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Indian consulate attacked in Mazar-e-Sharif in Afghanistan

I wonder who would be behind these attacks. Going by the past records, it will be too difficult to predict, particularly when both India and Afghanistan share a peace loving country as a neighbour who have never been caught red handed harbouring and protecting Islamic terrorists.

Must be the khalistans shouting Allah hu Akbar or the Maoists, surely.

The only one caught pants down was NDS when US troops caught them transporting Taliban number 2... :)

The butthurt was felt harder than the last most powerful quake in delhi.
But I am glad to see Modi has learnt manners and have realized Pakistans powers and is thus not bad mouthing about Pakistan ( Or has not done yet )something he was used to take pride in recent past.
He seems to have learnt the hard way that ushering baseless allegation against Pakistan will only harm India and nothing else and the losses outweighs any potential applause he may get at home.
Intresting developments around Pakistan.. some one feeling heat and desperate.
Afghanistan: Indian consulate in Mazar-i-Sharif attacked, say officials

Mazar-I-Sharif: The Indian consulate in the northern Afghan city of Mazar-i-Sharif came under attack on Sunday with an unknown number of gunmen attempting to enter the compound after twin explosions and shots were heard, the spokesman for the local governor said.

No details were immediately available on casualties or damage.


The attack came as Indian security forces were still trying to suppress an assault on an air base near the border with Pakistan that has killed at least seven military personnel and wounded 20 others.

Afghanistan: Indian consulate in Mazar-i-Sharif attacked, say officials - IBNLive

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