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Indian consulate attacked in Mazar-e-Sharif in Afghanistan

The Indian consulate in the northern Afghan city of Mazar-i-Sharif came under attack on Sunday with an unknown number of gunmen attempting to enter the compound after twin explosions and shots were heard, the spokesman for the local governor said.
Seems connected to airbase attack. All these right after possible warm up in relations? Seems like someone isnt very happy with positive progression..
Well afghan taliban are gonna get angry as india is giving trash but still usable choppers to kabul

Had it been Taliban they would have killed all Indians inside.
It looks like the 2nd false flag perceived by Doval and Raw in last three days .

Whatever the reason 2016 has taken an interesting start lets see how things turn out to be in near future.
Right on cue. Org-X does not want the Indo-Pak talks. They did not expect Modi's surprise initiative, so as soon as they realized that, desperation sets in: they tried Pathankot, now the consulate.

In the past the number of attempts to cross the border into India would go up suddenly in such situations, indicated by incidents of firings (to distract Indian border security from such attempted crossings). But this time both Raheel Sherief and Nawas Sherief have given their words in the US and followed through with public statements to that effect - meaning there is now possible a litmus test as follows, to establish who Org-X is:

* If the border firing incidents go up in frequency we can conclude that it is BAU for Pak army
* If not, that'd mean their supportive links (to jihadi groups) have been broken

Reference to Pak military above is to the a subset within it, that finds it very difficult to completely cut off
Right, just one person. Do you want the list of eminent persons saying all good things about Pakistan?

1 person who represents the US govt.. Not some moron from india.. What's funnier is twits like you would moan if a similiar statement was made against Pakistan even by some former low ranking American...24/7... But when it comes at you.. Everything is shudura.

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