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This has no real bearing on military training, for which the Saudis actually pay Pakistan, but being an Indian I can see you like adding anything unrelated to an argument,.
Being a Pakistan as always you missed the point
I will dumb it down to you
Despite decades of military ties and all the Saudi grads from Pakistani military institutions, the Saudis came at Pakistan like loan sharks .This shows how much Saudis value the military ties with Pakistan.

The Pakistanis showing off military ties with Saudi on this thread are a reflection of inferiority complex mindset some Pakistanis have towards Saudis and how much they seek self-validation on Saudi ties
Being a Pakistan as always you missed the point
I will dumb it down to you
Despite decades of military ties and all the Saudi grads from Pakistani military institutions, the Saudis came at Pakistan like loan sharks .This shows how much Saudis value the military ties with Pakistan.

The Pakistanis showing off military ties with Saudi on this thread are a reflection of inferiority complex mindset some Pakistanis have towards Saudis and how much they seek self-validation on Saudi ties

Pakistani training of Saudi military goes back 40 years. The Saudis and much of the GCC place a high value on it. Nothing to do with mindset, but let me dumb it down for you, this coperation went on before and during recent strains in the relationship and is ongoing and will continue. It is practically independent of the current Gov to Gov ups and downs.

As an Indian hope that is good enough for you, also reporting your post for insults
Pakistani training of Saudi military goes back 40 years. The Saudis and much of the GCC place a high value on it. Nothing to do with mindset, but let me dumb it down for you, this coperation went on before and during recent strains in the relationship and is ongoing and will continue. It is practically independent of the current Gov to Gov ups and downs.

As an Indian hope that is good enough for you, also reporting your post for insults
You must understand that PDF is the first contact with any civilisation for these creatures, their own forums are nothing more than echo chambers and a case of blind leading blind.....slumdog street is just full of strays some of them end up crawling here, desperate to have a voice but then being Indians they often tend to crawl of their thick skin.
Ohh please! They are pursuing new foreign policy by considering whole world as humanity and not having relations limted with Muslim world. Hence they have their strategic Interests with India, Israel and NATO.
Only a few corrupt monarchs and their lineage have this view, they have sold their country for colonisation to keep their seats.
It’s true that Pakistan is getting out of Arab slavery and now focusing on its own foreign policy instead of blindly following Saudi Arabia and United States.

Saudis are obviously not happy with Imran Khan’s government for not recognizing Israel, developing close ties with Turkey, neutral ties with Iran and not supporting them with Yemen war.

Saudi leadership is arrogant. They thought they can push, scared and persuade Imran Khan. IK held his ground and returned the loan with the help of China.

Correct me if I am wrong.....Saudi have requested Bangladeshi army to support them with Yemen war and have some Bengladeshi solders station in Saudi Arabia.

Saudis army and Air forces can’t survive 2 days war without the help of external source (USA and other countries). Let’s see what they can do with Indians.
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It’s true that Pakistan is getting out of Arab slavery and now focusing on its own foreign policy instead of blindly following Saudi Arabia and United States.

Saudis are obviously not happy with Imran Khan’s government for not recognizing Israel, developing close ties with Turkey, neutral ties with Iran and not supporting them with Yemen war.
Saudi leadership is arrogant and think they can push people around. IK held his ground andreturned the loan with the help of China.

Correct me if I am wrong.....Saudi have requested Bangladeshi army to support them with Yemen war and have some Bengladeshi solders station in Saudi Arabia.

Saudis army and Air forces can’t survive 2 days war without the help of external source (USA and other countries). Let’s see what they can do with Indians.

Saudis want Pakistanis to be their slave race. That is what they REALLY think of us. The minute we showed them that we are not prepared to be their slaves, they turned on us. We need to seriously get away from them and the other Arabs. Pakistan's future lies with our relationship with China and to a lesser extent Turkey too.
Pakistani training of Saudi military goes back 40 years. The Saudis and much of the GCC place a high value on it. Nothing to do with mindset, but let me dumb it down for you, this coperation went on before and during recent strains in the relationship and is ongoing and will continue. It is practically independent of the current Gov to Gov ups and downs.

As an Indian hope that is good enough for you, also reporting your post for insults

The reality is that the relationship and ties between Saudi Arabia and Pakistan is coming to a close. The Saudis can't help us in anything and we can't help them in anything too. End of. Pakistan needs to increase and boost our relations with Iran.
Saudis want Pakistanis to be their slave race. That is what they REALLY think of us. The minute we showed them that we are not prepared to be their slaves, they turned on us. We need to seriously get away from them and the other Arabs. Pakistan's future lies with our relationship with China and to a lesser extent Turkey too.

The reality is that the relationship and ties between Saudi Arabia and Pakistan is coming to a close. The Saudis can't help us in anything and we can't help them in anything too. End of. Pakistan needs to increase and boost our relations with Iran.

There is no doubt our future is with close relationship with China, Turkey, Iran (for the trade route), and central Asian countries.

let’s hope Afghanistan’s situation improves so we can build road and train routes to Central Asian countries to improve our trade. I believe China can play a much bigger role to stabilize Afghanistan.
Now Saudi Forces train Indian soliders... what a pity time comes for India...
There is no doubt our future is with close relationship with China, Turkey, Iran (for the trade route), and central Asian countries.

let’s hope Afghanistan’s situation improves so we can build road and train routes to Central Asian countries to improve our trade. I believe China can play a much bigger role to stabilize Afghanistan.

Thanks for the reminder. Very true. We need to mend our relations with Afghanistan too. With it looking more and more likely that the americans will leave Afghanistan in the near future, improving relations with Afghanistan should become easier.
Now Saudi Forces train Indian soliders... what a pity time comes for India...

It’s a pretty high times for India. Their analysts are over joyed that now they can train with Saudis who got trained by Pakistani.
their days is not complete until they spread lies and fake news about Pakistani especially the manhoos ganja.
INSHALLAH the Yemenese Houthis will crush the satanic kuffar forces murdering innocent Yemenese civilians.................................:devil::devil::devil::devil::devil:...................HOUTHIS Zindabadddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saudi and Pak ties have changed and will most probably not return to the same as it was in the decade prior. There is a shift going on in Saudi Arabia and their policies and Pakistan is reacting to it by shifting theirs accordingly, the recent 'strain' was a sign of frustrations of the new policies coming head to head and i think we may see more distancing or at least a different attitude between the Saudis and Pakistan.
Just look at the recent Egyptian visit, Pakistan is starting to thaw ties with Egypt and restart/start major interactions with them. Reportedly there will be a joint drill with them in the Summer along with high level consultations.
You must understand that PDF is the first contact with any civilisation for these creatures, their own forums are nothing more than echo chambers and a case of blind leading blind.....slumdog street is just full of strays some of them end up crawling here, desperate to have a voice but then being Indians they often tend to crawl of their thick skin.
Me and you share the same passion!
Saudi and indian relations are not pak centric .
too much insecurity in here.

India will welcome Saudi investment in India though
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