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Indian Army Chief threatens Pakistan with more so-called strikes

Actually isn't this exactly what Pakistan wants India to do, so that they can use this as a cover to move into Kashmir
All jokes aside, they're now getting 36 Rafales, which pose a serious threat.
"Your secrets are your prisoners. When you let them out you become their prisoners" - Hazret-i Ali (RA)

I beg to differ!!! The most modern aircrafts' principal strength lies in EW suits, radars etc. Now, at the heart of these things are the very specialized semiconductor devices, antenna systems, algorithms etc. These are the reflection of their "problem solving" mindset. They keep the best custom-built ones for themselves and sell the "standard" ones to the third party customers. It's a matter of national survival. For OEMs know once at the hand of third parties any violations are possible. For example, S-400 type systems record all the signal patters and characteristics in their vicinity. Hence, the USA doesn't want F-35s near them. And, it has made Pak's job easier to counter Rafaels in the EW domain. During 02-26/27 Pak let some her "lesser prisoners" out, and folks understood it first hand they are of the "Alcatraz*" class....

*Alcatraz was an island prison in the San Francisco Bay to hold the most notoriously intelligent and cunning criminals like Al Capone
India has always been saying and using the word "Terror Camps" in Pakistan and too many times now that the world has adsorbed it as the truth.
Like the phrase - "If you tell a lie enough number of times, it'll become the truth".
Pakistan should also keep calling and using the term RSS Terrorists at all international level. And keep repeating and repeating it until the world absorbs it.

Yea, war now is a matter of when not if it will happen. Pak should up the ante and let the world know the truth about RSS fascism built on top of a filthy caste system which keeps over 1/2 of the population (Dalits and minorities) as 3rd class citizens in a 3rd world s*hole.

If Pak wants to own the escalation ladder in the upcoming war, she should keep the pressure on and continue to remind the world the evil we are up against. We need to keep sending the message that when there is a war, Pak will escalate conflict beyond the nuclear threshold and send rapistan to hell.

All of the work at world capitals and the UN will not gone to waste. We need to be ramp up the exposure even more because a war, IMO, is coming. Evil needs to be exposed to it can be wiped out.
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In the meantime, Pakistani Troops land in KSA to address Kingdoms security concerns.

China,turkey and the opposition leaders of USA are not powerful enough for you bhartis??
China was always expected to take Pakistan's side but they still couldn't manage to get a statement out in UNSC.

As far as Turkey is concerned, India won't lose sleep over it.

Opposition can talk, but it's the government in power that counts for US. India has shown be it Democrats or Republicans currently, our ties are in an upswing, courtesy our role as their defence buyer and their need to counter to China in Asia.
Right, war for India makes zero sense. But the war calls will continue till the current situation becomes status quo.

As far as India is concerned. They did well diplomatically. No powerful country came to denounce India's action. Internationalisation of Kashmir was bound to happen with what India did but having no major country calling out India's action despite an emergency unsc hearing is a win.

Also Kashmir is under process of integration. Government wants to open it to private sector to speed up investments and growth, so having war will not exactly help that.

The rhetoric about Pak Administered Kashmir and Aksai Chin makes perfect business sense. When you negotiate you always ask for more than what you really want. India won't make advances on ground but will raise the issue.

As far as Pakistan is concerned. They also won't want a war. You can take the win that IK internationalised the issue but will have to eventually accept the new status quo or because other option is going to war to liberate Indian Administered Kashmir.

For Pakistan it is about it's economy or getting Kashmir. It's Pakistan's war to start to be honest.

For India who are currently struggling to revive the falling economy, war will he the last thing on the mind.
Yes war isn't a sane option . Hope sanity prevails .
I can only wish that they act on there threat, like really really wish so much, because our abysmal situation does not allow us to go first and attack, we have become too passive, a reactive force.
Then, it should have been shared like a viral picture.
No no they are saying that the surrender of coalition forces to houthi's is Pakitans fault because they train them. Their target is Raheel Sharif. Idiots doesn't know that the coalition he is commanding isn't even operational yet.
No sign of war anywhere. Secondly I don't think Indians would want war . Do you think there any reason for them to attack Pakistan .

People like us was thinking exactly in your way after pulwama and balakot happened.now it's a reality.why we always think that they can't go for a war? They can.
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