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Indian Army is mobilizing tanks and troops along the internationl boundary with Pakistan-OSINT


India has a very capable air force---. Paf has shown their potent secrets in a useless skirmish---.

Young pakistani kids are strutting around as if the Paf has won the war---.

It has not---it was just a small skirmish and not even a battle---.

Pakistani boys should not brag too much---.

Paf is all alone in this right now---.

India has all the backing of the christian world air force brains and the jewish air force brains behind it to tackle the pak air force---.
Soon this thread will be closed so don't worry

see post number #2
Arya is the father of indian fake news and tweet is old
Seems more like election mobilization, since it’s extremely easy to manipulate the Indian masses. They don’t even have the capability to question the veracity of claims but be sheep.

Eitherways, another bloody nose to India wouldn’t be so bad in the history books.

India is not going to have war people. Do you think India is going to start a war without having a capable air force. We all saw the current status of Indian Air force and if they start a ground movement then Pakistan will eat them from Air and ground. Only an idiot would start and lose a war in this state of Indian air force. Sorry to say but this movement is only being done to feed the domestic Indian public for elections and nothing more.

It would be unwise to think that all air engagements between India and Pakistan will have Pakistan come on top.

We shouldn't let that victory get to our head. The Indians aren't complete bafoons and do possess many advantages.

Arrogance can lead to serious miscalculations.


India has a very capable air force---. Paf has shown their potent secrets in a useless skirmish---.

Young pakistani kids are strutting around as if the Paf has won the war---.

It has not---it was just a small skirmish and not even a battle---.

Pakistani boys should not brag too much---.

Paf is all alone in this right now---.

India has all the backing of the christian world air force brains and the jewish air force brains behind it to tackle the pak air force---.

True. The action on 27th would just give Indians the required wake up call. Now they'll cut the red tapism, stop screwing around regarding Rafales and go on a spending spree for their Air force. Overall the situation will become more dangerous for Pak.

India has a very capable air force---. Paf has shown their potent secrets in a useless skirmish---.

Young pakistani kids are strutting around as if the Paf has won the war---.

It has not---it was just a small skirmish and not even a battle---.

Pakistani boys should not brag too much---.

Paf is all alone in this right now---.

India has all the backing of the christian world air force brains and the jewish air force brains behind it to tackle the pak air force---.


Sorry to say no offense but you are bit wrong here.

PAF just did a bombing run which PAF had done many times before in war on terror but because it was just war on terror and people never realized it. Regarding Air to Air we just showed India that our Air force is more capable. If you think young boys don't have any thing to celebrate then my friend you are very much wrong. This is the first dog fight any one has witnessed is decade and it shows PAF is more dominant air force than IAF.

Regarding that PAF is all alone in that case you are again wrong my friend. If an all-out war breaks it will be india which will be all alone. No nation will throw it's neck along India and opt for a nuclear winter.

In the current terms there are no clouds of war. At max one can only expect some mischief from Indian side. There is no war coming IAF is a sad case. More than 50% of their su30mki are not flight worthy and rest of their Air force is outdated PAF has both technological and experience advantage here. Any ground based adventure will be a grave mistake for India.
Guys for days I argued with some people here that Pakistan should have hit India very hard on 27th Feb to deter them from any adventurism.
Those who were arguing that it would have started the war. Yes, it would have, but the war is going to start soon anyway.
What is a better time to start a war, when your enemy is not prepared or when he came to the border well prepared to have wider war!!
Here is your answer.
If we killed Bipin that day, taken out the Brigade HQ, destroyed battalion HQ and ammu dump that would have deter India.
India tested Pakistan's resolve. It got answer back, but not decisive one.
Now India thinks it can fight a limited war with Pakistan without Nuclear ramifications.
That's what the Indians were testing. Pakistan has given them the opportunity with their weak responses
on 26th and 27th Feb. Both responses should have be decisive.
@MastanKhan what PAF did to IAF is still a mystery to the world and will remain so. Actual info will never be released. Regarding limited war or full swing war then let me tell you Indian cold start doctrine can be stopped with conventional force and we have this capability since 2005.
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