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Indian army major 's open letter to burhan wani

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Kashmiri people open pics for Indian security forces

I wish to see this major sent to lowest well of Hell real soon .......

You still think that god is your personal property. lol Your intolerence has given you so many terror attacks still you think of hell!
A very arrogant and conceited letter detailing the Indian belief that after occupying, killing raping and maining they are in the right. Burhan turned into a militant because he had no choice. Because his brother was thrashed by Indian cops and soldiers. There will be many more like him. Where there is oppression there is always a response.
Don't get cocky, Pakistani. Were you guys handing out sweets in 1971 before the reckoning?
What a silly letter. How long before this major dies a dogs death in kashmir.

Kashmiris need to start bringing IEDs and truck bombs to Delhi bombay
Indian policy regarding Kashmir is totally archaic. If people of the valley want an independent state then who are they to deny. A federation is only a union of the willing. They should hold a referendum and get done with it. Just like UK had two referendums in recent years.

That may sound like an ideal solution. But then why are there terrorists in the valley. Wani is a terrorist, there are others like him taking arms, some on the other side of the LOC trained by your own army. You may call them freedom fighters, we call them terrorists(don't want to argue about that). But, point is they have taken arms and attack the army of the land. So they will be answered in the same manner. So its quite evident these people don't want a referendum, they want a violent struggle so they will obviously get a violent reply!

As for Scotland, they joined UK in 1707, and had the first referendum some 250 yrs later!!! Forget 250, or 150 are these terrorists and the Hurriyat Conference ready for just 50 yrs of peace. No attacks from both sides and then see what a referendum says. At least that's how the 2 mature democratic countries did it in the UK.
India is trying very hard to portray the Kashmir matter as terrorism yet Kashmiris call it a fight for the freedom. Such matter cannot be dealt with force or by killing the locals as they are fighting for a cause and are not terrorists but locals that India needs to understand. The locals/owners of the land have right to rule but no occupier will live a single moment of peace til people are dedeprived of their rights.
Because his brother was thrashed by Indian cops and soldiers.
If someone becomes a terrorist just bcos he got thrashed then he has no idea how the real world works. That guy would have never got a job nor would have lead a peaceful adult life. He would have simply got into a fight for all the sundry reasons. World is not for ppl who get riled over one or two instances.
The terrorists in Valley should be dealt the same way Syrian and Iraqi terrorists are dealt with.
No quarter given, complete and utter extermination of the ideology and people who support it.
If someone becomes a terrorist just bcos he got thrashed then he has no idea how the real world works. That guy would have never got a job nor would have lead a peaceful adult life. He would have simply got into a fight for all the sundry reasons. World is not for ppl who get riled over one or two instances.

In that case 15% Indian youth's should become terrorists over day on their treatment from various state police forces. Including me. ;)
In that case 15% Indian youth's should become terrorists over day on their treatment from various state police forces. Including me. ;)
Yup, in that case bihar or UP must be teeming with terrorists by now.
A stupid dumb and idiotic letter only shows the disconnect the writer has with issues being faced in Kashmir.

Expand in detail on this.

Shame on you major. You can only write letters to people but you feel fear to face them personally. If you have courage then volunteer yourself for valley and take part in operations, i hope a bullet and a fearful death waiting for you.

Burhan was a child by using so much power against him was a coward act. Took entire regiment of 19RR with the help of police moved to face a soft target like Burhan.

Shame on you.

He is a veteran, finished his stint and done with,so be rest assured would have served there.

Entire regiment of 19RR? LOL

I have never seen all the companies of a RR unit ever in proximity let alone entire strength on a single task!!! Your highlighted sentence is mere bluster, and factually bereft of any sense or truth.

Indian policy regarding Kashmir is totally archaic. If people of the valley want an independent state then who are they to deny. A federation is only a union of the willing. They should hold a referendum and get done with it. Just like UK had two referendums in recent years. Either the valley will stay with India or else if they become independent then it will be another harmless, hermit state like Bhutan. India only gains both ways.

Go read the exhaustive discussions on why referendum has not been held till date. Concisely: Pakistan was supposed to withdraw and then India leaving some security under commission to get a referendum held. Pakistan didn't withdraw, India didn't do it due to former .... please read about it

i thought the kashmir insurgency was going on with all the families.. i dint know the kids of those waging the war were in USA. can anyone confirm that?

I don't know your roots, but few facts:

1. The majority of separatists who are in Hurriyat have children outside Kashmir. Some have in Delhi, Mumbai, Pakistan, UK or US. Their children are well settled and out of J&K.

2. The majority of business interests in Kashmir are controlled by either the politicians or the separatists. The civilian contractors used to supply the army are also similarly employed by these two groups of people.

3. The funding for Hurriyat comes both from Pakistan and from India!!! When geelani was unwell, he was given a VIP treatment in Delhi undergoing treatment at Apollo.

4. With the above facts, the only one who suffers is the common Kashmiri on the ground as both these groups have extensive business networks profiting from supporting unrest as India continues to deploy forces in Kashmir. The economy of war has enriched them.

5. Bereft of any problems in Kashmir this group shall suffer the most. Now why would they like to do that and reach peace if their source of income is from unrest?
"I would have shown you the sheer duplicity of the Hurriyat, with their sons living abroad, pursuing professions other than jihad. Name one relative of Syed Ali Geelani, the head of the Hurriyat Conference, who is fighting the so-called Indian “occupation”? His son Nayeem Geelani is a doctor in Rawalpindi, and lives under the patronage of the Pakistani ISI. Zahoor, his second son, lives in South Delhi. Mirwaiz Umar Farooq’s sister Rabia is a doctor in the US. Mariyam Andrabi, sister of head of the radical Dukhtran-e-Millat, Asiya Andrabi, along with her family lives in Malaysia. Every Kashmiri separatist leader’s daughter or son is rich and safe, outside Kashmir. Jihad is for other people’s sons."
Pakistan is not involved in it because they are busy to counter internal threat and they want to raise their relationship with India for personal benefits.
As you know Hizbul Mujahideen is indigenous movement and Burahan had his own group under Hizb. So Pakistan is not involved in all this.
Indigenous movement??? The Hq of hizbul mujahedeen is in AJK..so you are saying AJK is India's territory?

What a silly letter. How long before this major dies a dogs death in kashmir.
This major is still alive but all the dogs are dying on the streets and more will die.
Kashmiris need to start bringing IEDs and truck bombs to Delhi bombay
They can't because they will be blown up or shot in Kashmir before they go anywhere
We both are same.
One is involved in mass murders of humans and other can only watch the bloodshed.
Yes my friend.. India can only watch while innocent civilians get mass murdered by Pak army in Balochistan.. What to do?? Our hands are tied since it is the internal matter of Pakistan and we have no rights involving..

Do these militant immediate family get monthly pension after the death of their sons?
More Like AK47s for their children when their fathers fall.. Hurriyat will need some brain dead civilians to continue this shit.. They'll take out the AKs and hand it over to their children to continue, while the Seperatist leader's children are enjoying abroad.. Damn these Hurriyat swines.. If they are so inclined to the cause of independent Kashmir, then they should let their children take arms, before they preach it to the civilians in the valley..

What a silly letter. How long before this major dies a dogs death in kashmir.

Kashmiris need to start bringing IEDs and truck bombs to Delhi bombay
What a waste of forum bandwidth..?? Say something sensible enough dude..
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