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Indian army major 's open letter to burhan wani

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They then need to leave the country & seek asylum elsewhere or move to Pak Occupied Kashmir & live happily ever after.
lolz, have that worked over all those years?
and that is my point. :)
Yes my friend.. India can only watch while innocent civilians get mass murdered by Pak army in Balochistan.. What to do?? Our hands are tied since it is the internal matter of Pakistan and we have no rights involving..

More Like AK47s for their children when their fathers fall.. Hurriyat will need some brain dead civilians to continue this shit.. They'll take out the AKs and hand it over to their children to continue, while the Seperatist leader's children are enjoying abroad.. Damn these Hurriyat swines.. If they are so inclined to the cause of independent Kashmir, then they should let their children take arms, before they preach it to the civilians in the valley..

What a waste of forum bandwidth..?? Say something sensible enough dude..
Now you are sharing non sense and you are trying to compare Kashmir militancy with Baluchistan insurgency.
They are very good informers thats why we want them to be missed.
diplomatic way of saying genocide or forced exodus. Well cant discuss with some one who proposes violence.
lolz, have that worked over all those years?
and that is my point. :)

They havent tried it yet so how can they tell.. they must give it a shot !!:-)

Muzaffarabad must be a good place they will like it there or move North to Gilgit..
diplomatic way of saying genocide or forced exodus. Well cant discuss with some one who proposes violence.
We both opposed Mahraja of Kashmir once, now they are close assets of Maharajas ancestors which is completely un acceptable.
Yes you sent 50 best of them and others cordon the area because they are not confident on their best men who can let the target run easily. Level of professionalism.

If local villagers can form human shield to save Burhan that means they love him and can give their lives to save their hero.

I praised Burhan's courage because he dare to threat a regional power he is not like other Kashmiri youngsters who are living a life under oppression.
He was a soft target and you are celebrating his death like you conquered a country. Shame on you.

Do Pakistani SSG operator engage in one to one battle with talibans? This is not Game of Thrones!
Do Pakistani SSG operator engage in one to one battle with talibans? This is not Game of Thrones!
SSG lolz. SSG is the final option.
At least we don't send entire battalion to capture three poorly armed militants our police force is enough to tackle these situation.
SSG lolz. SSG is the final option.
At least we don't send entire battalion to capture three poorly armed militants our police force is enough to tackle these situation.

Yeah you guys just carpet bomb whole villages and towns from the air :lol:

Indian Army should have sent just one soldier and challenged Burhan Wani to death by combat!
Yeah you guys just carpet bomb whole villages and towns from the air :lol:

Indian Army should have sent just one soldier and challenged Burhan Wani to death by combat!
We both have different threats and different enemy.
At least our soldiers don't write letters to enemy, we bomb them. So simple.
We both have different threats and different enemy.
At least our soldiers don't write letters to enemy, we bomb them. So simple.

But where is the bravery in that? :cheesy:

As for the letter, forget your soldiers, your army chief does open letters, and uses the airforce to airdrop them!

That was the letters for our friends not for enemies. :tdown:

So is the letter in the OP. Although addressed to Burhan (he is dead, he can't read!), the letter is meant for the youth of Kashmir to not choose the wrong path. Its to show the hypocrisy and of the Hurriyat leaders.

Kashmiris are Indians remember, we would very much like them to drop their weapons and come back to the mainstream. If 200 Million Muslims can call India their home, there is no reason why 7 more million Kashmiri Muslims can't :tup:
lolz, have that worked over all those years?
and that is my point. :)
Remember India has never disturbed the population of kashmir inspite of pandits being hounded out. India did not do a la tibet like china. India still has article 370 which imposes stringent restrictions on outsiders.
There are differences but that has to be solved only through ballots not bullets. Gilani,lone,...so called hurriyat are still alive and running amok. India has not harmed them.

Coming to your point kashmir & its heritage does not belong to few ppl living in kashmir it belongs to entire country. It more belongs to kashmiri pandits who were hounded out.
Just bcos a few ppl want to usurp the power through violence does not mean India will give into it. There are have been historical wrongs & rights but looking at it through through the prism of few ppl will only further the injustice but not solve it. It will simply be an enactment of partition.
Remember India has never disturbed the population of kashmir inspite of pandits being hounded out. India did not do a la tibet like china. India still has article 370 which imposes stringent restrictions on outsiders.
There are differences but that has to be solved only through ballots not bullets. Gilani,lone,...so called hurriyat are still alive and running amok. India has not harmed them.

Coming to your point kashmir & its heritage does not belong to few ppl living in kashmir it belongs to entire country. It more belongs to kashmiri pandits who were hounded out.
Just bcos a few ppl want to usurp the power through violence does not mean India will give into it. There are have been historical wrongs & rights but looking at it through through the prism of few ppl will only further the injustice but not solve it. It will simply be an enactment of partition.
So then what? You propose continued use of violence and believe it will get you anywhere?

I wont comment on carious other points i do not agree with, have done on quite a few occasions in last few days so what is the point repeating it. Just will like to have your views on the question if you may.
That was the letters for our friends not for enemies. :tdown:
It is not a letter for frnds or enemies. Its a letter of introspection for each of the well meaning & right thinking person. That letter holds good not only for ppl in kashmir but also for other misguided elements like foot soldiers of taliban or ppl indulging in mindless bloodshed any where.
If you see every thing with single pre determined result in mind ,you will be missing the wood for the trees.
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