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Indian army major 's open letter to burhan wani

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In that case 15% Indian youth's should become terrorists over day on their treatment from various state police forces. Including me. ;)

Yup, in that case bihar or UP must be teeming with terrorists by now.

Not just Kashmir, but there is a possibility of being manhandled or ever beaten by Police for no fault whatsoever in any part of the world.

But these wahabis can't see anything beyond religion. Their reasoning part of brain has been pacified by extremist views.
A stupid dumb and idiotic letter only shows the disconnect the writer has with issues being faced in Kashmir.
Half was through your comment I thought why are you describing you here
Ban Gaya hai Pakistan , Toot Gaya hai Hindustan!
Aur bhi totay ga hindustan , Kashmir Banay Ga Pakistan!
@Joe Shearer @MilSpec @hellfire

The TONE is cold ; Tough and professional
If any body has any doubts about Indian Army's resolve and capabilities they should read this letter
@Oscar @Windjammer @Horus @Arsalan @WAJsal @Tipu7

Please read this letter

On the contrary ; we Indians are really surprised to see that Pakistanis really BELIEVE that
we would loose our nerve one day and hand over Kashmir to you
I sure will read the letter and share my views. However i am not sure any letter or claims of resolve and chest thumping changes the facts spread over decades now. Oppression never works the way GoI wants it to work and problem will continue unless there is a major change in attitude. Sadly, if we are to have any indication from people like you (not in an offensive way) this do not seems to be happening anytime soon. As long as people will keep justifying brutality i see the dream of peace as just that, a dream!
Oppression never works the way GoI wants it to work and problem will continue unless there is a major change in attitude. Sadly, if we are to have any indication from people like you (not in an offensive way) this do not seems to be happening anytime soon.

I concede that such problems need a negotiated settlement.

However, the vehicle of change in India is the ballot. Those seeking change need to get a mandate from the people they claim to represent . Then & only then can a change come about.

If they chose the route of weapons they have to be treated in kind.
Thanks major for your letter ... LET THE CHEST THUMPING CONTINUES FROM EMEMY SIDE... WE WILL TEACH THEM LESSON THOSE WHO WILL GO AGAINST INDIA ON INDIAN SOIL....DOES NOT MATTER THERE IS 30 OR 30 LACKS.... People should keep in mind that Gandhi and Nehru is dead.... we are not going to tolerate any nuisance on Indian soil.

Ban Gaya hai Pakistan , Toot Gaya hai Hindustan!
Aur bhi totay ga hindustan , Kashmir Banay Ga Pakistan!

I concede that such problems need a negotiated settlement.

However, the vehicle of change in India is the ballot. Those seeking change need to get a mandate from the people they claim to represent . Then & only then can a change come about.

If they chose the route of weapons they have to be treated in kind.
The thing is, they do not consider themselves part of India.
So the indigenous movement has only muslims but not kashmir pandits? why is that indigenous movement when the indigenous ppl are missing.
They are very good informers thats why we want them to be missed.

Expand in detail on this.

He is a veteran, finished his stint and done with,so be rest assured would have served there.

Entire regiment of 19RR? LOL

I have never seen all the companies of a RR unit ever in proximity let alone entire strength on a single task!!! Your highlighted sentence is mere bluster, and factually bereft of any sense or truth.

Go read the exhaustive discussions on why referendum has not been held till date. Concisely: Pakistan was supposed to withdraw and then India leaving some security under commission to get a referendum held. Pakistan didn't withdraw, India didn't do it due to former .... please read about it

I don't know your roots, but few facts:

1. The majority of separatists who are in Hurriyat have children outside Kashmir. Some have in Delhi, Mumbai, Pakistan, UK or US. Their children are well settled and out of J&K.

2. The majority of business interests in Kashmir are controlled by either the politicians or the separatists. The civilian contractors used to supply the army are also similarly employed by these two groups of people.

3. The funding for Hurriyat comes both from Pakistan and from India!!! When geelani was unwell, he was given a VIP treatment in Delhi undergoing treatment at Apollo.

4. With the above facts, the only one who suffers is the common Kashmiri on the ground as both these groups have extensive business networks profiting from supporting unrest as India continues to deploy forces in Kashmir. The economy of war has enriched them.

5. Bereft of any problems in Kashmir this group shall suffer the most. Now why would they like to do that and reach peace if their source of income is from unrest?
Go and learn some military basics.
19RR is a unit of RR and the unit can be called as regiment and battalion. :tdown:
They then need to leave the country & seek asylum elsewhere or move to Pak Occupied Kashmir & live happily ever after.

Kashmir is their homeland , you indians dont belong there and Kashmir does not belong in India , Period!
A very arrogant and conceited letter detailing the Indian belief that after occupying, killing raping and maining they are in the right. Burhan turned into a militant because he had no choice. Because his brother was thrashed by Indian cops and soldiers. There will be many more like him. Where there is oppression there is always a response.
Why was hi Brother thrashed , because he was a pelter.
Kashmir is their homeland , you indians dont belong there and Kashmir does not belong in India , Period!

Come back with another post, have got tired of reading the same thing again & again as I am suggesting a win - win for all.

They move to Pakistan Occupied Kashmir , that way they stay in their ' homeland ' .

They get rid of ' troubles' from Indian Govt , live in Kashmir & every one is happy.
Indigenous movement??? The Hq of hizbul mujahedeen is in AJK..so you are saying AJK is India's territory?

This major is still alive but all the dogs are dying on the streets and more will die.

They can't because they will be blown up or shot in Kashmir before they go anywhere
AJK is a liberated part of J&K and it was liberated to get occupied part. So if you concentrate on what i am saying the conclusion would be the same what i said before.
Kashmir is their homeland , you indians dont belong there and Kashmir does not belong in India , Period!
Out of 70 years of independent India about 50 years India had PM of Kashmiri origin. So bigger of
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