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Indian Army Prepared for China : Indian Brigadier

let the ministry of warning issue new warning against neigbors
If you acted with confidence then stop trying to ask for mutual withdrawal to save face whenever China threatens war, say you will stay the ground to protect Bhutan instead. There news coming out that India might swap place with Bhutanese forces to ensure a face saving withdrawal, which basically means India is abandoning the defense to the Bhutanese and running away. So much for being the protector of the Bhutanese.
It's a tri junction.It concerns both Bhutan & India.Nobody wants war but when sovereignty is at stake we are ready to protect it any how.
It's a tri junction.It concerns both Bhutan & India.Nobody wants war but when sovereignty is at stake we are ready to protect it any how.
Whose sovereignty? In that case, we can help Pakistan and Bangladesh too. Imagine one day Bangladesh suddenly create a claim and we can just jump in to defend Bangladesh. You like that?
Whose sovereignty? In that case, we can help Pakistan and Bangladesh too. Imagine one day Bangladesh suddenly create a claim and we can just jump in to defend Bangladesh. You like that?
Who is claiming here?Be honest?
If India is claiming then claiming what?
You are making construction on a no man's land.
Who is claiming here?Be honest?
If India is claiming then claiming what?
You are making construction on a no man's land.
No mans land, it's either Bhutanese or Chinese not Indian btw. As the Chinese saying goes, no point arguing with an Indian, use action.
Whose sovereignty? In that case, we can help Pakistan and Bangladesh too. Imagine one day Bangladesh suddenly create a claim and we can just jump in to defend Bangladesh. You like that?


The entry of chinese will be a direct breach of the Shimla agreement where the Kashmir issue will stay bilateral. This will give a big blow to Chinese diplomatic efforts and thus bring into fray a lot of other powers waiting to grab this oppurtunity.
Please go first clean your face your army don't have ammunition to fight any type of war for more than 10 days your weapons most of them are duds what left have Chinese parts on them
indian and keeping your mouth shut cannot be used in the same sentence. trust me if hostilities broke you will be eating your words.

they are talking shit..india has the high ground.....lol. have they not heard of helicopters, aircraft bombing, artillery etc.

you heard it in Kargil, right? why you even bothered to show up here. This is between two big brothers, you keep quite
I know it's Chinese but it's disputed so when put in a neutral context, it is either Chinese or Bhutanese but never Indian.
You should have thought it earlier.
Read India Bhutan treaties that had happened on 1949 & 2007 for brush up.
Well then turn India into a balkan state where powers play.

Can be the other way round too. But the country that will be balkanized will be Pakistan. So You people wont worry.

Just like they say in the Chinese Army...China will Fight India till the last Pakistani.
You should have thought it earlier.
Read India Bhutan treaties that had happened on 1949 & 2007
Huh? you are now arguing on my thoughts? Damn if I say it's Chinese territory damn if I say it's disputed? You can really never argue with an Indian. I read it, you don't seem to understand it.

Can be the other way round too. But the country that will be balkanized will be Pakistan. So You people wont worry.

Just like they say in the Chinese Army...China will Fight India till the last Pakistani.
Well, there is a possibility but if Pakistan destabilizes, India will be face the largest threat not China. It's actually in your interest to make sure they survive and maintain the status quo, that's what China wants too. Don't push your luck too much.
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