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Indian army major 's open letter to burhan wani

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Pakistan is not involved in it because they are busy to counter internal threat and they want to raise their relationship with India for personal benefits.
As you know Hizbul Mujahideen is indigenous movement and Burahan had his own group under Hizb. So Pakistan is not involved in all this.
May be not directly may be not now, but state sponsored proxies who were funded and armed heavily in the past is still actively involved.. Am I wrong??
May be not directly may be not now, but state sponsored proxies who were funded and armed heavily in the past is still actively involved.. Am I wrong??
They are not involved if you want to drag them in by force than what can i do.
Trust me Pakistani nation is busy to enjoy their lives and they don't care lost of lives across border.
Dead nation. :)
No you are insane and your post is just like a stupid letter of your retired major.
If he was a veteran and involved in operations than what was his achievements? Militancy is as it is but taking strength day by day. Yes if he was on front line he should have killed many Burhans of his time. But what was his achievement? First he was on front know he is writing a letter.Why?
Burhan was a child you forced him to pick gun against your oppression and illegal occupation. That is the summary of whole story.
Why do you need his achievements? If he has killed thousands in war then he is great and if he did not kill anyone but made strategies for the operations then his letter is useless. What an absurd argument!

Burhan was not child, unless 22 year old is a kid according to you and drink milk from bottle, He was funded by ISI and operated by Hizb ul Mujahideen so You are more responsible for his death than us.Period!
Why do you need his achievements? If he has killed thousands in war then he is great and if he did not kill anyone but made strategies for the operations then his letter is useless. What an absurd argument!

Burhan was not child, unless 22 year old is a kid according to you and drink milk from bottle, He was funded by ISI and operated by Hizb ul Mujahideen so You are more responsible for his death than us.Period!
Yes i want his achievements. According to you he was a black Op of his time but can only kill innocent unarmed civilians.
He may have contributed to crush movement in Kashmir. Is it crushed or becoming strong answer me?
A letter don't suit a soldier but his courage to fight on front line.
Burhan was 15 year old when he become a member of resistance movement, resistance against oppression and miss use of force. Who told you that ISI fund Hizbul mujahideen operatives? you are blaming world most renowned intelligence agency who can only sit and watch the blood shed of their muslim brothers across border.
You forced him to pick gun and avenge the death of his elder brother who was unarmed, so you are responsible to it. Shame on you.
They are not involved if you want to drag them in by force than what can i do.
Trust me Pakistani nation is busy to enjoy their lives and they don't care lost of lives across border.
Dead nation. :)
Dead Nation?? when you say India is dead while comparing it with Pakistan, then what is Pakistan?? The land of Living dead? like a Zombie land or something???
Dead Nation?? when you say India is dead while comparing it with Pakistan, then what is Pakistan?? The land of Living dead? like a Zombie land or something???
We both are same.
One is involved in mass murders of humans and other can only watch the bloodshed.
Then brace for More Mombai type attacks.....
This time there will be no need for using any sea boat.
Enough "Burhan" in Kashmir will be willing to do that.....
Good luck with "Indian army will kill you crap"

We are no longer interested in taking back Kashmir or Siachin by force ......
There are other suitable ways which will offer better results ......
Will love to test that Indian Muslims are More Muslims or Indian.......
@SpArK @MilSpec @nair @waz
Can you please look into this brazen support for terrorism.
Do these militant immediate family get monthly pension after the death of their sons?
Yes i want his achievements. According to you he was a black Op of his time but can only kill innocent unarmed civilians.
He may have contributed to crush movement in Kashmir. Is it crushed or becoming strong answer me?
A letter don't suit a soldier but his courage to fight on front line.
Burhan was 15 year old when he become a member of resistance movement, resistance against oppression and miss use of force. Who told you that ISI fund Hizbul mujahideen operatives? you are blaming world most renowned intelligence agency who can only sit and watch the blood shed of their muslim brothers across border.
You forced him to pick gun and avenge the death of his elder brother who was unarmed, so you are responsible to it. Shame on you.
Highlighted points shows your maturity. Ignored!
Unimpressive rants don't mean anything to those who would believe in fighting for their rights. As for the 'Indian lion army' to major saab apni galli me choha bhi sher hota hai....
Burhan Wani was a terrorist and was treated like one. What’s been happening ever since his death is a display of sad state of affairs in Kashmir. While the population stands divided on the Burhan Wani’s death, an Indian Army veteran, Major Gaurav Arya has penned down an open letter directed at Wani. If rightly put, that letter in every way settles the debate on Wani’s death and states a clear warning to the terrorists who want to ‘take’ Kashmir from India.

