are going to get messy Sir, don't want to invest emotionally too much in such threads, I would rather let respective agencies handle things and can only wish things don't spiral down to nasty level.

Missed out on that news, any causalities?
Why do indians attack their own consulate? -
Thats so childish -
Another attack??
Someone in Pakistan is really desperate to stall the peace process.
But I am glad to see Modi has learnt manners and have realized Pakistans powers and is thus not bad mouthing about Pakistan ( Or has not done yet )something he was used to take pride in recent past.
He seems to have learnt the hard way that ushering baseless allegation against Pakistan will only harm India and nothing else and the losses outweighs any potential applause he may get at home.

Damn one attack and people dived in their flight of fantasy. whats the hurry?
Very sad incident and hopefully are terrorists have been neutralized. The consulates have been under threat and I really hope ANSF will actually do something about it rather than blame Pakistan for all ills and go to sleep.

Have there been any casualties? It would be interesting to see which group accepts responsibility for this attack. Taliban who are already pressed at sangin or Isis who would love to showcase power. Either way hope the rata are killed and are dealt with soon.

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