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Indian Army Threatening Civilians in Kashmir for Protesting Against Using them as Human Shields

Well if your people support cross border terrorism, then they deserve to get shelled.

Well if Indian army won't stop from staging pathetic dramas like a teenage tiktoker then it would be forced to hide in civilians. They deserve it
Culpability lies with the Indian state for failure to preemptively move the civilians, failure to move the artillery upon demand and create a de-facto human shielding situation.

You would have denied any artillery movement into civilian areas even occurred had it not been for the video evidence. You would have claimed PA simply fired without reason into civilian areas. The chanakiya is sickening.

The only reason you're all here in narrative defence mode is because some brave Kashmiris got those videos out despite the lockdown and internet blackout.

If no video evidence existed, you'd be hiding in your holes not bothering to spin ridiculous interpretations of plain and simple human shielding.
At no point did I say I'm scared of Sikhs or gurkhas. I offered you the advantage of sending them first. Like when Khan asked srikanth to bat again, you sanghees deserve extra advantages.
When did khan ever ask Srikanth to bat again?

Sequence of events is quite simple:

India moves artillery to a civilian areas. India fails to relocate locals for their safety. Locals attempt to ask them to move their artillery - request rejected. Pakistan tries to hit shielded targets and causes collateral injury to civilians.

It's beyond me what you're trying to spin when video footage is out there to support the above narrative.

Sequence of events is -

India moves artillery in
Asks villages to evacuate
Villagers refuse and are forced to do so
They protest against the IA for forcing them to evacuate
It were people of AJK who beat up your pilot meanwhile in India they couldn't even land their chopper due to stones being thrown at them.

They might hate Indian army, and yet they end up protesting against your army, for getting them killed, by basing your terrorist activities out of their backyards.
Gujjar and Bakarwal Muslims socity are hard core nationalist. Pakistan Army deliberately targeted their residents in Kupwara with medium range artillery and mortars. The nearest army installation from the place is 8km away
Wtf New narrative is this??

The same gujjars who were hiding in ditches yesterday being called corona jihadis by fellow Indians?
They might hate Indian army, and yet they end up protesting against your army, for getting them killed, by basing your terrorist activities out of their backyards.

You have one years old video and your whole argument is based on that. Go ask a kashmiri from AJK how they feel about Pakistan and India.

Wtf New narrative is this??

The same gujjars who were hiding in ditches yesterday being called corona jihadis by fellow Indians?

Lol Indian army is threatening to kill them if they protest

Some reward they are getting for being a "nationalist" :lol:
Well if Indian army won't stop from staging pathetic dramas like a teenage tiktoker then it would be forced to hide in civilians. They deserve it

Lol wtf are you writing, does not even make sense.
Wtf New narrative is this??

The same gujjars who were hiding in ditches yesterday being called corona jihadis by fellow Indians?
You will never see Gujjar and Bakarwal Muslims never throw stones are the Indian secuirty forces.
Most of the JKLI boys are from these communities.
Lol wtf are you writing, does not even make sense.

Blame your typical pajeet low IQ if you can't understand the post since others have no issues :)
You have one years old video and your whole argument is based on that. Go ask a kashmiri from AJK how they feel about Pakistan and India.

Lets say people of AJK love Pakistan and hate India, can you imagine, how severe things would have been for them to go out and denounce the country they love, because its ending up, getting them killed due to its terror activities.
Lol Indian army is threatening to kill them if they protest

Some reward they are getting for being a "nationalist" :lol:
That's BS.
Those few who were protesting they are kashmiris
while people killed by Pakistan's fire today are Gujjar Muslim families.
When did khan ever ask Srikanth to bat again?

Sequence of events is -

India moves artillery in
Asks villages to evacuate
Villagers refuse and are forced to do so
They protest against the IA for forcing them to evacuate
That's funny because the videos I saw didn't run to your script.

Btw, Khan vs srikkanth. It should be there in your history textbook under the "pending deletion because of inferiority complex-Inducing potential" section.

Blame your typical pajeet low IQ if you can't understand the post since others have no issues :)

Osama baby, you are losing it, and butchering the grammar, your last post does not make sense.

Reply calmly.

P.S. Don't end up peeing yourself in all this excitement.

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