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Indian Army Chief threatens Pakistan with more so-called strikes

All this talk about what Pakistan is going to do to the Indian Army, the Indian Air Force , the Indian Navy......
I mean , is this aggressive talk and bravado all based on Feb 27th. ? That's it? One day ?
All this talk about what Pakistan is going to do to the Indian Army, the Indian Air Force , the Indian Navy......
I mean , is this aggressive talk and bravado all based on Feb 27th. ? That's it? One day ?

no its based on our 70 years history between two countries
These guys talk too much and do very little

If you want to do something then do it instead of ranting about it daily

Can you imagine anything than the drafted script of bravado and feel good. Interestingly, extremist nationalism is taking the toll and they are now boxed having no other option but have to follow the same order of threats & warmongering. They do have grieving domestic audience to whom, they showed a lot of dreams of superiority and ruling over the region and then the world.

The thing is, they will in-fact do something silly which may trigger the regional destruction but on other hand; even if they don't does, we will have to face the non stop filth of lies & propaganda by Indian Media. This is more worrisome in parallel to what worse could happen in the region.
Barking dogs seldom bite. Hopefully this time, they don’t end up shooting down their own helicopters off the air again.

Pakistan has put these raving Hindu nationalists in their pathetic places. Reduced to issuing empty and insane threats from the comforts of their offices. They know the steep price of any misadventure. These statements for domestic audiences used to Bollywood type fantasies. In fact, I suggest moderators to create a fantasy thread and place these types of statements there.
Barking dogs seldom bite. Hopefully this time, they don’t end up shooting down their own helicopters off the air again.

Pakistan has put these raving Hindu nationalists in their pathetic places. Reduced to issuing empty and insane threats from the comforts of their offices. They know the steep price of any misadventure. These statements for domestic audiences used to Bollywood type fantasies. In fact, I suggest moderators to create a fantasy thread and place these types of statements there.
and yet they occupied and annexed kashmir with force
and yet they occupied and annexed kashmir with force

They have occupied Kashmir during 1948 when Pakistan was a a year old. Even then Pakistan captured 1/3rd of Kashmir. India and China control the rest. India hasn’t gained any territory since then. Speaks of Pakistan’s successful ability to checkmate an enemy 10x bigger.
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