[emoji767] BCCL

Here, read it.

Open Letter To Burhan Wani

Dear Departed,

Ever since you were terminated in a forces-led operation in the Valley, 23 people have died. I don’t know why they died. The majority were possibly overcome with grief and fury and wanted to avenge your death. That did not happen, for obvious reasons. A policeman was thrown along with his vehicle into a river and he drowned. I grieve with your family and with the families of all those who lost their lives. Despicable though you may have been, I cannot find it in my heart to blame your family.

You could have been an engineer, a doctor, an archeologist or a software programmer but your fate drew you to the seductive world of social media, with its instant celebrity hood and all encompassing fame. You posted pictures on the internet with your “brothers”, all you fine young Rambos holding assault rifles and radio sets. It was right out of Hollywood. Your rifle’s fire selector switch was set to “safe” and your weapon rested on your shoulder. I know it’s too late to advise you on such matters, but NEVER do that in an operational area.

The day you started with your social media blitzkrieg, you were a dead man. You encouraged young men of Kashmir to kill Indian soldiers, all from behind the safety of your Facebook account. Your female fan following was delirious. You were a social media rage. Unknown to you, there was probably some nerd with a laptop sitting in HQ XV Corps, tracking you 24/7. You died when you were 22. Had you survived this operation, you would have died when you were 23. Just a different date on the calendar, that’s all. The intensity of violence and the result would have been the same.

I wish we had met and I could have explained to you (before killing you) that the old men of the Hurriyat Conference are like leech. They feed on the blood of men. They send young Kashmiris to face the Indian Army. What sort of a war is this, where lambs are sent to fight lions?

I would have shown you the sheer duplicity of the Hurriyat, with their sons living abroad, pursuing professions other than jihad. Name one relative of Syed Ali Geelani, the head of the Hurriyat Conference, who is fighting the so-called Indian “occupation”? His son Nayeem Geelani is a doctor in Rawalpindi, and lives under the patronage of the Pakistani ISI. Zahoor, his second son, lives in South Delhi. Mirwaiz Umar Farooq’s sister Rabia is a doctor in the US. Mariyam Andrabi, sister of head of the radical Dukhtran-e-Millat, Asiya Andrabi, along with her family lives in Malaysia. Every Kashmiri separatist leader’s daughter or son is rich and safe, outside Kashmir. Jihad is for other people’s sons.

And your parent’s son is dead. Dead from a 7.62 mm full metal jacket round to the head.

Kashmir’s young and restless blame the security forces for killing them. But they never question the Hurriyat. No one asks Syed Ali Geelani why Burhan Wani is not from his family.

Pakistani media was ecstatic when Kashmiris celebrated Eid this year along with Pakistan and not with the rest of India. This was reported as a blow to the unity of India. This is the first time in the 1400 year history of Islam that Eid was declared, not by witnessing the Shawwal moon, but by looking towards Pakistan. Well done.

The Hurriyat has nothing to do with Kashmiris. This unrest, this bloodshed is just another business. If not, I would like to see the list of martyrs from the Hurriyat leadership’s families.

The Hurriyat knows too well that Kashmir has fallen off the map of the world’s attention. No one cares and everyone knows that it is an artificially manufactured conflict. The Kashmir dispute exists because it is an inexpensive way for Pakistan to keep Indian forces bogged down in the valley.

You were a terrorist. You chose to wage war against India. Like for all other such perpetrators in the past, it didn’t go too well for you. When you choose to fight against the Indian Army, know this; THEY WILL KILL YOU.

Your supporters now want blood. So be it.


Major Gaurav Arya (Veteran)
Same old way to suppress Kashmir movement and to divide them and after death of wani letter was written if this major is so brave then he should write this letter in front him and before his death
Burhan was a hero if he was a doctor or engineer no one had known him but today he is role model of every kashmiri and every kashmiri is urging to be like him
I must say there had to be a peaceful solution but that moment is not seem to be coming, not in the near future may be.
As you know Hizbul Mujahideen is indigenous movement and Burahan had his own group under Hizb. So Pakistan is not involved in all this.
So the indigenous movement has only muslims but not kashmir pandits? why is that indigenous movement when the indigenous ppl are missing.
this letter is toilet paper for wiping

Kashmir is only artificially part of india
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